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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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lana just doesn't have the range huh :thumb:

I just can't see their musical worlds colliding nicely tbh

Billie is very current edgy indie girl voice teenage bop pop

Lana is very mature melodramatic eerie tranquil sadcore soft rock

It'd just end up making a sonic black hole of music I wouldn't necessarily enjoy



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I'm late 2 the party but would like to say I think there's a big difference between attending a local church and attending a megachurch like Hillsong which is basically a corporation. This is a church group that has highly conservative values and vast political influence because of all the fucking money is gets from rich celebs. I honestly think the outrage should extend beyond homophobic values, Hillsong is a corrupt institution that benefits and protects the rich and powerful at the expense of the vulnerable. People in my life have been fucked up by Hillsong (it started in Australia). Churches might be evil, but megachurches are next level af.


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I’m not religious at all so forgive me if I fuck up here.


She’s supposed to be Catholic but isn’t Hillsong an Evangelical Chruch? One that has a nasty gay hating far right point of view...


It honestly has made me wonder if Lana has actually played us for fools tbh that or even worse she’s just plain ignorant and can’t be arsed to do some basic research online.


I know we all like to think Lana has no idea and it was just a “visit” but Idk something feels off. Let’s see how this situation unfolds :creep:


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Hi everyone! I know this has been the most active thread on the forum lately, so I'd like to post here to have all of you take a minute to read this thread and hopefully respond where you can. It's about ideas for site changes for 2019. I can't wait to read your thoughts & see what we can do :kiss:


2019 Update


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I feel like everyone's forgetting that Lana was a philosophy major in college. She's clearly done some reading about existentialism and I would sooner believe that she was at Hillsong just to see the spectacle than she was to actually worship. Keep in mind that she owns a copy of Anton LaVey's "The Satanic Witch", a book whose major purpose is to critique modern religion. She's not dumb.

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I’m not religious at all so forgive me if I fuck up here.


She’s supposed to be Catholic but isn’t Hillsong an Evangelical Chruch? One that has a nasty gay hating far right point of view...


It honestly has made me wonder if Lana has actually played us for fools tbh that or even worse she’s just plain ignorant and can’t be arsed to do some basic research online.


I know we all like to think Lana has no idea and it was just a “visit” but Idk something feels off. Let’s see how this situation unfolds :creep:

she is very ignorant i think that’s an established fact by now lmao

there’s been many instances where that got pretty clear, let’s just say her mind works in mysterious ways...




anyway ppl already started saying she attends this church as if she was a regular there so yeah a smart pr move would be never being seen again around any of them and whelp if she does ..


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I feel like everyone's forgetting that Lana was a philosophy major in college. She's clearly done some reading about existentialism and I would sooner believe that she was at Hillsong just to see the spectacle than she was to actually worship. Keep in mind that she owns a copy of Anton LaVey's "The Satanic Witch", a book whose major purpose is to critique modern religion. She's not dumb.

well said I agree! People are reading into this too much.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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well said I agree! People are reading into this too much.

ofc they are but that doesn’t matter that’s how our current society works. people’s careers have literally ended over 8 yr old tweets before and here she is being seen at a church like that, no one cares if she went there once or not if this gets israel amount of clout than she’s over. she can’t just keep on fucking up like that and expect to be fine after all of it.


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it’s kinda irrelevant what she studied over 15 yrs ago, no one is saying lana is stupid on an intellectual level, she just had a witch thing going on less than 5 yrs ago but none of these things excuse her from going to a homophobic mega church especially as a celebrity.

she’s a public figure she needs to be careful about what she says and does, considering she was all about “look at all the horrible things happening in politics”, hippy-love feminism and worldpeace just over 2 years ago makes all of this even more stupid and insensitive.

saying “fuck trump and his supporters!! idc if i lose fans i need to make a stand against him let’s hex him!!!” and then going to a church like that.. the mental gymnastics she does sometimes...



Going to a church =/= supporting a church financially


It's the financial support that people take umbrage with (as they should). We don't know if she gave them any money. If she did, that's fucked up and I will lose respect for her, but that's too much to assume, just seeing a photo of her exiting. Lots of people go to churches just to sample them or see what they're like. I know plenty of people who've just dipped in at various churches for a single mass, then never darkened the door again. You're reading far too much into this.

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Omg why are you guys so overdramatic? HABAHAHA I just laughed so hard scrolling through these pages xD we straight guys wishing to be that fun though

Pd: just imagine if someday we manage to meet IRL or something, that would be film worthy xaxaxa

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Maybe she's shooting a video there...

Maybe her quest to happiness started with Lust For Life (who doesn't love life more than good ole religious people) which brought her to her current state AKA Hope, and now she's diving into religion because it's giving her a sense of meaning and helping her cope with the questions in which no one has answers for?? Also ties into her drug/alcohol abuse problem. I have a couple born again friends who are ex druggies and they found that they were lost till they joined these big cult like following religions. I mean, for me personally that's scary and I wouldn't want to throw my life away to something we know nothing about, I mean the simulation theory or the pasta fucking monster is just as plausible as there being someone in the sky looking out for us who made us out of boredom, but it truly does help some people :sadcore2: This way you don't have to ask about any of life's questions because there's a little constructed ribbon wrapped answer for everything. I mean if diving into a religion helps her become happy I guess that's cool! Everyone has their own thing. Some people eat too much, some people smoke, some pray everyday. It just sucks that out of all churches she chose that one :sadcore: I'm assuming one of her dumb hollywood friends referred her to there and little miss naive Lana didn't google anything and just showed up as usual. I mean this is the same girl who was gonna perform in Israel depsite the mass genocide of Palestinians going on currently. She's not dumb, she's just ignorant. Which might be worse....  :toofunny: but let's just see how this plays out first tbh


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