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Butterflies Part 2

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This is honestly one song I never see ANYBODY talk about. I actually forgot it even existed until it just came on shuffle. I used to listen to it a lot. It is so good....

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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its perfect description of undergoing mk ultra style brainwashing from a cult leader type. (and note title BUTTERFLIES-- monarch... i'm suprised nobody has mentioned this)

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i've been thinking a lot about this one, it's such horrifying lyrics tbh. like fuck. it's one of her best unreleased honestly, but fuck. these lyrics are... something else.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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On 2/12/2023 at 3:19 AM, shadesofyayo said:

officially her loudest song :eartha: the volume levels are lethal.. it scared me so bad when it came on



I think her loudest is Damn You. That song is DIABOLICALLY loud.


On 5/2/2023 at 2:52 PM, American Whore said:

i've been thinking a lot about this one, it's such horrifying lyrics tbh. like fuck. it's one of her best unreleased honestly, but fuck. these lyrics are... something else.

The story it tells is so vivid. But the melody and everything is so fun.

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One of the only songs I will gate keep of hers, so good and no one gets it like I do.


"I want to stay home, be left alone- Someone make up my mind so I don't have to decide"

https://www.last.fm/user/fakeeyelash13- my last fm <33

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3 minutes ago, honeymooncd said:

One of the only songs I will gate keep of hers, so good and no one gets it like I do.


i get it! and i'm glad tiktok didn't catch on it like some of her other unreleased (afaik, i dont use tiktok) cause the lyrics are iconic but... 


you're hot for allah but we all got a hunch that maybe you've gone astray 




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On 2/12/2023 at 3:19 AM, Ethel Cain said:

officially her loudest song :eartha: the volume levels are lethal.. it scared me so bad when it came on



I feel like Live or Die is WAY LOUDER


On 8/29/2023 at 10:20 AM, honeymooncd said:

One of the only songs I will gate keep of hers, so good and no one gets it like I do.


What if I dared to say this is her best unreleased song yet


✭ I'm an Astronaut who still thinks the world could be ours. ✭

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On 11/24/2024 at 3:27 AM, Karolll said:

What if I dared to say this is her best unreleased song yet

not to necropost this thread but i would 100% agree i LOVE this song. everyone always the lyrics are so fucked, and they are, but that's kinda what i love about it.

"sicko, psycho, sicko, but he's my beau" is a genius lyric, i love that part of the song so much.


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2 hours ago, leavealighton4me said:

not to necropost this thread but i would 100% agree i LOVE this song. everyone always the lyrics are so fucked, and they are, but that's kinda what i love about it.

"sicko, psycho, sicko, but he's my beau" is a genius lyric, i love that part of the song so much.

omg yesss, the backing vocals are perfection :trisha:


✭ I'm an Astronaut who still thinks the world could be ours. ✭

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On 11/23/2024 at 10:27 PM, Karolll said:

I feel like Live or Die is WAY LOUDER

Late but for real, also the og Damn You was also morbidly loud maybe it was my file but oh my God everytime those 2 songs came in I felt my eardrums were about to explote

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You been catchjng butterflies all the girls believe your lies, dont they?


for me its very hard to like lanas very upbeat songs from the btd era BUT this one is just differenttt it sounds like a barbie songg

Old Money, 2:12


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