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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I’d fucking love that


Prepare for deliverance. :) Thank you for your cooperation.

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I was hoping you'd stop complaning about what she does, the album, her looks, her poetry, everything around her, but it's actually getting worse. I have lost the faith


Btw friendly reminder that she's not a toy and doesn't have to release an album because her fans harass her

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I was hoping you'd stop complaning about what she does, the album, her looks, her poetry, everything around her, but it's actually getting worse. I have lost the faith

Btw friendly reminder that she's not a toy and doesn't have to release an album because her fans harass her

No one is saying she has to release it just because the fans say so. People are getting more and more irritated because she was talking about the album, put out three singles of decent to discography-highlight quality, said it was done multiple times, and then went silent about it and started practically acting like the album doesn’t and never has existed. No one would be losing their shit if she hadn’t started teasing the album in September (or last March if you count the HIAB snippet) and just disappeared. That’s the problem. No one has a problem with her just living her life. What’s especially annoying is the inconsistent/conflicting information she and her managers have given (the album is done/she’s not finished with it yet). We’re tired of being in the dark because Lana can’t be bothered to even send out a fucking tweet or insta post about the album and would apparently much rather not acknowledge its existence. Major music news sources even reported a false release date and she said fuck all about it.

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I was hoping you'd stop complaning about what she does, the album, her looks, her poetry, everything around her, but it's actually getting worse. I have lost the faith


Btw friendly reminder that she's not a toy and doesn't have to release an album because her fans harass her


Well she doesn't seem to care about the "harassment" so why should we? Us as fans just want her to get her shit together and actually LISTEN to what we have to say. It's not our fault that she keeps on making lazy ass excuses when the album is literally done and she's not putting the effort into releasing it or anything else at that matter. Nothing seems to be working against this bitch anymore but I'm still gonna drag her anyways. It's what she deserves at this point.   :smokeney:

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Well she doesn't seem to care about the "harassment" so why should we? Us as fans just want her to get her shit together and actually LISTEN to what we have to say. It's not our fault that she keeps on making lazy ass excuses when the album is literally done and she's not putting the effort into releasing it or anything else at that matter. Nothing seems to be working against this bitch anymore but I'm still gonna drag her anyways. It's what she deserves at this point. :smokeney:

"She doesn't seem to care" but she might. Idk you, but if I was her and had people asking for the album on every of my Instagram post, sometimes unkindly, I would get mad or very sad. She doesn't deserve any hate. Do you know empathy? You just drag her because that's a comfort for you, you know deep down there's a good reason why she hasn't released the album but it's easier to not put your pride aside and go hard on her.


Yes she is, Cherry.



Even though I know that's a joke, let me tell you that's a pitiful one.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Even though I know that's a joke, let me tell you that's a pitiful one.


Listen, Cherry.


If you only want to read all rainbows and lollipop shit, go play in her Instagram comments.


Disagreeing with someone else or calling them out for being harsh or whatever is okay, but it's literally all you do.


Nobody is forcing you to participate in this thread. Maybe you shouldn't?


As I've said before, it just ain't that serious.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Listen, Cherry.


If you only want to read all rainbows and lollipop shit, go play in her Instagram comments.


Disagreeing with someone else or calling them out for being harsh or whatever is okay, but it's literally all you do.


Nobody is forcing you to participate in this thread. Maybe you shouldn't?


As I've said before, it just ain't that serious.

I've been there way before you Mr Nockwell, don't expect me to leave, and I appreciate being here, but it's tiring to read unjustified (it is no matter what you say) hate towards Lana all day, that's it. If it's not that serious as you say, stop doing that 24/7

I don't need to see rainbow shit, but wouldn't it be better if dicussions were constructive instead of having "THE ALBUM IS SCRAPPED SHE'S A BITCH" "I HOPE SHE FLOPS THATS ALL SHE DESERVES" "I HATE HER NOSE AND SHE GOT FILLERS OMG BAD GIRL" "HER LOOK IS TRASH WHY DOESN'T SHE DRESS LIKE 2012 ANYMORE"?

And to answer your "It's all you do": maybe because there's nothing left to do??? We cannot have nice conversations if the same critics and hate are all that's on this thread

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I don’t agree with dragging the way she looks but honestly if you’re famous and say you have an album coming out at the top of the year and then literally don’t say anything but a petty tweet then ppl will be mad and they have the right to be upset

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I don’t agree with dragging the way she looks but honestly if you’re famous and say you have an album coming out at the top of the year and then literally don’t say anything but a petty tweet then ppl will be mad and they have the right to be upset


If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I've been there way before you Mr Nockwell, don't expect me to leave, and I appreciate being here, but it's tiring to read unjustified (it is no matter what you say) hate towards Lana all day, that's it. If it's not that serious as you say, stop doing that 24/7

I don't need to see rainbow shit, but wouldn't it be better if dicussions were constructive instead of having "THE ALBUM IS SCRAPPED SHE'S A BITCH" "I HOPE SHE FLOPS THATS ALL SHE DESERVES" "I HATE HER NOSE AND SHE GOT FILLERS OMG BAD GIRL" "HER LOOK IS TRASH WHY DOESN'T SHE DRESS LIKE 2012 ANYMORE"?

And to answer your "It's all you do": maybe because there's nothing left to do??? We cannot have nice conversations if the same critics and hate are all that's on this thread


Okay but what YOU might interpret as a nasty comment, isn't to someone else. You're from a different country than I am, for example. People from different countries and cultures have different ideas of what's what. People interpret differently. 


I think the actual nasty comments are so few and far between that they don't warrant someone having a meltdown about them every 25 pages or so. Admittedly, my threshold is pretty high ... I've been part of communities that make this one look like the online equivalent of a nunnery. Additionally (and I can't speak for others), I come to this site to read what people REALLY think. I don't come here to read glossed over Instagram rubbish.


I'm not saying that I agree with everything everyone says on this thread, just as I'm sure people read my shit and go, "Fuck, STFU Rorman". But you know ... just scroll on or put people on ignore if they repeatedly piss you off.


Like, is complaining about people complaining any better than people complaining? Is it helpful? Because I'm typing a fucking post rn complaining about you complaining about people complaining, and it feels pretty fucking futile, which is why this is the end of it.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Okay but what YOU might interpret as a nasty comment, isn't to someone else. You're from a different country than I am, for example. People from different countries and cultures have different ideas of what's what. People interpret differently.


I think the actual nasty comments are so few and far between that they don't warrant someone having a meltdown about them every 25 pages or so. Admittedly, my threshold is pretty high ... I've been part of communities that make this one look like the online equivalent of a nunnery. Additionally (and I can't speak for others), I come to this site to read what people REALLY think. I don't come here to read glossed over Instagram rubbish.


I'm not saying that I agree with everything everyone says on this thread, just as I'm sure people read my shit and go, "Fuck, STFU Rorman". But you know ... just scroll on or put people on ignore if they repeatedly piss you off.


Like, is complaining about people complaining any better than people complaining? Is it helpful? Because I'm typing a fucking post rn complaining about you complaining about people complaining, and it feels pretty fucking futile, which is why this is the end of it.

Before anything, I know I'm not doing much better by complaning about people complaning. But if you look well, I nearly only quote extreme complaning. Keep that in mind, it'll be helpful for what's coming next.

I don't think it's a cultural problem but everybody thinks differently obviously. What I find important is having some respect for Lana even if you think she messes things up. You can be pretty rude but you're the worst, actually you often turn the situation into a big joke, which can be irritating for some people (me, but I'm oversensitive so it's not to bring to the table), but can also be a better way to express yourself. I'm not trying to be nasty with anybody, but I just wish we'd have constructive discussions that aren't about futile things. I understand this is a forum where people freely express themsleves but sometimes it goes too far. I think it's easier to get when you can put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Also, just because I don't agree with people criticising Lana doesn't mean I think she's perfect. Yes, it was a bad idea to release MAC and VB so early. Yes, she could be more talkative. Yes, she could be less vague when she talks about the album. Yes, she could be more concrete. But there is a way to express that and I don't think it's with hate and disrespect. And it might not be necessary to repeat that everyday. When there's nothing left to say... well, there's nothing left to say, there's no point keeping the discussion alive with hurtful complains.

Anyway, I like you Mr Nockwell, and I don't want you to think (or anybody) that I'm against you. As I did my best to understand your reasons, I just hope you get my point too :)

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I was hoping you'd stop complaning about what she does, the album, her looks, her poetry, everything around her, but it's actually getting worse. I have lost the faith


Btw friendly reminder that she's not a toy and doesn't have to release an album because her fans harass her


is it really harassment though? i don't think you can harass someone behind their back. we're not talking to her, we're talking to one another. i understand what you're getting at (although i disagree), but i don't see how discussions on a forum are harassment

btw i still think there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, like that whole thing a few pages back about how "her ears are placed wrong" or some shit, but i don't see an issue with venting about the lack of info 


(and isn't it better that we do it here than in her instagram comments or twitter mentions? because i can see how that could be argued as harassment, although again i don't necessarily agree)

it's just the way i feel

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