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Beautiful Loser

Lana Del Rey receives 2 Nominations for the 62nd Grammy Awards - Album of the Year & Song of the Year

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So proud of Lana! She deserves it.

but  :biblio: @ Lil Nas EP being nom'd for AOTY. It's not even an album  :deadbanana: quite insulting.


The Lil Nas X one is crazy, nominated for AOTY but not nominated for Rap Album of the Year :horror: it has 7 songs on it and 2 of the songs are the same song with different features  :awk: 

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YOUR NAME IS SUN CHILD!!!! BYE.... your real name probably maylee and i just know you look like a cabbage patch doll..white pasty boring straight tennessee fat bitch. GET A GRIP 


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Oh my god how did I only see this now I’m DEAD this post is INCREDIBLE


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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I don't care about the Grammys. I find all these awards shows fake especially since Ultraviolence and Born To Die was so horribly ignored as well as Young and Beautiful. 


Two good things happened today. 


1. Lana finally gets some recognition for her work after years of being ignored. 


2. Halsey had a freak out on twitter today because she got no Grammy nominations. Had a woe is me moment as she usually does. She deleted everything, then tweeted this about Billie, who she has never mentioned before. Some fans on twitter are saying this is Halsey's way of jabbing Lana.


I especially like this one person's response to Halsey.  :rip:












Seeing how Halsey did steal from Lana's music and slept with Lana's man at the time, yeah Karma. 


I'm happy for Lana and Billie for their nominations. I'm not a Billie fan but she loves and respects Lana so that cool. 

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Yep definitely Azealia

Oh my god how did I only see this now I’m DEAD this post is INCREDIBLE

kdfsjakldjas your signature im :rip:

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I don't care about the Grammys. I find all these awards shows fake especially since Ultraviolence and Born To Die was so horribly ignored as well as Young and Beautiful.


Two good things happened today.


1. Lana finally gets some recognition for her work after years of being ignored.


2. Halsey had a freak out on twitter today because she got no Grammy nominations. Had a woe is me moment as she usually does. She deleted everything, then tweeted this about Billie, who she has never mentioned before. Some fans on twitter are saying this is Halsey's way of jabbing Lana.


I especially like this one person's response to Halsey. :rip:












Seeing how Halsey did steal from Lana's music and slept with Lana's man at the time, yeah Karma.


I'm happy for Lana and Billie for their nominations. I'm not a Billie fan but she loves and respects Lana so that cool.


He he he. That Ashley copycat crybaby. Always whining. In the league of Alternative artists there is Lana,Lorde,Marina,Melanie...then theres halsey who doesnt even fit mediocre talent nob

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Not true lol This was brought up to her and she said it's based off of a group that shows up outside her concerts and protests against her.


Also about the LGBTQ support: she has probably done more to support LGBTQ people in the short time that she openly did than you have your whole life so sit down. She won't stop now and saying that is such a cheap way to just hate on someone. If it's so important to you that artists go on and on about "I LOVE GAYS" then why do you stan Lana? lol

No? But Lana never openly faked anything just to get popular. Taylor does alot of drama

Every single time. She started the Equality Act petition and writing to the Senator only 2 months before her song dropped..and after she got wide applause for her move then she stopped doing stuff altogether..


Why couldnt she have done it during 1989 era or even after that.. always plays the victim card and sneaks everywhere. Another copycat. Each album of TS has atleast 1 lanaesque or Lordesque song in it. Might take as Inspiration but...not when she copies the exact melody uwu. I know people in this forum arent meant to exactly WORSHIP lana but you could just LIKE her for once.???? Is that too hard sis.


I'm pretty sure there was a valid reason for delaying NFR behind the scenes.. mostly due to Billie and Taylor.

I love Billie but an insider posted info on how NFR was delayed just so that Billie could have her album roll out perfectly. Fuck NFR missed the #1.. how can her managers not know Taylor and Tool were releasing within 1/2 weeks? Another ploy to bring her down.

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He he he. That Ashley copycat crybaby. Always whining. In the league of Alternative artists there is Lana,Lorde,Marina,Melanie...then theres halsey who doesnt even fit mediocre talent nob


Melanie? In the league of alternative artists? Amongst Lana and Lorde?  :awk: lmao not even Marina is there, let alone Melanie

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I don't care about the Grammys. I find all these awards shows fake especially since Ultraviolence and Born To Die was so horribly ignored as well as Young and Beautiful. 


Two good things happened today. 


1. Lana finally gets some recognition for her work after years of being ignored. 


2. Halsey had a freak out on twitter today because she got no Grammy nominations. Had a woe is me moment as she usually does. She deleted everything, then tweeted this about Billie, who she has never mentioned before. Some fans on twitter are saying this is Halsey's way of jabbing Lana.


I especially like this one person's response to Halsey.  :rip:












Seeing how Halsey did steal from Lana's music and slept with Lana's man at the time, yeah Karma. 


I'm happy for Lana and Billie for their nominations. I'm not a Billie fan but she loves and respects Lana so that cool. 


Just another day in the nonsensical life of Ashley Frangipane.  What a fucking clown, seriously.  :flop:

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hi it's ashley, bisexual biracial bipolar. this is my parody cover of taylor swift's 'i knew you were trouble" 


I think she identifies most as "bi-cycle"

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