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Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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1 hour ago, ChaoticLipster said:

‘sHe DoSn’t OwE Us aNythiNg wah wan wah’ same old bullshit I keep hearing on here and it’s tiring…Yes she does owe her fans, she owes them respect and to keep screwing us around is disrespect. It’s fine that she does not know a release date and is undecided on album titles, but to pretend like she knows, even let release dates roll by with no info is just rude and unprofessional.  You know what other artists do? They keep their mouth shut until they know a date and everything has a green light.   I think Lana owes us everything we’ve supported her all these years, her fan base has given her this success because the general public abandoned her after summertime sadness.  Otherwise she’d still be in dive bars and writing poetry nobody will ever read or hear.  I don’t think we ask for much, a little engagement a little transparency and clear communication. I appreciate not everyone finds music release a big deal, maybe it isn’t that deep no…but if you think about it it’s not that deep or hard for Lana to be more clear and respectful either. 


she seriously DOES NOT owe us anything, she is not in anyway responsible for her fans and how they feel about her, and she certainly is not responsible for their mental/emotional health, is it frustrating that we deal with false dates and confusing album roll-outs, but nothing's stopping you or anybody else from focusing on other musicians or just straight-up unstanning, it's really hard to say that you're being disrespected by her when you don't even know what's going on behind the scenes and you don't even know her, if her vague & confusing album roll-outs are that impactful on your life, that's your own personal issue, she doesn't do anything with the expectation that it'll keep her fans' mental health in a good spot, that's not her responsibility, it's not healthy to have a relationship with your favorite artist like this, when you don't know her and you don't know what she's even thinking or feeling, or what's really going on in her life, her niece was just born and we have no clue how hard she's working on this album, she could be writing & recording for hours every single day and we wouldn't know that for sure

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1 hour ago, ChaoticLipster said:

‘sHe DoSn’t OwE Us aNythiNg wah wan wah’ same old bullshit I keep hearing on here and it’s tiring…Yes she does owe her fans, she owes them respect and to keep screwing us around is disrespect.

I think Lana owes us everything we’ve supported her all these years, her fan base has given her this success because the general public abandoned her after summertime sadness.  

yeah and i seriously think you need to get a life hobby, but hey, we can’t have everything <\3 !

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ya'll need HELP :bebe: 

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we don't deserve this album

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2 hours ago, ChaoticLipster said:

‘sHe DoSn’t OwE Us aNythiNg wah wan wah’ same old bullshit I keep hearing on here and it’s tiring…Yes she does owe her fans, she owes them respect and to keep screwing us around is disrespect. It’s fine that she does not know a release date and is undecided on album titles, but to pretend like she knows, even let release dates roll by with no info is just rude and unprofessional.  You know what other artists do? They keep their mouth shut until they know a date and everything has a green light.   I think Lana owes us everything we’ve supported her all these years, her fan base has given her this success because the general public abandoned her after summertime sadness.  Otherwise she’d still be in dive bars and writing poetry nobody will ever read or hear.  I don’t think we ask for much, a little engagement a little transparency and clear communication. I appreciate not everyone finds music release a big deal, maybe it isn’t that deep no…but if you think about it it’s not that deep or hard for Lana to be more clear and respectful either. 

Then why dont you become a musician. Then you can give your fans all the correct and timely dates as you'd like ?

2 minutes ago, LanaTheRay said:

Yes!!! You can help keep Win Edwards distracted while he’s digging through Lana’s trash when we sneak past the front gate!!!

Just don't let him take the used panties. Tell him to get whatever discarded music related items and run :creep:

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manifesting excellent bridges for this album true.gif

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The only time an artist, including Lana owes you something is if you pre ordered/ordered an album/merchandise for her site that has to arrive, her appearing at the concert you bought tickets for or something similar. So, in case you invested money in her album, she owes you, but otherwise she doesn't. Please keep in mind that she's a human who lives far far away from you, who doesn't know you exist and probably never will so if you can't handle her not releasing music, please leave this site and unstan her. She has 6 albums + unreleased songs for fuck's sake. Go listen to that. 

I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free 


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Not some of you pulling out the “Lana is emotionally abusive” card again I thought we was over that :godlaugh2::hillary:

In the nicest way possible please get a grip I know we all love Lana and we all want more music but she didn’t sign up to be your therapist :awk:



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Some of you act like Lana's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to like her/keep up with her :eyeroll3: I know that it can be frustrating when something an artist says doesn't happen, but honestly, we really aren't entitled to anything. Lana makes and gives us music because she wants to, not because some people on a forum want her to. 


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Tidal shows me my top 30 listened songs at the end of every month and last month was the first month ever that not a single Lana song made it into my top 30, release something girl  

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2 hours ago, Super Movie said:

Some of you act like Lana's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to like her/keep up with her :eyeroll3: 


But she is... EZDaOesXkA4Z2eL.jpg



My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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