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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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this just in: having an opinion on a public forum is punishable by death so don't fucking have one u dub fucking sack of penniless shitfaced and regretful COWARDS

and if ur a COWARD then get rhe fuck OFF!!! my live chat!! thi s if ro the yosemite stans and bad bitchs ONLY and if ur an opinionated and emotional person YOU ANDN'T a BAD BITCHhhh

This is why I love you sal

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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You mean talking about things that are actually interesting as opposed to the repeated topics such as song rankings, possible track lists, complaints about her friends, what she looks like and her cha cha matcha and hillsong trips?


Yeah, I couldn't believe it either, but I guess the newbies brought in some new perspectives which I find very refreshing! tyvm!

I love interesting discussions here. I wrote unnecesssarily long posts myself :rip:

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Ugh I just rewatched her IG live from December and I forgot she said, "I'm kinda focussed on being a baddie right now. I can't really work."


Bitch isn't going to do anything ever. 



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Ugh I just rewatched her IG live from December and I forgot she said, "I'm kinda focussed on being a baddie right now. I can't really work."


Bitch isn't going to do anything ever.



And we thought she was being ironic lmao

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i don't think everyone is even at the stage where they're as invested in NFR as others think they are just because they express annoyance or mock lana, personally i'm hardly angry about it lol, i really don't lay awake at night. not saying i don't want the album or that it wouldn't be nice. you don't have to be a weird stalker freak with an entitlement complex to discuss this particular era of hers at depth

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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1. a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.




sorry if i’m not gonna sit here and bootlick lana all day in hopes of being invited to join her insta baddie cult, but go off! man’s ability to engage in free will i guess!

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Even if Cinnamon is my favourite song at the moment, I hope she releases HIAB first. It seems to reflect more the atmosphere of the album, we know it's mainly gonna be piano ballads, so if she releases too many of the non piano ballads, people won't have a good representation of what the album is before it gets released.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I don’t think any of us genuinely hate her/ wish bad upon her. Yes, some of us are irritated and bitter a little bit and making lewd jokes to deal w the situation, but that doesnt mean we don’t all obviously stan Lana, love her work, and eagerly anticipate NFR

I think it depends on how each person defines "bad". For example, I want her to be healthy and happy. I want her to find a man who loves her & treats her like a queen. I want her to have all the babies she wants. I want her to have good people in her life. But I want her to be a better person too. And that's unlikely to happen through mindless praise and constant enabling. Thoughtless hate -in the vein of the nasty things Sublime fans had to say about her- obviously has no value, these comments are only meant to offend. But I would love to see her called out on certain things. I would like some of her actions to have actual consequences. This is what helps people grow & evolve. We need to acknowledge our mistakes & learn from them, and Lana has made many mistakes she's probably not even aware of. I'm sure some would see this as wishing bad upon her. After all, change isn't the easiest thing in the world. It can be hard, it can be unpleasant. But I think it's necessary.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I don't feel "owed" anything, but I also think what she's doing is unprofessional af. That's her prerogative, but fans of her music are, understandably, going to get annoyed.


She said the album would be out "top of the year", it's the end of May, and there is still no news. Throw in the false Google release date, and it's not surprising that people are impatient and confused. Many months have passed without a single comment about it from her, her managers, or her label. Meanwhile, she's posting about everything else, including other people's albums. Given that, a lot of people are going, "why can't she say something? Anything?"


It has nothing to do with being a friend or a stranger. WTF? I don't understand what that has to do with anything.

Agreed. She doesn’t OWE us or anyone else anything, but it’s just common sense and professionalism in this era of instant communication to update your fandom once you’ve made a claim that has turned out not to be accurate.


I think she doesn’t know the release date due to some mysterious goings-on about which we can only speculate, and simply fears making everything worse by saying ANYTHING at all.


Which, with her track record, might be a smart move.

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Ugh I just rewatched her IG live from December and I forgot she said, "I'm kinda focussed on being a baddie right now. I can't really work."


Bitch isn't going to do anything ever. 



Found my new motto in life

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Like everyone, she has crises and hassles in her life, which is far more complicated than most of ours. I sensed a crisis after ‘Paradise,’ with the public feud with Lorde, falling out with BJON, the SNL disaster two weeks running, and then the eventual birth of UV, which was radically different from BTD/P.


I think she’s going through a similar upset and re-evaluation of her life now, and where her career fits into it. We don’t know what the hell is going on, but it’s very likely that something is.


Maybe like so many other artists, from Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell to Kate Bush, Fiona Apple and Marina, she’s just tired of being a celebrity and wants to reclaim her privacy; and she may be additionally conflicted about THAT.


Maybe she’s just found herself in a huge muddle that only time and rest and relaxation will fix. Maybe she feels like she simply cannot make a decision about anything.

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Like everyone, she has crises and hassles in her life, which is far more complicated than most of ours. I sensed a crisis after ‘Paradise,’ with the public feud with Lorde, falling out with BJON, the SNL disaster two weeks running, and then the eventual birth of UV, which was radically different from BTD/P.

I think she’s going through a similar upset and re-evaluation of her life now, and where her career fits into it. We don’t know what the hell is going on, but it’s very likely that something is.

Maybe like so many other artists, from Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell to Kate Bush, Fiona Apple and Marina, she’s just tired of being a celebrity and wants to reclaim her privacy; and she may be additionally conflicted about THAT.

Maybe she’s just found herself in a huge muddle that only time and rest and relaxation will fix. Maybe she feels like she simply cannot make a decision about anything.

Tbh she does seem like she’s getting sick of being a celebrity and just wants a balance of creating art and living her regular life. And I think fans harassing her constantly is probably making her want to quit it all even more. It sucks though since writing and performing is her passion so she’s forced to deal with this crap to fulfill her passion. That’s why Joni Mitchell “quit” after almost every album but kept coming back. It’s hard to choose between your life and your art.


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Tbh she does seem like she’s getting sick of being a celebrity and just wants a balance of creating art and living her regular life. And I think fans harassing her constantly is probably making her want to quit it all even more. It sucks though since writing and performing is her passion so she’s forced to deal with this crap to fulfill her passion. That’s why Joni Mitchell “quit” after almost every album but kept coming back. It’s hard to choose between your life and your art.

Right. It’s interesting how Mitchell often wrote about ‘the star-making machinery behind the popular song’ and the critics ‘bringing out the boards and the nails’ to wall-off and get rid of artists they had grown tired of. Rolling Stone famously voted her ‘Old Lady of the Year,’ which she found insulting.


40 years ago, she was going through much the same thing that LDR is now, and also in LA.

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Tori Amos has also written extensively about her unhappy experiences with the music industry, and specifically about how older female artists are politely sidelined and ‘put out to pasture,’ though we don’t know if that is a factor in LDR’s case, as she’s under 35.

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Even if Cinnamon is my favourite song at the moment, I hope she releases HIAB first. It seems to reflect more the atmosphere of the album, we know it's mainly gonna be piano ballads, so if she releases too many of the non piano ballads, people won't have a good representation of what the album is before it gets released.


ugh no, one piano ballad per album thanks and make that one piano ballad mean something

blue eyes, and jazz, and attitude

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ugh no, one piano ballad per album thanks and make that one piano ballad mean something

Uh... Do you know that NFR will mostly have piano ballads?? Did you follow Lana's Instagram? She first said the new album was going to be in the vein of Change, which is a piano ballad, but people only kept in mind the time she said there would be surf rock elements, that she added after. She teased 3 songs on Instagram, and 2 of them seem to be piano ballads, + Cinnamon starts with a piano. It's gonna be a piano driven album, sorry for you bro

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Uh... Do you know that NFR will mostly have piano ballads?? Did you follow Lana's Instagram? She first said the new album was going to be in the vein of Change, which is a piano ballad, but people only kept in mind the time she said there would be surf rock elements, that she added after. She teased 3 songs on Instagram, and 2 of them seem to be piano ballads, + Cinnamon starts with a piano. It's gonna be a piano driven album, sorry for you bro


i'll go crazy if i obsess over snippets for too long


change is a beautiful song but an album full of changes doesn't make sense. if you took a single song from sirens it sounds really nice, but like no one really acknowledges sirens' existence.


surf rock i can get behind though

blue eyes, and jazz, and attitude

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