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Dark Angel

Which Honeymoon Song Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign? (Moon)

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Aries Moon - High By The Beach

Lives In The Moment, Independent, Strong Personality, Moody, Intense Desires, Risk-Takers, Defensive, & Active

high by the beach | GIF | PrimoGIF



Taurus Moon - Terrence Loves You

Strong-Willed, Desires Familarity, Romantic, Sentimental, Connected To The Physical World, Practical, Enjoys Stability & Security

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF


Gemini Moon - Music To Watch Boys To

Witty, Charming, Curious, Worrisome, Restless, Sociable, & Adaptable

Lana Del Rey "Honeymoon" Album Review


Cancer Moon - The Blackest Day

Empathetic, Wistful, Peaceful, Habitual, Dependable, & Humorous



Leo Moon - Art Deco

Comedic, Organized, Creative, Dramatic, Proud, Generous, & Bright

lana del rey freak GIF - GIF Animado | REYGIF


Virgo Moon - 24

Enjoys Simplicity & Structure, Dependable, Introverted, Self-Critical, & Skeptical

The Beat and Pulse : Lana Del Rey - Honeymoon


Libra Moon - Freak

Extroverted, Harmonious, Sympathetic, Charming, Attractive, Diplomatic, & Idealistic

Freak GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY


Scorpio Moon - Salvatore

Emotionally Intense, Intimidating, Attractive, Transformative, Enjoys Intense Experiences, Commmited, Intuitive, & Strong

Lana del rey honeymoon GIF - Find on GIFER


Saggitarious Moon - Religion

Joyful, Easy-Going, Active, Helpful, Enjoys Outdoors, Faithful, Free-Spirited, & Craves Knowledge

Lana Del Rey In Black And White GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


Capricorn Moon - God Knows I Tried & Burnt Norton

Productive, Calm, Reliable, Respects Authority & Tradition, Self-Critical, & Practical

high by the beach gifs | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgir


Aquarius Moon - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood & Swan Song

Observant, Analytical, Shy, Feels "Different", Unique, Idealistic, Progressive, Independent, Kind, Prideful,& Unpredictable

gif, elizabeth grant and singer - image #7101719 on Favim.com


Pisces Moon - Honeymoon

Dreamy, Intuitive, Compassionate, Loving, Silly, Perceptive, Complex, Soft-Hearted, Accepting, & Artistic

CheapTrailerTrashGlam's Icons/Banners/Gifs - Digital Art - LanaBoards -  Lana Del Rey Forum


this is just for fun! hopefully this is accurate enough bc i really don't know a lot about astrology, but i had a lot of fun putting this together! :)


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this made me realize how there really aren't that many gifs from the honeymoon era :heidi:


also got terrence loves you :pussypower:

it fits pretty well :true:


edit: also terrence loves you is literally my favorite lana song so i'm personally honored :trisha:

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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4 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

Scorpio Moon - Salvatore

Emotionally Intense, Intimidating, Attractive, Transformative, Enjoys Intense Experiences, Commmited, Intuitive, & Strong

Lana del rey honeymoon GIF - Find on GIFER

omg my sign is the song that changed my lifeee. period


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1 minute ago, the ocean said:

this made me realize how there really aren't that many gifs from the honeymoon era :heidi:


also got terrence loves you :pussypower:

it fits pretty well :true:


edit: also terrence loves you is literally my favorite lana song so i'm personally honored :trisha:


i know i honestly struggled to find good honeymoon gifs :eartha2: i wanted them all to be unique & somewhat match the songs, i tried my best... :whatever2:


i'm don't let me be misunderstood/swan song! :party: 


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The Blackest Day 



If these threads keep up someone will probably be able to decipher all of our birth times + locations lmao 


⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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9 minutes ago, Mer said:

If these threads keep up someone will probably be able to decipher all of our birth times + locations lmao 




you're really concerned about people finding out who you are aren't you :coffee:


 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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You're so art deco, out on the floor...




"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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