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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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She is such a great lyricist. Definitely reminds me of Fiona Apple in a way. If anything, Marina should consider poetry.


“I like to think about how we all look from afar

People driving fancy cars look like beetles to the star”


“Ever since my dreams changed I came crashing down like a paper plane

But nothing ever stays the same and all I know is life is strange”


So good

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"Find me in another place and time" - Baby
"All of the days that we spend apart my love is a planet revolving your heart" - Superstar



These 2 lines together make more sense than they do in their own songs dddd 


The video is really beautiful. Expected it to be some type of album sampler with snippets but it's all just Emotinal Machine instrumental + Lyrics... Archetypes found looking through others to become theirselves 

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 Expected it to be some type of album sampler with snippets but it's all just Emotinal Machine instrumental + Lyrics... Archetypes found looking through others to become theirselves 

tbh i thought this aswell but i think the video we got is so beautiful and has made me so hyped for the album

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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I really love the album trailer! the visuals  :defeated:

Apparently the lyrical content isn't that basic on this album, which makes me happy because Superstar scared me  :teehee:

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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“Shooting a music video in Mexico”


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

SF • ATL • ATL • IND • ATL • CHI • LDN • NYC • NYC • DC • ATL • NYC • PDX • SAN • KS • CHI • AL • MD • AL • AL


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I still feel like Superstar is just a promo single. The late March/early April single that I presume will get is probably what this video is for. 


I ain't no regular singer, now come get everythin' you came for 

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Can we appreciate the fact that she wrote a song about a bunch of kids dining and dashing at this pancake place and then the pancake gods had them lose their wallets and money on the way home... because it’s pancake karma...

ugh organised religions are SHAKING

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Can we appreciate the fact that she wrote a song about a bunch of kids dining and dashing at this pancake place and then the pancake gods had them lose their wallets and money on the way home... because it’s pancake karma...

ugh organised religions are SHAKING


I had to fucking google the lyrics to this to realize this is real

Miss Marina I'm interested about what were you taking to cope with Greece and write these songs later in your life.

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