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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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it was fallin by alicia keys. y’all are sooooo useless

Um, you never said it's from another artist. So everyone thought you were talking about Marina's songs. Fjdjjdjdjfis "useless" hmm. Bitch. :P

giphy.gifTwitter: johndelferro

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Found a much better recording of the live performance online:




Fuck, those vocals are actually to die for! Yes some of the lyrics are a tad lazy but honestly the delivery is amazing so I can't complain, plus at this point I'll take anything... it's been 84 years.

Also, anyone notice that Just Desserts reference?



I'm a machine (should I pretend that you didn't exist?)
An emotional being (should I act like you're somebody I miss?)
Since I was a teen (a velvet glove around an iron fist)
Cut my feelings off clean, clean (if you wanna survive, then ignorance is bliss)


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I can’t believe some of you aren’t liking this? When I heard a few of the songs a couple of weeks ago, this was the one that I thought would be an instant fave.

It’s my fave anyway and excited for it to be released!!

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