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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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so the first half of the year is coming to an end...


we love her so bad, but she treats as like shit  :smokes3:

She is teaching us what kind of relationships she used to have with all those random older men

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People who speak to celebrities like this are such sycophants lmao. She's not going to ask you to be her friend because you commented on her picture.


Such bitches are why Instagram, Facebook and Twitter need "dislike" buttons.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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There sure is a fun vibe coming from her recent posts. Last time I felt that fun vibe from her was before releasing VB and MAC.
Maybe something is coming in June? (it's a fucking reach, I know)

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I really do wonder what’s going on with her poetry book. She hasn’t posted about it in what feels like forever. NFR 2.0 truly. We love our queen of getting overly excited about her work then growing tired of it and letting it sit on the floor under the coffee table in her sitting room never to be released.   :die:

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I really do wonder what’s going on with her poetry book. She hasn’t posted about it in what feels like forever. NFR 2.0 truly. We love our queen of getting overly excited about her work then growing tired of it and letting it sit on the floor under the coffee table in her sitting room never to be released.   :die:


Literally nobody in her comments is asking her for it, either - only for NFR. 



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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The plane and the explosion emoji seems pretty uhh.....insensitive? Idk why Courtney would choose to comment those on MEMORIAL day. :awk:

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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The plane and the explosion emoji seems pretty uhh.....insensitive? Idk why Courtney would choose to comment those on MEMORIAL day. :awk:


Well, she has an interest in planes. Does anyone else remember when she claimed to have found MH370 on Google Earth? I love that bitch. 


She probably just randomly tapped some emojis for that comment, though. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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OT but I misread your username as "Heavy Metal Hitler" and I was like "fuck, wow ... okay"

omg I always read it like that and it makes me so uncomfortable lmao like what's wrong with me :toofunny:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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ooh here's something for the vocal minority who piss themselves when they hear criticism: there is one thing miss lana is doing lately that i absolutely love. i think she is handling this particular situation i speak of in an absolutely impeccable way. in fact, i would be hard pressed to criticize anything about her current behavior with regards to this matter. i LOVE, and i cannot stress this enough, the fact that she has seemingly gone silent about that damn poetry book

it's just the way i feel

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The new beach selfies give me more hope than anything else that we might be moving into the home stretch for the new album. They could even be, or pass for, liner note photos. They’re certainly much better than those ugly, distorted selfies she posted during the lead-up to LFL. The beach selfies show that a LDR selfie, with or without makeup, need not be grotesque.

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Big talk coming from someone acting like an absolute baby. Don't come to this thread if you don't like it, it's pretty simple. Being a fan doesn't mean you can't be critical. That's actually something I really like about LB over other forums, there's a whole lot less sycophantic praise. When Lana does well and releases good music and puts effort into her eras the praise is here, just look at the last 7 years of threads lol. You (and her) should not expect fans to blindly love and follow her without critique.

Being a cultist is the worse thing any fan can do for an artist, being an all-praising, never-critical worshipper, as if the artist were a god and above imperfection, mistake or error. I have seen this behavior in cults of R.E.M., Tori Amos, Hozier, Bob Dylan, 21 Pilots, Amy Winehouse, Jeff Buckley, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, Father John Misty and the Clash among others, and filmmakers like Wes Anderson and Woody Allen.


Sometimes a great artist will release one bad album or film after another, and her or his adoring fans will remain silent at best or praise the bad work regardless, instead of saying, “Wow, your new album is really poor, as I see it, for the following reasons...”


You don’t have to be mindlessly rude, but you should state your truth if you feel like doing so. I have recently done this on FB with Rayland Baxter, the Cactus Blossoms and Great Peacock, all of whom I follow and who released lousy records over the year or so.


Certainly LDR has her cultists. You can be an LDR Stan without being a cultist, insisting that you yourself and everyone else love every LDR song, poem and photo.


Maintaining some distance and objectivity is ALWAYS good. It helps you see clearly and without blind emotion.

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Being a cultist is the worse thing any fan can do for an artist, being an all-praising, never-critical worshipper, as if the artist were a god and above imperfection. I have seen this behavior in cults of R.E.M., Tori Amos, Hozier, Bob Dylan, 21 Pilots, Amy Winehouse, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, Father John Misty, among others, and filmmakers like Wes Anderson and Woody Allen.


Certainly LDR has her cultists. You can be an LDR Stan without being a cultist, insisting that you yourself and everyone else love every LDR song, poem and photo.


Maintaining some distance and objectivity is ALWAYS good. It helps you see clearly and without blind emotion.


Exactly. When an artist is doing bad, they need to hear it from the fans. We are her consumers, and she presents us products. If we don't like them, whether that be music, albums, videos, merch, she should heavily take that into consideration knowing she's made millions off of us the past several years. 

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Being a cultist is the worse thing any fan can do for an artist, being an all-praising, never-critical worshipper, as if the artist were a god and above imperfection, mistake or error. I have seen this behavior in cults of R.E.M., Tori Amos, Hozier, Bob Dylan, 21 Pilots, Amy Winehouse, Jeff Buckley, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, Father John Misty and the Clash among others, and filmmakers like Wes Anderson and Woody Allen.


Sometimes a great artist will release one bad album or film after another, and her or his adoring fans will remain silent at best or praise the bad work regardless, instead of saying, “Wow, your new album is really poor, as I see it, for the following reasons...”


You don’t have to be mindlessly rude, but you should state your truth if you feel like doing so. I have recently done this on FB with Rayland Baxter, the Cactus Blossoms and Great Peacock, all of whom I follow and who released lousy records over the year or so.


Certainly LDR has her cultists. You can be an LDR Stan without being a cultist, insisting that you yourself and everyone else love every LDR song, poem and photo.


Maintaining some distance and objectivity is ALWAYS good. It helps you see clearly and without blind emotion.


Okay I will admit that I'm the biggest Jeff Buckley cultist out there, but I genuinely believe Jeff could do no wrong because he was just a really good guy with good intentions until the day he died. He wasn't rude, he wasn't an asshole, wasn't problematic (at least to my knowledge).


Whereas with Lana...we know she can be problematic af. That's why I find it funny when people are quick to defend her on so many things all the time.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Okay I will admit that I'm the biggest Jeff Buckley cultist out there, but I genuinely believe Jeff could do no wrong because he was just a really good guy with good intentions until the day he died. He wasn't rude, he wasn't an asshole, wasn't problematic (at least to my knowledge).


Whereas with Lana...we know she can be problematic af. That's why I find it funny when people are quick to defend her on so many things all the time.


spot on as per usual


honestly jeff buckley cultism is probably some of the most wholesome unproblematic cultism out there

it's just the way i feel

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