DeadlyPink 10 Posted June 28, 2020 Can anyone upload her old eps/singles on spotify? it sucks to download 1 per 1 by youtube, not even the b-sides are there, that sucks. I mean, i know she's got a disease and she needs time to make her album and the fact she hates her old stuff, but cmon let's make a hash or something, we're done with promises, if she just keep quiet it would be better than promising every goddamn year You can download from megaposts of her online instead of youtube. She likes to pretend her music from 2009-2011 never happened. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tulips 3,733 Posted June 28, 2020 and the fact she hates her old stuff She likes to pretend her music from 2009-2011 never happened. A lot of people say she hates all her old music but I don't think she does. I know that she likes a lot of her old songs like 99 Tears, One and Traces. The only song from the Cry Baby/As If era I know she really hates is Obsession which she says she was forced to record etc. I think it's just an issue with basically all of her music. A lot of things like As If EP, Ghost EP, NTMT B-Sides Pt 1 just aren't available on streaming services for some reason, or are only available in select countries. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sulfer 136 Posted June 28, 2020 She probably hates her old music, but she kinda gives us no choice (as to what to listen to) cause there's no "new" music... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sulfer 136 Posted June 29, 2020 Untouchable (Final) new snippets from dbree 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tulips 3,733 Posted June 29, 2020 Untouchable (Final) new snippets from dbree ''Hot Chick New Mix Master 17'' sounds like it's just a low quality recording of the leaked demo and this ''Untouchable final'' snippet sounds like again a low quality version of the leaked demo.. Leak the real Untouchable final: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jord 3,481 Posted June 29, 2020 The final "Untouchable" snippets sound so fake. When the fan who did this is able to replicate the new synths Bloodshy & Avant have added to the song, then we'll talk. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
National Anthem 9,909 Posted July 4, 2020 Does anyone have a green NTMT vinyl they are willing to give up lol? One of my biggest regrets was not ordering that back in 2014 when I had the chance............. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallumlavigne 6,093 Posted July 4, 2020 lol did anyone watch 'her' twilight zone episode? 0 Quote Insta. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadlyPink 10 Posted July 4, 2020 Idk if anybody has her old stuff. Supposedly the song “Cobra” is “cute”. “Cherry Bomb” is supposedly mid-tempo. This is all I got from somebody who “supposedly” has these songs. I’m not too sure about “Cobra” being “cute” but I do remember somebody describing “Cherry Bomb” as mid-tempo. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jord 3,481 Posted July 4, 2020 Idk if anybody has her old stuff. Supposedly the song “Cobra” is “cute”. “Cherry Bomb” is supposedly mid-tempo. This is all I got from somebody who “supposedly” has these songs. I’m not too sure about “Cobra” being “cute” but I do remember somebody describing “Cherry Bomb” as mid-tempo. You’re about “Cherry Bomb” supposedly being mid-tempo because that’s exactly how it’s been described in 2010 on a forum (I think it was either Spill It Now or Pop Justice). Don’t be fooled, though. People do not have these songs. No ONE has Bloodshy & Avant songs and unless Sky leaks them herself (which she won’t since she had problems because of “Dynamite State”), then we won’t have them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inferno Euphoria 6,498 Posted July 4, 2020 Funny how she has a song called I Blame Myself but Masochism always being delayed is never because of her 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amadeus 11,335 Posted July 4, 2020 the sky ferreira updates account (potentially) quitting was the nail in the coffin 24 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gone user 5,374 Posted July 5, 2020 Can anyone please share an updated masterpost of her music with me? I've been a fan of her for a year and a half, but I have listened to the same 15 songs on repeat and I really wanna dive into her unreleased stuff + i don't have her B-sides and I really want to add them to my local files 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
partymonster 4,728 Posted July 5, 2020 every year the power of this screenshot gets stronger 21 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nightmare 9,851 Posted July 5, 2020 halsey had the tea 14 Quote come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AKASAKA SAWAYAMA 7,893 Posted July 5, 2020 every year the power of this screenshot gets stronger im starting to thinking halsey made several points 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anwdelrey 9,295 Posted July 5, 2020 Idec if what Halsey says has some truth to it she’s still a cornball and Sky is far more talented. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cacciatore 19,347 Posted July 5, 2020 Idec if what Halsey says has some truth to it she’s still a cornball and Sky is far more talented. Talent is useless when you're lazy. 16 Quote into your eyes my face remains Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
godsmonster 14,354 Posted July 5, 2020 lets just lock the thread and move on it's clear sky doesn't want a music career 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites