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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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tbh i don’t even care about the song as much as i care about the idea of a video... i need that fuckin nancy sinatra “last of the secret agents” style visuals NOW!!!! i just need to see lana is something other than a white t-shirt or sweats and i’m good :air:

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But even though Ariana Grande is involved, the movie doesn’t have high expectations and I truly don’t think a video has been shot because yes, it is indeed part of a soundtrack, and they really don’t know how it’s going to perform. I’m trying to be optimistic, I really am but its-just-not-realistic.gif



(side note: pls comeback to the gc uwu)

Well yes, but the whole point of a music video is to turn the song into a hit. Releasing a music video will result in the song having a better shot at smashing. Besides, both Independent Woman and Feel Good Time from the first two Charlie's Angels movies got music videos (albeit cheap ones lol).


(I will, but for now I'm trying to get my account back. I don't wanna make a new one because this one has Kim Petras and Sophie Anderson following me. :crai:)


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Living for it!




Joking, not at all actually I really liked L+F actually (Electra Heart is another story), I defended the album more than once I think on the Marina thread, but the fact is that L+F is a pretty generic pop record, but a good and solid one in my opinion.


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may 1st - UV

may 26th - lfl

may 29th - nfr

Lesson learned. Never trust rumored May releases.


Edit: ... Wait, shouldn’t it me March for NFR? :B Never mind my comment above lol.

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Well yes, but the whole point of a music video is to turn the song into a hit. Releasing a music video will result in the song having a better shot at smashing. Besides, both Independent Woman and Feel Good Time from the first two Charlie's Angels movies got music videos (albeit cheap ones lol).


(I will, but for now I'm trying to get my account back. I don't wanna make a new one because this one has Kim Petras and Sophie Anderson following me. :crai:)

I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


(aw :( i hope you get it back, ilyyy)

???, ?????????

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LOL ik! but considering she said its coming august i feel like prerelease a month and a half before is much for her? doesnt she usually do them 4-3 weeks before release?

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i'm not a fan of miley's music at all but the girl has PIPES. she killed it in the chris cornell tribute concert, which i wasn't expecting at all

it's just the way i feel

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may 1st - UV

may 26th - lfl

may 29th - nfr

All the May dates confuse the hell out of me, thank you lol


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Ok this is giving me lowkey hope that NFR is really coming. She'll get some exposure (please dont quote me why she needs exposure again...) which is gonna draw attention to NFR and she'll release it august 16th. P L E A S E. 

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LOL ik! but considering she said its coming august i feel like prerelease a month and a half before is much for her? doesnt she usually do them 4-3 weeks before release?

Yes!! Usually about 2-4 weeks ahead, not 6-8. Unless it’s coming early August, I mean like August 2 or 9


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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:trisha: SOME of you are SO special to me & I genuinely adore you cause keep me alive throughout these times of pure delusion & wrong opinions, you hilarious little fuckers :oop:

Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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