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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I honestly feel sorry for Lana (and this is coming from someone who’s been as pissed as the next person regarding this whole era). I truly feel like she poured her soul out for us on HIATD and NONE of us appreciated it. We’ve all been ungrateful/ begging for more/ harassing her from every avenue for months now. I didn’t really feel sorry for her up until this whole not showing up for the Met Gala situation. I know it sounds superficial, but I think this might be a cry for help on some level. I see her feeling disillusioned about something in a way (whether it be regarding fame, money, love, age, etc). I think we should really lay off, especially if we actually are getting a new song on May 20th (here’s hoping). I was the first to say I would never forgive Lana for this era, but now I’m having a change of heart. We all love her and no one else’s music has ever made us feel as understood as hers has. Shouldn’t that count for something more than our bitter petty jokes about Cha Cha Matcha and insta baddies on this trainwreck of a fan site??



Can more people share this type of energy tbh

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Glad I'm not the only one who feels kinda meh about HIADT. I mean, first off, the name. I like long title names but really. That wasn't necessary. And her vocal deliver makes me kinda anxious, I hate the overdramatic screams at the end.

It’s just... like the opposite of screaming tho??

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I honestly feel sorry for Lana (and this is coming from someone who’s been as pissed as the next person regarding this whole era). I truly feel like she poured her soul out for us on HIATD and NONE of us appreciated it. We’ve all been ungrateful/ begging for more/ harassing her from every avenue for months now. I didn’t really feel sorry for her up until this whole not showing up for the Met Gala situation. I know it sounds superficial, but I think this might be a cry for help on some level. I see her feeling disillusioned about something in a way (whether it be regarding fame, money, love, age, etc). I think we should really lay off, especially if we actually are getting a new song on May 20th (here’s hoping). I was the first to say I would never forgive Lana for this era, but now I’m having a change of heart. We all love her and no one else’s music has ever made us feel as understood as hers has. Shouldn’t that count for something more than our bitter petty jokes about Cha Cha Matcha and insta baddies on this trainwreck of a fan site??




Ma'am this is a Wendys.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Glad I'm not the only one who feels kinda meh about HIADT. I mean, first off, the name. I like long title names but really. That wasn't necessary. And her vocal deliver makes me kinda anxious, I hate the overdramatic screams at the end.

Screams? There are no screams in this song sis. Maybe you meant her gorgeous and soft falsetto...

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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It was supposed to be released on 23 May but it got delayed. She cut many songs and added bad songs like Coachella.


I haven't forgiven Lana for taking out Roses Bloom For You  in order to add Coachella in the album.



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Soon, Doin' Time will have more views on Youtube than any of the NFR singles, and it saddens me a bit. MAC deserved too, it still sounds so fresh. With VB, she took risks and it worked. Hope is her most honest and vulnerable song. Those 3 songs should've been promoted by Interscope too, but I guess they weren't because they're not summer bops...

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Doin Time really deserves this attention tho because it's quite good. Not that MAC/VB aren't, because they're great too. But this is the most lively and fun song she has released in a while and I think that's what people are responding to (besides the fact that it's a Sublime cover).

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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Soon, Doin' Time will have more views on Youtube than any of the NFR singles, and it saddens me a bit. MAC deserved too, it still sounds so fresh. With VB, she took risks and it worked. Hope is her most honest and vulnerable song. Those 3 songs should've been promoted by Interscope too, but I guess they weren't because they're not summer bops...



Doin Time really deserves this attention tho because it's quite good. Not that MAC/VB aren't, because they're great too. But this is the most lively and fun song she has released in a while and I think that's what people are responding to (besides the fact that it's a Sublime cover).


I feel like it has a lot to do with the timing, too, though ... it dropped right before summer whereas the other three did not.


This is why so many artists are dropping music right now ... summer is the ideal time. I think it has to do with the cut-off date for submission to the Grammys, too, which is September 1st. Basically, if she doesn't drop it by then we are completely and utterly fucked because then she probably won't drop it until next year because of that. She probably doesn't care about the Grammys but I bet Interscope does.


That's why, if you're reading, sis ... you should drop it immediately. :agree:

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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It would be low-key amazing if she just dropped it with no heads-up or anything. Really make it a casual thing. One day it's something you vaguely know through snippets, the next it's something you know entirely. 


but the girl is scrapped we been knew

locals only

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