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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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why do i lowkey feel like her ig friends don't actually like her? or not as much as she likes them?? like idk i just get a weird vibe from them.... if these bitches are the reason Lana decided to become an "iG bAdDiE" they need to be eradicated istg

hate to say it, but i always wondered if they’re just using her to get clout.

it’s probably just a reach on my part.

but i see where you are coming from.

lana just looks like the odd one out in the photos. idk.


miss born to lose

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i know right!? i'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed?? i honestly don't like them AT ALL. i totally agree about her looking like the odd one in the pictures, idk i just don't think she "fits" with them? I'd rather see her hang out with Blake and Byron, god, even her dancer gals. also it's been a while since we've seen her with Jamie.. i hope these baddies are not using her or they finna catch this hands I SWEAR. I'm half sure they contributed to her change, which i don't like at ALL..



Literally how I feel every time I see them

I wouldn't be surprised if they were just using her to get private plane rides and shit

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shes gonna stop talking to these girls within the next year lmao bookmark this


ok just found out she took them on her private jet to new orleans... did she leave her band and dancers on a commercial flight? LMAOO

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Jen used to work for the Kardashians/Jenners


Jen might be taking the place of Stella, where she might work for Lana then I think. Be interesting to see if she goes to all her performances with her and if she does she's probably doing the job Stella used to do which is probably the person who organises stuff for her and makes all the phone calls organises transport and whatever an assistant person does when a singer is performing or touring.


I noticed when she was never seen with Stella again, that guy Andrei seemed to replace her on her tour as he went to them all and he also worked for Guns N Roses before as a tour director so he'd done that job before.

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Literally how I feel every time I see them

I wouldn't be surprised if they were just using her to get private plane rides and shit


I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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About the set list including many BTD songs... well she is doing what all the artists are doing with festivals: they all have included « best of » songs for the festivals since the crowd there is not necessarily fan of your newer stuff, and they have a limited time on stage. So general appeal for everyone. Many alternative artists don’t like it, but they know it brings a good lot of money home.

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I'm having my spring depression where I realize that everything is melting and the sun is out but that I'm still depressed with or without the sun and grass and that everything sucks (I usually have four a year, one for every beginning of the season :umadney:) and honestly it'd be a great time for NFR to be released :poordat: Where are you Miss Lana Banana (also don't think I don't realize seasonal depression isn't supposed to last all year long but I ain't fixing it so that's that on that :thumb3:)


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It's mildly interesting that both Brexit and the NFR release were thought to be happening on March 29th and now both events are complete messes and it's extremely likely neither will happen on that date   :derpna2:  

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Is it true you've been recycling the same bad jokes for 500 pages? That's what I see...


:lmao: I thought the EXACT same thing

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I know it's been said here before but Lana is a misfit, she always has been. Like she's always wanted to be a part of something, a group or a clique it seems. But she was always the outsider and I feel like for a while she owned it... but it probably is one of the factors to her depression. I'm happy that she has friends and I do hope they are genuine. But I agree that she looks out of place and as if they're all in on this thing and Lana is the joke.

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Remember that period in 2015 when she looked like John Lennon



when she put out Honeymoon. When will John Lennon indeed :defeated:

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