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NFR Metacritic/Review Thread

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I'm disappointed that Lana lashed out at Ann Powers about her NPR review - it was a fair review that was actually pretty positive, albeit one that I disagreed at points with.


It reflects badly on her, especially considering that she's generally been getting great reviews from across the board and she's decided to come for one of the leading women in the male-dominated field of music criticism while ignoring the misogyny-tinged reviews by Neil McCormick and (to a lesser extent) Alexis Petridis.


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I'm disappointed that Lana lashed out at Ann Powers about her NPR review - it was a fair review that was actually pretty positive, albeit one that I disagreed at points with.


It reflects badly on her, especially considering that she's generally been getting great reviews from across the board and she's decided to come for one of the leading women in the male-dominated field of music criticism while ignoring the misogyny-tinged reviews by Neil McCormick and (to a lesser extent) Alexis Petridis.

TEA i thought it was really strange for her to lash out at THIS review. It was actually a positive review of NFR (albeit it kinda criticised Lana's previous work)


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I find it funny that Lana choose this particular article to snap at when a lot of people in the replies are saying they might give NFR a listen because of it  :deadbanana: and that second tweet was very cringey, Lana sis...

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TEA i thought it was really strange for her to lash out at THIS review. It was actually a positive review of NFR (albeit it kinda criticised Lana's previous work)



I am uncomfortable with journalists being hounded off Twitter for literally doing their job and expressing their opinion. Lana tweeted the critic publicly, knowing full well that she would get relentless abuse from stans. I also hate, hate the fact that she said that Powers wasn't a fan for having a different perspective on certain aspects of her art.


For what it's worth, I actually thought Ann's review made valid points on the imagery of "Lana Del Rey" especially for her first albums. Sometimes I turn a blind eye whenever Lana does or says things that are a bit dodgy or naïve politically/socially, but it's hard to ignore if Lana's out here hounding people who dare to point it out.


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I don't think the review is positive, it's actually full of backhanded compliments. Her songwriting is being called unoriginal, she's still being accused of creating a persona to become famous and the reviewer is annoyed that her lyrics do not promote female empowerment.


I think the only positive that's being acknowledged is that she's improving compared to her previous works.

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I haven't been in here all morning and just read the LA Times article and wow, that was so uncalled for.

I'd like to say that I get where she's coming from but I agree 100% with everything @@theeternalstars said.


This remind a lot of earlier in the year when Lizzo "clapped-back" to a bad review with the most stupid and narcissistic argument. A mess.  :toofunny: :rip:

I am uncomfortable with journalists being hounded off Twitter for literally doing their job and expressing their opinion. Lana tweeted the critic publicly, knowing full well that she would get relentless abuse from stans. I also hate, hate the fact that she said that Powers wasn't a fan for having a different perspective on certain aspects of her art.


For what it's worth, I actually thought Ann's review made valid points on the imagery of "Lana Del Rey" especially for her first albums. Sometimes I turn a blind eye whenever Lana does or says things that are a bit dodgy or naïve politically/socially, but it's hard to ignore if Lana's out here hounding people who dare to point it out.


I couldn't have said it better :defeated:


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I'm disappointed that Lana lashed out at Ann Powers about her NPR review - it was a fair review that was actually pretty positive, albeit one that I disagreed at points with.


It reflects badly on her, especially considering that she's generally been getting great reviews from across the board and she's decided to come for one of the leading women in the male-dominated field of music criticism while ignoring the misogyny-tinged reviews by Neil McCormick and (to a lesser extent) Alexis Petridis.

right! she’s never trashed talked the men who have thrown disgusting insults at her (eminem) or unfairly criticized her in a misogynistic manner (alexis the asshole) but goes after women who have genuine criticisms and are actually polite abt it (lorde, ann powers)


i mean i love her but it’s so frustrating when she directs her anger at the wrong places

all my wounds are due to love, to love, love, love

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Knowing Lana, she probably read (parts of?) the review on twitter and decided to tweet back her thoughts immediately. I think it’d be much better if she emailed Ann Powers instead because of course will twitter stans come within seconds and say “DRAG HA!”, “don’t listen to her babe” etc. I think it was a positive review too, and it’s certainly a good thing if it made others want to play the album after reading it. Way too many stans are coming for this (from what I understood) very respected music critic just because Lana’s response wasn’t positive. I don’t even think some of the stans have actually read the review.

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I read the review and it’s definitely not a positive one. As mentioned before, it’s full of backhanded compliments and implications that Lana is trying to be some sort of Joni Mitchell/Fiona Apple knock off. I do agree that the critic is just doing her job though, and I don’t know why she chose this one to freak out at when there are definitely worse reviews. Perhaps this is just the straw that broke the camel’s back.

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the NPR article read like a self-important writer who feels cool to be a part of the 'who knew she had it in her' crowd who bandwagon-hated her without giving a proper chance but is also desperate to save face by defending their belief that she was never a great/genuine artist until NFR, who then proudly took it upon themselves to write an expansive (meandering) (cherry-picked) analysis of her career using comparisons, examples, and conclusions that do not even make sense. like, they made the best out of an argument in which they are wrong, because the thesis statement was biased from conception. 


i mean really, i read that shit last night and had little idea what she was talking about through most of it. i am obviously biased as a lana stan but i am also well-educated and empathetic and i'm sorry sweetie but ms. powers should be writing for opinion or for buzzfeed, that was not a proper album review. and as lana pointed out, she made wild assumptions without even asking to interview her. wonder why

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Critics forget that whoever they critique also have the right to free speech and to a rebuttal. So if Lana wants to call out a critic and their article as a piece of total shit she can do. People need to stop putting critics on a special perch... they’re just people with an opinion like everyone else.

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Yeah Lana responding that review was absolutely stupid and unnecessary. I can't believe she thought it would be a good move to """expose""" that author and not the fucking man-children constantly giving misogynistic reviews. A really bad look, and one of the multiple reasons I think I wouldn't stand being her friend as much as I love her as an artisté.

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Critics forget that whoever they critique also have the right to free speech and to a rebuttal. So if Lana wants to call out a critic and their article as a piece of total shit she can do. People need to stop putting critics on a special perch... they’re just people with an opinion like everyone else.


I agree, but the fact Lana decided to go after this woman who didn't even give her a baaaaaaaad review when we have men like Alexis Petridis sitting right there is... questionable. 

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Spin gave it an 80/100 https://www.spin.com/2019/09/lana-del-rey-norman-fucking-rockwell-review/

We're back at 87 as Loreen already stated above. Honestly didn't expect it to go down a point from an 80 review..oh well, we still good

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I was really really happy with the 88 but I'm fine with a 87. It's still great anyways

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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