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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Can someone PLEASE tell me what shes whispering on the left after she sings "you've got to pick up every stitch". It sounds like it starts with a C but idk :defeated:

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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Can someone PLEASE tell me what shes whispering on the left after she sings "you've got to pick up every stitch". It sounds like it starts with a C but idk :defeated:


I'm pretty sure its god damn

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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Guys, this is completly random, but I would just like to say thank you for making up LanaBoards. I've been lurking on and off since 2014 and after my show last month I started to become really excited about Lana again and I decided to come here more often and keep up with y'all. Not only it's nice to be in a place where I could read or write and fangirl about the singer I hold the most close to my heart with other people who somewhat feel the same, but it's been really important to me to find a distraction. I'm on summer vacation, don't have that many friends or things to do (or the will to do something more elaborate), and I'm going through some sort of heartbreak right now and trying to relearn how to go through my life without having someone in my life the way I used to have.

There's some drama around but that keeps me entertained too. It's amazing how we have so many different views about something. You're all pretty funny and talented. Looking at some of your posts has been really comforting these past days when I'm currently feeling the most alone I ever did in years, so, yeah... Thank you   :rollin:

This is cheesy but let me heal in peace. One post short from page 3000.

Aww agreed, it's been a sad girl summer for me and I've been really lonely, but coming to this forum genuinely makes me laugh and smile.

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"Season of the which" is so stupid like why tf does her voice get louder in the chorus? Annoying

LFA is so good tho

Yeah Season Of The Which is really annoying. I love Season Of The Witch though

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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Change (a masterpiece Lana produced in four hours after she dragged Rick Nowells to the studio the night before she was supposed to hand the album over to her label) meeting Looking For America (a masterpiece Lana wrote, produced and released in the spam of 24 hours after she dragged Jack Antonoff all the way from NYC to LA)




Coachella is Pumkin


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That streaming version's second verse makes much more sense now - her describing what she was doing before in her life and then summing it up with "so many things I think about before I do... NOW" instead of "...YEAH ". That suggests reflecting on her previous actions and fits the narrative, meanwhile the yeah version just sounds like a "it's a Lana song so I'll sing about bars because it's me". I loved it before but I appreciate it so much more now that I think I got what the hell the second verse is about


Edit: On another listen I also assumed that thinking twice about going to the drive ins could be because of safety reasons? Like she feels threatened walking out at night like in GBA and stuff? What do you guys think? 


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That streaming version's second verse makes much more sense now - her describing what she was doing before in her life and then summing it up with "so many things I think about before I do... NOW" instead of "...YEAH ". That suggests reflecting on her previous actions and fits the narrative, meanwhile the yeah version just sounds like a "it's a Lana song so I'll sing about bars because it's me". I loved it before but I appreciate it so much more now that I think I got what the hell the second verse is about


Edit: On another listen I also assumed that thinking twice about going to the drive ins could be because of safety reasons? Like she feels threatened walking out at night like in GBA and stuff? What do you guys think? 

I got from it the safety aspect. Like she used to take for granted that you could go anywhere and not be worried about a mass shooting

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That streaming version's second verse makes much more sense now - her describing what she was doing before in her life and then summing it up with "so many things I think about before I do... NOW" instead of "...YEAH ". That suggests reflecting on her previous actions and fits the narrative, meanwhile the yeah version just sounds like a "it's a Lana song so I'll sing about bars because it's me". I loved it before but I appreciate it so much more now that I think I got what the hell the second verse is about


Edit: On another listen I also assumed that thinking twice about going to the drive ins could be because of safety reasons? Like she feels threatened walking out at night like in GBA and stuff? What do you guys think? 


i don't know where you're from but it's 10000% about "safety reasons". America has had deadly mass shootings at movie theaters and at other recreational venues like festivals and clubs. She would go out and listen to the blues which is a fun, recreational activity for her. Scared she'll get shot up.


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