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"Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass  

297 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite poems from "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass?"

    • LA Who am I to Love You
    • The Land of 1000 Fires
    • Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
    • Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
    • Salamander
    • Never to Heaven
    • Sportcruiser
    • Tessa DiPietro
    • Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
    • What Happened When I Left You
    • Happy
    • My Bedroom is a Sacred Place Now - There are Children at the Foot of My Bed
    • Paradise is Very Fragile
    • Bare Feet on Linoleum

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Well, I'm really not a fan of bullying at all so that's discouraging to see. The way I saw it, especially before it dropped, I figured this was going to be for the fans and more casual listeners were not gonna vibe. I mean, so many people even listen to poetry in the first place, speaking in a modern mainstream view. So I just figured the vitriol wouldn't be so bad, maybe I was just prepared for negativity. Now that its out, the craft behind it i think does deserve a wider view which in nature will bring out more casual listeners and reviewers. Yes i think that reviewer has this totally wrong, but maybe other more major publications will take a look at this as well. My thoughts haha,I dont have much planned today.

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It sounds like most of us are in complete agreement that Violet is a tremendous body of work. Lana, like some of my other fave artists, has a way of conveying deep, colorful imagery with simple, everyday words. Much like Stevie Nicks, Erykah Badu, Amy Winehouse (RIP), and Tori Amos, they all share this amazing way of using words and phrasing; to captivate an audience. I sit (and listen) in complete awe of Lana and her prowess with language. Like she says in Sportcruiser,


I’m not a captain,

I’m not a pilot,

I write!

I write!


…and does she ever. She is the poet of our generation and I lap up every word she drops like a parched land to water :worship:

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Solipsistic is the ungenerous way to describe VBBOTG because it sees introspection as an indulgence rather than a vulnerability.


It’s very revealing that she references the early criticism of her being fake and mentions herself as “Elizabeth Grant”, things that we know about but Lana rarely talks openly about. It’s about the closest we can get to her inner life.

Yes! You took the words right out of my mouth

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I have really big questions about her relationship with her mother, like what really happened between them? The last time i remember them pictured together was in the honeymoon era. Also in LA who am i to love you is she alluding to the loss children she may have been pregnant with when she says “Mother to no one, private jet for one, Back home to the Tudor house that borned a thousand murder plots”? as if she puts her unborn children to rest? Or may she be talking about the murder she’s done over multiple relationship with ppl.


In my eyes, it's clear that she's been a very cold mother and was the first to criticize Lana in her childhood and teens; then I'm sure she came up with the idea of sending her to boarding school/rehab, and then when it finished it seems like  she was totally ashamed of her daughter instead of being proud of her getting 'helthier' (addiction-wise, though, as this obviously caused her a trauma).

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In my eyes, it's clear that she's been a very cold mother and was the first to criticize Lana in her childhood and teens; then I'm sure she came up with the idea of sending her to boarding school/rehab, and then when it finished it seems like  she was totally ashamed of her daughter instead of being proud of her getting 'helthier' (addiction-wise, though, as this obviously caused her a trauma).

I relate to Lana a fuck ton. Personally, my mother decided to give me up to my dad and that has left me a bit traumatized throughout my life. Lana felt like her mother abandoned her by sending her to boarding school. When Lana pleads about wanting to be a mother I understand every point, because when you grow up without a mother (for me & i’m assuming for Lana) you want to change the dynamic and not have to repeat the same curse for your own children. You want to be there and until you’re able to resolve and give the entirety of your love to a child that you wish was you, you will feel contempt.


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I relate to Lana a fuck ton. Personally, my mother decided to give me up to my dad and that has left me a bit traumatized throughout my life. Lana felt like her mother abandoned her by sending her to boarding school. When Lana pleads about wanting to be a mother I understand every point, because when you grow up without a mother (for me & i’m assuming for Lana) you want to change the dynamic and not have to repeat the same curse for your own children. You want to be there and until you’re able to resolve and give the entirety of your love to a child that you wish was you, you will feel contempt.


I'm too traumatized to dream of having my own children, at least right now. Scared that I will end up repeating to them what my mother did to me and becoming like her. 

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The instrumentals sound a lot like the OST from The Tribes of Palos Verdes


Super underrated, if you haven’t watched. Jennifer Garner should have gotten an Oscar nom for it, but I digress.


The OST was composed by Gustavo Santollala (The Last of Us, Brokeback Mountain, August Osage County). The guitar on the audiobook is giving me those same vibes, I’m in love.

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VBBOTG is definitely solipsistic, but many or most artists are, if their work deals with the inner life at all. Bob Dylan, Nico, Marianne Faithfull, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Sting, Led Zeppelin, the Eagles, Patti Smith, Tori Amos, Jeff Buckley, Twenty One Pilots..the inner landscape is par for the course, and certainly fair game.


LDR is clearly still making her way in the world and finding her way...from the books she’s posted on IG, we know she’s not reading ‘essential texts’ but rather watered-down works which present the ideas of other, greater writers in a more palatable manner, books meant for the general reader or non-reader. And that’s fair too. Everything in its own time.

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This evening I went out to a nearby lake and listened to the whole audiobook again. It's such an ethereal experience. Also saw a shooting star, so there's that  :creep: 

As much as I love Sportcruiser, Bare Feet on Linoleum is a complete different dimension. I feel like I am in the Black Lodge with Laura Palmer, the arm and Cooper, hearing her say "I'll see you again in 25 years. Meanwhile." and that's it, no doppelganger or anything but just the atmosphere at that moment: trapped in this other dimension, waiting until the clock has run out. Hopefully the saga will be then continued in COCC and I am released from this hypnotized state.

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With references to Eve and the original sin, and mention of Mount Olympus, and referring to her man as evil and from hel, and with fruit on the cover, this project really gives me Persephone vibes.


I love this. I'm going to title my NFR-Violet combination album 'Persephone'  :flutter:

nice cocc bro

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This evening I went out to a nearby lake and listened to the whole audiobook again. It's such an ethereal experience. Also saw a shooting star, so there's that  :creep: 

As much as I love Sportcruiser, Bare Feet on Linoleum is a complete different dimension. I feel like I am in the Black Lodge with Laura Palmer, the arm and Cooper, hearing her say "I'll see you again in 25 years. Meanwhile." and that's it, no doppelganger or anything but just the atmosphere at that moment: trapped in this other dimension, waiting until the clock has run out. Hopefully the saga will be then continued in COCC and I am released from this hypnotized state.


Yes! Bare Feet on Linoleum sent me straight to the Black Lodge. I'll be trapped there until Chemtrails comes to save me.

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I'm just gonna say it. She needs to do a live recital of some of the poems from here in The Last Bookstore (in LA). The material deserves it. It is that good.

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VBBOTG is definitely solipsistic, but many or most artists are, if their work deals with the inner life at all. Bob Dylan, Nico, Marianne Faithfull, Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell, Sting, Led Zeppelin, the Eagles, Patti Smith, Tori Amos, Jeff Buckley, Twenty One Pilots..the inner landscape is par for the course, and certainly fair game.


Yeah, when I read that I laughed because most artists are solipsistic, especially when their work deals with emotions and personal experiences. You enter the artist's universe. The author wanted to shade her but they actually made a fair point.

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Yeah, when I read that I laughed because most artists are solipsistic, especially when their work deals with emotions and personal experiences. You enter the artist's universe. The author wanted to shade her but they actually made a fair point.

Thanks. LDR is working her way towards additional self knowledge, self mastery and objectivity, but it takes time, work and effort. Most solipsistic people probably are not that way by choice, it’s either just their nature or the result of trauma and injury—the latter, most often, IMO.

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Thanks. LDR is working her way towards additional self knowledge, self mastery and objectivity, but it takes time, work and effort. Most solipsistic people probably are not that way by choice, it’s either just their nature or the result of trauma and injury—the latter, most often, IMO.


Yes, I definitely feel that. I think I'm half solipsistic, half outer-conscious. I connect everything to my own feelings.

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