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Musicians you like the least

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look we all went through the 2015 hate phase bc she was clearly a d-grade copycat, but we're well past that and i just... cannot get into her

her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, her lyrics are usually so cringy, on paper they are sometimes good but then her delivery ruins it, and her entire persona is just. I can't stand her. I know a lot of people really liked her last album, but I just can't get into it :toofloppy:

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i wouldn’t say there’s a musician i like the least/dislike the least? i can’t really think of anybody in particular… i don’t like music/pop music which is very generic or obviously just following trends/commercial success, i admire & strongly prefer music with a real sense of artistry (which pop music can have)


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5 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:



Dua lipa

Justin beaver




Fake af 

I agree with all of these apart from dula peep. She's not trying to do anything other than write pop music so her music doesn't feel fake-deep like Halsey and others.

Popular ≠ Fake

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Kim Petrash,

Can't stand her ass for working with Dr(ap*st). Luke & the way she apologising Kesha for telling her she was a liar disgusts me

She fake af

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3 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

i wouldn’t say there’s a musician i like the least/dislike the least? i can’t really think of anybody in particular… i don’t like music/pop music which is very generic or obviously just following trends/commercial success, i admire & strongly prefer music with a real sense of artistry (which pop music can have)

Ok, but is there an artist you really can't stand for some reason?

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I make a point to not hate on any artist and I respect the hustle of everyone, but I think the new wave of alternative women in music — that, in my opinion, inaccurately get lumped with Lana — just aren’t for me (Halsey, Billie Eilish, Clairo, Phoebe Bridgers, Melanie Martinez). 

I also don’t really like sparkly, shiny, glossy “pop” that is mainstream nowadays. The true beauty of popular music flourished in the early 2000s with Britney, Beyoncé, and their peers. 

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1 minute ago, bluechemtrails said:

Ok, but is there an artist you really can't stand for some reason?


honestly? i don’t know/think so, there’s artists who i don’t care for, or artists who make music i don’t like or think is overrated, but it’s not to say i can’t stand them, if that makes sense?


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