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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Why does the You demo sound like it was recorded in Garageband again? jldsflksdfj

Because it's a demo

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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this is the most stupid shit I've ever read in my life...

the train of thought isn't: I like her songs BECAUSE she is my favourite artist, but: she is my favourite artist BECAUSE i like her songs (it's more than this but let's keep it simple for the sake of it).

like you shouldn't force yourself to like something just because your favourite artist has done something, because that implies that your favourite artist is infallible and can't make mistakes. but she isn't

there are a lot of people that are ok with just eating up anything an artist ever does and that's ok, but I like to think critically and I reward quality over quantity. 


the argument to be happy just because she's happy I get, but again, FROOT era was marketed as her finally finding comfort in her status, being happy and totally in control of her musical process. we can't just be happy every time she markets something as happy. we don't know what she's going through and a lot of times marina has hidden her darkest moments because she's human and doesn't necessarily wanna share them


the bottom line is you should analyse music just for what it is and not as the result of your favourite artist finally finding their place in the world and being artistically free etc... because those are all non-factors.


also, if the album did end up being lyrically and sonically thought out, like for example El Mal Querer by Rosalia, yall wouldn't even know where to begin appreciating it. and that would take A LOT away from the artist's effort to make something new and artistically sound. "omg its new music just like it... like its so fresh and shes happy" like what's the point in being an artist if your persona can overshadow your music and be the sole factor to drive your fanbase's appreciation for your work? 


look i get being obsessed with marina, i was once too: I loved digging up her myspace posts, pictures and her past. but music is music, and while there is actually space for context, it shouldn't be a mean to overshadow the work but rather to amplify the good qualities. not to make up for the lack thereof. 


for example me being a good fan is using italy's largely right wing taxpayers money to buy EH, TFJ and froot on vinyl. work! love that journey for me

Everytime I see you’ve posted or replied to me I literally don’t read what you write, your opinion on stuff is always shit


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I'm stuck between wishing we could go back 3 months ago talking about EH X FROOT X TFJ or relieved that L+F couldn't top her best album to keep these discussions going nn


But for real, even thought a little letdown, at least "FEAR" feels great. It has some "depth" that's not part of "LOVE" or whatever.

Now if the demos leak... well that would be cool. It feels like Marina wants the whole thing to be done already so lol.

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ya'll: L+F is shite leak the yew demo






I'm just here waiting til it finally leaks and the main difference is a uglier vocal take and no voocoder but the beat being almost the same with minor changes.

Also I think the Karma snippets (at least the ones I heard) aren't really from a demo? she mentioned the song being redone and the snippets sounded pretty much the same from the final (the guitar break on the chorus etc).

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"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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