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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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I think Elle and the Mods made it clear that the rules will be stricter this time around! NO FIGHTS PLEASE. No name-calling, no rudeness.

If it's necessary, apologies would be nice. @5adboy

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2 minutes ago, LennyDelRye said:

Still think she'll go the route with a single coming out first, which would be about a month before the album. Surprise releases aren't a surprise if everyone's doing it. By the way does anyone one know who's producing it?

... yes they are 

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Want to add that this is why actual insiders probably don't want to post on here. The cult like worship of Lana and believing she could never do wrong and anything that does go wrong is Someone Else's fault means people who have news that goes against what Lana says don't really want to share. Her managers have pretty much outright said she has much more control over her social media than an ideal client would. Meaning what she posts on social media and what she says in interviews that are clearly from her own head instead of from a carefully scripted sheet isn't dogma. Pretty much by the time of the final recording it's done and gone and dead in her head, nevermind all the legal and logistical shit albums have to go through before release. Maybe not attacking anyone who doesn't take what Lana says as holy and infallible gospel is a good idea if you want any amount of variety on this forum. Just saying. 

locals only

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1 minute ago, WilshireBoulevard said:

Want to add that this is why actual insiders probably don't want to post on here. The cult like worship of Lana and believing she could never do wrong and anything that does go wrong is Someone Else's fault means people who have news that goes against what Lana says don't really want to share. Her managers have pretty much outright said she has much more control over her social media than an ideal client would. Meaning what she posts on social media and what she says in interviews that are clearly from her own head instead of from a carefully scripted sheet isn't dogma. Pretty much by the time of the final recording it's done and gone and dead in her head, nevermind all the legal and logistical shit albums have to go through before release. Maybe not attacking anyone who doesn't take what Lana says as holy and infallible gospel is a good idea if you want any amount of variety on this forum. Just saying. 


Actual insiders post on atrl anyway no one likes this website 

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Change was a last minute addition in the lust for life. With that being said, up until September 5th the album can be naturally entitled unfinished.

[Hold me, love me, touch me, lanadel.gif

honey, be the first who ever did]

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I genuinely can't decide whether or not Ed has tried to throw a curve ball, meaning the album is finished and is coming September, he just wants it to be a surprise. Or if he's telling the truth and the album isn't ready at all... Ben saying new Lana music was coming soon kinda contradicts this too.

And no disrespect to them as managers but are they even that aware, not saying he wouldn't know if the album was finished or not. But on one of his posts, he was congratulating Ellie Goulding on her latest album release and he said something like "The Bright Blue" instead of "Brightest Blue". Surely your manager would know the title of the album, of the artist, they are paid to promote.

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okay didn't they both say they don't read Lana's instagram typewriter posts maybe they truly are awful managers and didn't even realise she announced the date and ed is still trying to keep it a surprise.... i thinks im onto something here


side note, can i mute the sounds on this site omg theyre scaring me

LORN - ANVIL [Official Music Video] GIF | Gfycat 

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1 hour ago, LittleSussy said:


Lover wasn't a year old when Folklore came out

True. Most artists release every two or three years, some release faster. I don’t mind the gap between albums. If she took four years after that, I’d find it rough but it would be ok if it means a good album after that. Plus she can have free time if she wants for personal projects. Where I do mind is when promo is starting for an album: the artist shouldn’t have a year between the lead single and the album and shouldn’t give unconfirmed specific dates. That’s it. 

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1 minute ago, VioletBunny said:

okay didn't they both say they don't read Lana's instagram typewriter posts maybe they truly are awful managers and didn't even realise she announced the date and ed is still trying to keep it a surprise.... i thinks im onto something here

In an interview with Music Week, Ben mentions the post and says she should’ve worded it better

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1 hour ago, TrashMagiq said:

who cares if the screenshot's real or not COCC coming September 4th!

PopGAF |OT6| Beyonic is never coming out. | NeoGAF

i love you skdmkdfmfm



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3 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

Where I do mind is when promo is starting for an album: the artist shouldn’t have a year between the lead single and the album and shouldn’t give unconfirmed specific dates. That’s it. 

This though! Honestly, Mariners Apartment Complex and Venice Bitch should've been a stand alone release and included on the album as a bonus etc. That whole roll out was an absolute mess, and I appreciate that she hasn't done that again this time around tbh. However, the whole September 5th thing is frustrating too, especially if she doesn't commit.

I just struggle to believe that she plucked a random date out of her head. I know previously she's said like "in the fall", "top of next year" or even like named a month. But to give us September 5th (and for that to be like one day off from a date when an album is likely to be released). Like it's a Saturday, but if it was a Wednesday I'd be less confident. It feels like they either set a date and it's coming or they had a deadline with a planned release and Lana just hasn't managed to meet the deadline.

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8 minutes ago, bored said:

I genuinely can't decide whether or not Ed has tried to throw a curve ball, meaning the album is finished and is coming September, he just wants it to be a surprise. Or if he's telling the truth and the album isn't ready at all... Ben saying new Lana music was coming soon kinda contradicts this too.

And no disrespect to them as managers but are they even that aware, not saying he wouldn't know if the album was finished or not. But on one of his posts, he was congratulating Ellie Goulding on her latest album release and he said something like "The Bright Blue" instead of "Brightest Blue". Surely your manager would know the title of the album, of the artist, they are paid to promote.

At this point, I prefer to believe the album isn’t coming sept 5. If it does, I’ll be the happiest guy on Earth, but I doubt it. If the album isn’t completely mastered, I don’t see it coming so soon, even if some artists master up to the night following release, because she never followed that pattern. It doesn’t mean she’ll release it much later on (could be October), but I’ll be more realistic and wish for a lead single rather than cover plus preorder and complete album in the next weeks. 

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6 minutes ago, cinnamongirI said:

In an interview with Music Week, Ben mentions the post and says she should’ve worded it better

I'm sure they admitted to not proof reading them etc and she kinda just posts what she wants. It's more than likely they only read it after the controversy kicked off and honestly, they probably read that first paragraph and didn't actually get to the part where she announces her album release.

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I messaged Ed an hour ago and told him to not say anything if we are getting cocc on the 4th/5th and he hasn’t replied so 4th/5th release date confirmed ladies :hooker:

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they would be the worst managers ever if they didn't read her full IG post that caused a huge uproar. They clearly know she announced the album. Maybe they aren't saying anything because somethings up in the air right now

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