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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I honestly can't imagine how an Elizabeth/Taylor see what I did there collab would sound. 


I've been tearing around in my fucking nightgown
24/7 ME!
Writing in blood on the wall

because spelling is fun!

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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But honestly, who cares if she doesn't promote her music? She doesn't need to, and she doesn't have to. Promotion is only good for streams, and I think she doesn't give a duck anymore


Btw, people are speculating she has a collab with Taylor Swift for TS7. Idk if it could be possible but someone on Tumblr said she collaborated with a big charting artist recently, and Taylor finished recording her album at the end of February.

Honestly I have no idea why they would collab together but why not lol, probably gonna sound weird af

Before anyone gets off on a tangent, that account said the “big name” artist was a rapper


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I honestly can't imagine how an Elizabeth/Taylor see what I did there collab would sound. 


I've been tearing around in my fucking nightgown

24/7 ME!

Writing in blood on the wall

because spelling is fun!


thanks, now i want it even more


it reminds me of that lana/lorde "collab" parody thing

blue eyes, and jazz, and attitude

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Halsey releasing next week... well it’s over

Wait what. I haven’t kept up with Ashley since she released Homeless Floptain Village. New album? Single?


Anyway to remain on topic, does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Lana Del Rey. I think she's a really interesting artist.


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If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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But honestly, who cares if she doesn't promote her music? She doesn't need to, and she doesn't have to. Promotion is only good for streams, and I think she doesn't give a duck anymore


Btw, people are speculating she has a collab with Taylor Swift for TS7. Idk if it could be possible but someone on Tumblr said she collaborated with a big charting artist recently, and Taylor finished recording her album at the end of February.

Honestly I have no idea why they would collab together but why not lol, probably gonna sound weird af

I personally love it when she has interviews when she shares her direct perspective on the tracks, vision, and how she sounds so well live, and more human if that makes any sense live. It makes the music more enjoyable, and a lot more fun to analyze imo 


I think Wildest Dreams was literally inspired from Without You. That and then Lana used the similar melody for Lfl's title track mess thinking Lana copied Taylor yada yada. I honestly think it would, both their voices are on the thinner, frailer side, and their styles are def different yeah 

thanks, now i want it even more


it reminds me of that lana/lorde "collab" parody thing

This is the only collab that'll ever matter :dance:




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Wait what. I haven’t kept up with Ashley since she released Homeless Floptain Village. New album? Single?

homeless floptain village :lmao: 

unfortunately since you last heard about ashley she dropped a #1 single that is now in the Top 10 best selling songs of 2019, a mess  :ohno:




anyways, if that rumour is true about her collaborating with a rapper, IT'S TYLER THE CREATOR, MARK MY WORDS. They've been friendly for a while (she performed at his festival Camp Flog Gnaw in 2017) and Tyler has an album dropping on the same day as Doin' Time. I'm definitely delulu and saying what I hope for but if they collab it would be WONDERFUL (see his collabs with Kali Uchis for further proof) and it's definitely a possibility  :pray2:

nice cocc bro

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homeless floptain village :lmao:

unfortunately since you last heard about ashley she dropped a #1 single that is now in the Top 10 best selling songs of 2019, a mess  :ohno:




anyways, if that rumour is true about her collaborating with a rapper, IT'S TYLER THE CREATOR, MARK MY WORDS. They've been friendly for a while (she performed at his festival Camp Flog Gnaw in 2017) and Tyler has an album dropping on the same day as Doin' Time. I'm definitely delulu and saying what I hope for but if they collab it would be WONDERFUL (see his collabs with Kali Uchis for further proof) and it's definitely a possibility  :pray2:

in USA right?  

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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I think I'm one of the few people that really couldn't care less about Cinnamon. Idg where everyone's getting that it'll be a bop from when all the snippets sound slow and what non-fans would call boring. And I have to admit, I'm tired of the vague references to food. Cinnamon from this and radio, Bacardi and different brands of beer, tangerines, vanilla and cola from the Lizzy days. I can't get soft-serve ice cream without hearing that weird laughing man from Salvatore, and now when I get cinnamon lattes I'll get that Melanie Martinez ah-ah-ah-ah stuck in my head. 

locals only

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I think I'm one of the few people that really couldn't care less about Cinnamon. Idg where everyone's getting that it'll be a bop from when all the snippets sound slow and what non-fans would call boring. And I have to admit, I'm tired of the vague references to food. Cinnamon from this and radio, Bacardi and different brands of beer, tangerines, vanilla and cola from the Lizzy days. I can't get soft-serve ice cream without hearing that weird laughing man from Salvatore, and now when I get cinnamon lattes I'll get that Melanie Martinez ah-ah-ah-ah stuck in my head.


Yep you’re the only one.,, byeeeee

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I’m not craving Cinnamon that much either, but that’s because Lana has teased too much of it. Feels like I already know what it’ll sound like and I don’t expect it to suddenly change like VB or West Coast.

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Yeah, either way we WON’T get c*nnamon as a single so the only thing we can really crave on rn is her releasing Doin’ Time and her doing a premiere interview answering questions about the album

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I’m not craving Cinnamon that much either, but that’s because Lana has teased too much of it. Feels like I already know what it’ll sound like and I don’t expect it to suddenly change like VB or West Coast.

I have no idea what it is to feel like this. I drink up every nanosecond of Cin like Salvatore drinks Yosemite's blood. Precisely bc we're so close to get the full song my craving for it is increased thousandfold. I want to know the rest of the lyrics and above all I wanna hear it crystal clear not the lofi version we have


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I have no idea what it is to feel like this. I drink up every nanosecond of Cin like Salvatore drinks Yosemite's blood. Precisely bc we're so close to get the full song my craving for it is increased thousandfold. I want to know the rest of the lyrics and above all I wanna hear it crystal clear not the lofi version we have

But like, if she hadn’t teased the whole chorus, I’d still feel excitement and yearn for it so much. I can just tell it’s going to be like verse chorus verse chorus maybe bridge and last chorus and that’ll be it. I bet the choruses will be the same lines anyway, it’s only the second verse that will surprise me, and the bridge if we get one (and it’s a bridge with lyrics and not just humming). The instrumental will probably change slightly when the second verse comes on because I doubt it’ll go back to just a piano again.

I dunno. :/ And let me add that I’m afraid I’ll get tired of it quickly, just like Cherry. Cherry was great the first months, now I barely think of it. (Which can be said for the rest of LFL I guess oops I’m ready to get dragged)

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There's too big of a gap between now and the radio release on the 20th.


I think next Wednesday at the earliest.


I don't know why she couldn't've just said what day, though. Or even week. We know about the 20th but not from her, all she said was "Coming Soon". You watch, when she finally decides to do something with NFR she'll do the same. She'll post the cover art or something and put "Coming Soon".


She is becoming increasingly vague. I'd be shocked if she typed a coherent sentence at this point.

sleep paralysis but it's lana hooked on a matcha tea IV whispering "coming soon" in a loop

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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regarding lana's behavior,


i won't go into deep details but back in 2017 i was living a life full of privileges. i had the fakest life i could ever ask for. i wasn't happy inside, but all the bling made me kinda forget about my inner issues.


last year i didn't have all of that anymore but i still managed to do things people wouldnt expect from me. so i was living a fake life again. around people that are just as fake and empty.


but that only made me even more depressed and now im feeling the worst i have EVER felt. my illness has gotten worse and that makes me behave like a fucking dumbass.


i think lana is going through the exact same thing. i obviously dont hate on her because of this behavior, because i understand her.


i literally couldnt care less about my life anymore. i wish i could lock myself up far away from everyone. she has expressed these feelings as well. even recently.

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Yep you’re the only one.,, byeeeee


Lmao I hate being That Person. Like other people have said, her teasing it really brings the mood down for me. Some of her music needs to grow on you or completely wow you- I feel like BTD or Lizzy songs you need to listen to a few times to get past the kind of manufactured feeling to them. Ultraviolence songs were ones that wowed me. I remember hearing WC for the first time and being completely floored. I'd be more hyped for cinnamon if I hadn't heard snippets from her ig. Like clampigirl said, it's hard to feel hype for it when I know what to expect :(

locals only

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