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Did Lana write any of her songs under the influence of drugs?

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because as said before for her to actually write a song while on drugs is pretty counter productive, plus when your high im sure there's like a billion other things to be doing rather than writing songs, that are far more enjoyable while high.


gurl i write 5 page stories when i'm drunk/high and then edit them when I'm sober. Great process and I love it.


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because as said before for her to actually write a song while on drugs is pretty counter productive, plus when your high im sure there's like a billion other things to be doing rather than writing songs, that are far more enjoyable while high.


How do you know what is and isn't productive for her? You do know that there is a lot of music in existence that most likely would not have been possible without drug use, yes? Also, "drugs" could be anything, uppers, downers, etc.


And there are probably a ton of drug users who are also musicians/song writers whose first order of business while on drugs is to write.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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because as said before for her to actually write a song while on drugs is pretty counter productive, plus when your high im sure there's like a billion other things to be doing rather than writing songs, that are far more enjoyable while high.


Lol you've never been high by yourself have you? One of the best things when you're high and alone is to write or be creative. It frees the mind. Hemingway used to say "write drunk, edit sober" and it's so true. Many people create their best stuff while under the influence.

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Lol you've never been high by yourself have you? One of the best things when you're high and alone is to write or be creative. It frees the mind. Hemingway used to say "write drunk, edit sober" and it's so true. Many people create their best stuff while under the influence.


A million applause for you, dear. When I'm high alone, the thoughts just flow out like a conversation with myself.

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I'd also like to try to preemptively steer this conversation away from a pro/anti-drug thing because the politics of it, for a lot of people, are often hard to separate from discussing facts and other people's histories. I myself don't do drugs and have never been a user, but a lot of my favorite music was made with the aid and influence of many different types of drugs, and it would be absurd for me to deny the prominent role that drugs have played in the creative arts (for hundreds and hundreds of years, mind) simply because i am not a user of them.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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I can't speak to creating music on drugs but listening to live jazz fucked up on hash cookies is fucking amazing. That reminds me, I've been meaning to buy some shares in Christiania.


Also, the Bill Hicks samples at the beginning and the song itself are quite germane to this subject:




Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Oh, i should also qualify my above post with the fact that there is also a ton of "drug music" that i fucking hate. It can go so many different ways.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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Cake... Stache... perhaps that isn't the best example.


i don't listen to gaga, i just saw that on an intewview. i wasn't trying to compare or whatever. just stating a fact. personally, i don't like gaga's music, but thats another topic. :uh:


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Isn't she high all the time?? Iol I thought she was!! Maybe she is not high on crack, meth or drink 1L of vodka every day but for sure she still gives little trips here and there, between a blunt or/and a maritni, 2 the dark side.


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I think under Lana's bed right beside the box she says she keeps her fans gifts and letters is an aid kit. And Lana's Aid kit was made exclusively for her: some ambien for concerts, blunts for interviews, a vodka bottle and a little cup for vodka shots for boring dull moments like reading her daily dose of Lana Boards and daily mail hate posters.


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