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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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2 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

She voluntarily left apparently 

that’s not what Jess’ interview made it out to be, but imo it was a case of bad timing and nothing to do with her being pregnant.

Marina said during the Q&A where Jess interviewed her she hates being called underrated as it makes her feel like she’s doing something ‘wrong’ and in the same interview Jess was talking about how she goes into meetings like ‘this is the most underrated artist of all time’ so I think Marina’s post-froot ideals didn’t work with Jess

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54 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

If it was indeed the case- she should of taken her to the courts for discriminatory behaviour 

Really bad


Jess was not a good manager to begin with, no matter if pregnant or not, and what she did voluntarily was bring a new born baby to Marina's concert to give her a surprise birthday cake which ain't really responsible and blaming then that on Marina is hypocrisy. 


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37 minutes ago, vrtvie said:


Jess was not a good manager to begin with, no matter if pregnant or not, and what she did voluntarily was bring a new born baby to Marina's concert to give her a surprise birthday cake which ain't really responsible and blaming then that on Marina is hypocrisy. 

what :xgiggle:

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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6 hours ago, 111 said:

she just became a basic LA bitch who hangs out with the likes of xylo and lizzy platypus... absolute flops who hasnt made decent music since tumblr was still alive. her whole personality being quirky anti society flower lady... she was never a genius like lana to make the correct pivots in her career or recover her pen after being sucked by the LA vapidness. ancient dreams sonically made up for the mess that came before, but her writing really continues to be cringy and not the maturity expected from a woman of her age. the way she takes such beautiful eastern spiritual concepts and ideas around consciousness and translate them into the most preachy katy perry like cringe lyrics. she really turned into a not so cool aunt who drinks wine all day and talks about her crystals. 


she has also rebelled against stan culture and took herself way too seriously when people were doing those she is poor memes. she has on several occassions voiced how she kinda feels weird about fans and alienated herself from them putting herself apart which is a huge mistake when you already have a small fanbase. she became the joke instead of being in on the joke and that's her fault. just an example, ellie said her new album is her least personal yet and people went crazy making memes about it and spamming her with that quote, she laughed about it and made jokes/tiktoks about it herself and even had a billboard up with that quote. if that was marina she would be so pissed and angry about that, probably saying some shit like she was taken out of context and reply passive aggressively to her fans about it. :bye:

Hi, where can I buy the t-shirt and membership card for this haters club?

Side note, where is the nearest hair clinic, because this snatched *me* bald.

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Are we done draggin Marina to the mud? :shh2:


please tell me we are not. 

im here once again to tell y’all how TFJ to FROOT she was great then sold her ass to LA and wokeness and lost al credibility.

For someone who tries so hard to be taken seriously she for sure is CAMP AS HELL… those memes, the feminist rants and now the poetry talking about toilets… the saddest part is that, like someone above said, she’s not in the joke. She’s givin Katy Perry “witness” era level cringe :silly:


Also, firing her manager during maternity leave (if that’s true) is not very females supporting females of her but I’m sure she will find a way to blame men for that too

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What the hell does Melanie Martinez have to do with anything :eek: especially considering her recent success with portals has her more relevant than marina has been since 2015 


leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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19 hours ago, Party Favor said:

What the hell does Melanie Martinez have to do with anything :eek: especially considering her recent success with portals has her more relevant than marina has been since 2015 

I mean marinas peak commercially and quality wise will always be better than anything Melanie releases :omfg2:  Electra heart and the TFJ>>>>>>>> 



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12 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

I mean marinas peak commercially and quality wise will always be better than anything Melanie releases :omfg2:  Electra heart and the TFJ>>>>>>>> 



Marina is better, Melanie wants to be on Marina ‘s. Their is no debate

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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thinking about how marina threw lana under the bus to save herself during the QFTC period yet marina ended up flopping because she decided to go fake woke


its such a shame i used to adore marina so much but the quality of her work just went to shit :bebe:

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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22 hours ago, Party Favor said:

What the hell does Melanie Martinez have to do with anything :eek: especially considering her recent success with portals has her more relevant than marina has been since 2015 

I don’t know if u noticed luv but their career trajectory seems very similar… at least to me


they both had almost perfect beginnings (Crybaby and EH) to then give in to woke culture and deliver some of the cringiest lyrics ever… they try so hard to be seen as woke and ethereal but fail miserably 


Portals is NOT that great, sorry (it could have been though)… 


Im not talking about comercial success, more of quality :crossed:

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