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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Just now, evalionisameme said:

Isn’t that Britney jean and joanne :lmao:

Actually the album gave us orange trees so I’m inclined to agree…

britney jean, joanne and love+fear

the trio of flops



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1 minute ago, evalionisameme said:

In that universe so is Katy perrys discography :xgiggle:

well we r in that universe like

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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5 minutes ago, rancidgirl said:

well we r in that universe like

Subjective but thankfully perrys career died when streaming came onboard :lmao: Electra heart is like Katy a bit…but actually good which is why it goes viral on tik tok.


in fact if you combined the fame+BTD + early Kathy cherry= that’s Electra heart right there 

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16 hours ago, AtomicMess said:

The way I want this so bad, but my realist brain keeps kicking in. Like,  she's 37. She was in her early-mid 20s with TFJ, she was she mid-20s with EH, and she was cresting 30 with Froot.

As a doddering old fuck 30-something myself, I can say that there's some grand perspective shifts and emotional changes that do come with age; and I think there's a certain energy and emotional tone that came out of the TFJ to Froot run that won't be able to be recaptured or recreated by her, just by virtue of having that much more life experience and wisdom and perspective.

L&F and ADIAML feel.....'softened' - there's just not the same attitude there anymore. TFJ had a punky, spunky, quirky energy to it. EH had this rebellious, sexy vibe that also managed to be politically aware and didn't undermine itself by doing so. Froot continued the theme, and it felt matured and sultry and swam in it's own emotions. But then L&F got a little tooooo mellowed out; and felt like it was asleep at the wheel, and ADIAML just tried way too hard - it's was too topical to a fault. (And I say all of this, finding something to love on ALL her albums, and generally enjoying all of them overall)


Her earlier albums pulled from her struggles with depression and anxiety, nods to eating disorders, hints at her own self loathing or career frustrations, etc. - things that all have deep emotional roots and deep emotional resonance with lots of people. Her last two albums...don't seem to go as deep, to me. They feel like they're from someone who's more relaxed with themselves, someone who's more relaxed with their career, someone who's not so hard on themselves anymore. She feels like she's turned the spotlight away from things that are drawing from within herself and are now drawing from an external source instead.


I just don't think she's got the mindset or the career positioning or the emotional stage to pull off anything like she did with TFJ-EH-Froot anymore.


It's understandable how she has little to sing about herself, probably says good about her mental health (which admittedly isn't that good seeing her unfortunately chaotic and too Rupikauresque poetry). She could've rescued herself from all that had she started writing songs from fictional characters' perspective, same way Kate Bush did.


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12 minutes ago, vrtvie said:


It's understandable how she has little to sing about herself, probably says good about her mental health (which admittedly isn't that good seeing her unfortunately chaotic and too Rupikauresque poetry). She could've rescued herself from all that had she started writing songs from fictional characters' perspective, same way Kate Bush did.

tbh I wonder how much of it is her mental health actually being better vs not wanting to sing about it anymore. it could get a bit re-traumatising, maybe that’s why she’s never sung buy the stars or weeds for example?

because there’s not just writing the lyrics which might be quite therapeutic, there’s having to listen to a bunch of demos/mixes about it, and months/years later having to sing it on tour on a nightly basis for weeks and fans always bringing it up/tweeting lyrics at you

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she just became a basic LA bitch who hangs out with the likes of xylo and lizzy platypus... absolute flops who hasnt made decent music since tumblr was still alive. her whole personality being quirky anti society flower lady... she was never a genius like lana to make the correct pivots in her career or recover her pen after being sucked by the LA vapidness. ancient dreams sonically made up for the mess that came before, but her writing really continues to be cringy and not the maturity expected from a woman of her age. the way she takes such beautiful eastern spiritual concepts and ideas around consciousness and translate them into the most preachy katy perry like cringe lyrics. she really turned into a not so cool aunt who drinks wine all day and talks about her crystals. 


she has also rebelled against stan culture and took herself way too seriously when people were doing those she is poor memes. she has on several occassions voiced how she kinda feels weird about fans and alienated herself from them putting herself apart which is a huge mistake when you already have a small fanbase. she became the joke instead of being in on the joke and that's her fault. just an example, ellie said her new album is her least personal yet and people went crazy making memes about it and spamming her with that quote, she laughed about it and made jokes/tiktoks about it herself and even had a billboard up with that quote. if that was marina she would be so pissed and angry about that, probably saying some shit like she was taken out of context and reply passive aggressively to her fans about it. :bye:

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30 minutes ago, 111 said:


she has also rebelled against stan culture and took herself way too seriously when people were doing those she is poor memes. she has on several occassions voiced how she kinda feels weird about fans and alienated herself from them putting herself apart which is a huge mistake when you already have a small fanbase. she became the joke instead of being in on the joke and that's her fault. just an example, ellie said her new album is her least personal yet and people went crazy making memes about it and spamming her with that quote, she laughed about it and made jokes/tiktoks about it herself and even had a billboard up with that quote. if that was marina she would be so pissed and angry about that, probably saying some shit like she was taken out of context and reply passive aggressively to her fans about it. :bye:

I can see how stan culture could get tiring but the alienation of her fanbase was her biggest mistake, and made the stans worse because ‘she hates us anyway’. (I’m not meaning to sound like I’m victim blaming, that’s what they say) if she kept ‘marina and the diamonds’ and kept up engagement I personally believe she could have weathered L+F but it was too many nails in the coffin and it started the whole era on the wrong foot.


I remember when she was going to do a Q&A then had technical difficulties, she didn’t say ‘sorry I’ll try again another day’ she just said nothing for hours (people were waiting up cause they didn’t want to miss it) then deleted the tweet and never said anything. like yes it’s not her responsibility that teenagers in a different timezone were staying up late but y’know, they just wanted to ask her a question, it’s to be expected


she based her whole FROOT campaign on her fanbase promoting her album it seems so weird that she either doesn’t seem to know how it works anymore or deliberately ignores it. it’s her hardcore dedicated fans that buy all her merch (like a £20 tiny candle) and vinyls that fund her, not the casual listeners that heard primadonna on TikTok.

her fanbase is especially important now she’s independent, I can’t see her paying out for a promotional campaign. 


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Marina gave us several bodies of work- artists tend to have a shelf life :facepalm: maybe she could pivot into creative writing or something? 

Honestly some fans on twitter were quite vile to her on a daily basis so I can see why she snapped- not everyone can compartmentalise like charli 

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the fact she was my no.1 artist from 2015-17 but her post LFL fake woke disingenuous fan hating facade ruined her for me. she must have fired her publicist because...


she will drive herself into oblivion if she doesn't do something rq :eartha:

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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11 minutes ago, AllForYou said:


I remember when she was going to do a Q&A then had technical difficulties, she didn’t say ‘sorry I’ll try again another day’ she just said nothing for hours (people were waiting up cause they didn’t want to miss it) then deleted the tweet and never said anything. like yes it’s not her responsibility that teenagers in a different timezone were staying up late but y’know, they just wanted to ask her a question, it’s to be expected


I would probably be annoyed if my stan/fanbase was full of stan twitter teens online, but that's rude- should've given a headsup instead of backtracking :um2:

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2 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

the fact she was my no.1 artist from 2015-17 but her post LFL fake woke disingenuous fan hating facade ruined her for me. she must have fired her publicist because...


she will drive herself into oblivion if she doesn't do something rq :eartha:


didn't she actually fire her manager who was on maternity leave during L+F... 


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5 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

She voluntarily left apparently 

Keeley gave an interview in April 2020[10], in which she said she was "recently fired by a long-term client on maternity leave", adding "this has happened twice",


are you just making shit up

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