Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted March 14, 2020 Is it bad I kinda hope that westerners aren’t taking it as serious and the problem gets worse? It’s low key what we deserve LOL I mean- I don't think it's good to sort of want to be able to be responsible for others n dismiss and decide what everyone deserves. I mean if u were, wouldn't u want to move things towards a brighter direction .. ? edit: that sounded philosophical what are we talking about exactly ? annd to keep things ot, what' everyone doin? how's ur guys' areas? how's everyone taking things ? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
urgirl 5,751 Posted March 14, 2020 Is it bad I kinda hope that westerners aren’t taking it as serious and the problem gets worse? It’s low key what we deserve LOL yeah that is bad 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
callmedecember 2,319 Posted March 14, 2020 Portugal is also on High Alert an lock-down. Practicly everything is closed, like sport stadiums, cinemas, nighclubs, many restaurantes, practicly all bars and schools too. Most large shopping centers will be closing soon too. I went out this friday evening to get a beer at the pub and ALL bars are closed My small city looks like one of those Western film ghost towns. No cowboys or Indians walking the streets. Its unreal. But I know it is for the best. Hopefully this will end soon and we will meet again at the local bar for a drink. Remember always... HOPE is the last thing to die. So be strong and be safe. I wish you the best. yeah i mean, i'm pretty calm as i think i already posted it's just that i hate not being with my family right now, like, even though we can go back to our family's houses it's just that i don't want to put them at risk, like, here in galicia (northern spain) we have around 112 cases and i think that near almost half of them are just in the city i live in so yeah, i can just go outside to take out the trash and buy some food and medicines (and videogames since electronic shops are going to be still open as long as the lockdown lasts) but yeah, i miss my parents and my brother, i haven't seen them since chritstmas holidays ended in january so you know, i'm just a little bit overwhelmed and sad 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted March 14, 2020 Can someone explain to me how the lock-downs in Italy and Spain really work? A friend has a roomate she doesn't like, and she wants to drive back home in case the US starts to impose some lock-downs (assuming our city would be included). I'm trying to convince her (and myself) that a lock-down is unlikely and even then still isn't a "you can only be in your house for two weeks" thing that it seems to be--am I wrong? The US is a couple of weeks "behind" Italy and other European countries, but the virus is there and it's spreading. There's already lockdowns in Italy and Spain, as well as numerous other measures in pretty much all other European countries (some of them pretty radical), and personally I expect most of these countries to slowly introduce lockdowns, step by step (the reason they're waiting for the right moment is that they try to minimise the impact on the economy). Once the pandemic properly hits the US, it won't be any different there, especially considering the poor healthcare system compared to western-European/central European countries. I guess the best thing for her would be to keep an eye on the situation in her city, and also on the big picture, and decide/react accordingly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bettie Page 2,151 Posted March 14, 2020 i live with a panic disorder and life long anxiety, if you are new to having constant anxiety, due to the virus or other means, message me! we can talk about ways to deal with the symptoms of anxiety and panic. 6 Quote s a y y e s t o h e a v e n Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 14, 2020 .... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aquemini 297 Posted March 14, 2020 It's nice to read people discussing matters in a hopeful, yet honest and practical way. I believe the reaction process to be similar to that of grief (having experienced this a few months ago): first denial, then anger/ panic and finally acceptance and proactivity. Right now, cases aren't too bad in my area, but I'm still trying to encourage those I live with to engage in social distancing. Personally, I have been using music (especially paradise and UV) as a great form of escapism and a prompt for the imagination to wander beyond the current circumstances. This is an opportunity to take each day at a time and be mindful and appreciative of the small wonders in life i.e. the beauty of nature (even if it's only the view from your balcony or garden), spending time with friends (or being forced to make new friends, as Max suggested) and family, how hard those in healthcare/ food delivery drivers are working to serve the community. We can persevere and get through this. Back in 1918, resources and opportunities weren't available that are now. I pray that we can utilize these chances to prevent history from repeating itself. And, when we are on the other side of this (let us use definitive and not conditional language so that we tell ourselves and thus start to believe that this will come to an end eventually) the freedom of everyday life and normality will taste much sweeter having gone without. Sending healing wishes to all those who need them 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 14, 2020 ... 0 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BluVelvUnderground 1,754 Posted March 14, 2020 i live with a panic disorder and life long anxiety, if you are new to having constant anxiety, due to the virus or other means, message me! we can talk about ways to deal with the symptoms of anxiety and panic. You are a beautiful soul. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 14, 2020 @mђђђђia 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 14, 2020 ... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,574 Posted March 14, 2020 I went back to my parents place to get confined, my dad is coughing more than me and they don't even want to kiss me hello lol 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bettie Page 2,151 Posted March 15, 2020 You are a beautiful soul. 1 Quote s a y y e s t o h e a v e n Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macintosh Manhattan 6,513 Posted March 15, 2020 If there is only one good thing to come out of this is that Trump will more than likely have trouble getting re-elected over his handling of the outbreak - He's let all Americans down including he's suppoters. I don't like Boris Johnson but I can recognise that he's doing a good job dealing with Virus and seems to be listening to his advisors. He's being extremely calm and measured which makes me feel a bit better about everything that has gone on. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nobody 21,681 Posted March 15, 2020 I don't like Boris Johnson but I can recognise that he's doing a good job dealing with Virus 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 15, 2020 @[ђж 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macintosh Manhattan 6,513 Posted March 15, 2020 Holy fucking shit he's basically committing Social Darwinism by allowing Herd Immunity to happen. Meaning he's allowing the disease to spread through out the country and the weak such as the elderly to die. They are proposing to 'need' 60% of the UK population to catch the virus and get ill to achieve 'herd immunity'. With a death rate of say 1% (probably much higher if NHS can't cope) that is a lot of deaths they are proposing... So they are essentially,gambling with peoples lives. There will be a hierarchy with themselves at the top, their wealthy friends next, with the elderly and poor at the bottom. And they are using 'shock & awe' to usher in new laws, allegedly for two years aswell. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 15, 2020 https://m.yo 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BluVelvUnderground 1,754 Posted March 15, 2020 Digital booklet I did for my album. Created using photos from my phone library from my admittance into a psychiatric facility in January, to showing symptoms of corona here in Seattle. It was surreal going from being in treatment when the first story broke about the virus (at the time, it was never insinuated to be anywhere as bad as it is), to where we are today. Man, this has been a crazy year. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sjatib 5,197 Posted March 15, 2020 I live in Spain and here we have been confined for two days already, still 13 more to come. Many artists have been developing nice ideas such as Instagram live festivals and concerts -free ones, of course-, and I thought that that kind of initiatives are beautiful and community reinforcing, specially with all the terrible things that are coming on the economic and social side, and are already starting to happen (lots of bussineses closing, people getting fired by hundreds, a huge crisis resembling -or even worse- the one happened in 2008). It would be very beautiful if Lana decided to make a little acoustic concert from her IG, too. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites