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Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana

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3 hours ago, Surf Noir said:


some christians ironically seem to put a lot of faith in the devil/satan considering how much they talk about him and how scared they seem to be of him lol :tiffany: i most certainly believe in god but i don't believe in satan and i feel like people who are religious/christians/anything in that realm would be better off not giving the concept of satan so much power... but perhaps that wouldn't go with what the bible says, i just don't think satan's real and i feel like we should be worrying about the evil that happens in the actual world instead of some sort of abstract, spiritual/otherworldly evil, if satan is as weak as god is strong, why worry about him at all?

I’m not religious but I used to kinda feel like you do. But the more I thought about it, the more the Satan concept aligned with my strong belief that there always exists a sort of balance in the world. Good and evil, light and dark. I would think that Satan would be as powerful as God, just in a different way. If I actually believed in these things I would be fully convinced that the societal trends are way off-balance and leaning into Satan, with pornography and fuck apps having a grasp on people, causing them to give into fleshly desires, abandoning their morals and darkening their souls. I don’t actually believe in those characters in a literal sense, though. But as a person who practices witchcraft and worships nature, I do think the ultra-Christian people have it all wrong about people like me. Witches aren’t the people you gotta worry about. :smokes:


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someone saying that lana is trans and apart of the illuminati 😭😭


"I want to stay home, be left alone- Someone make up my mind so I don't have to decide"

https://www.last.fm/user/fakeeyelash13- my last fm <33

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On 3/3/2024 at 12:08 PM, honeymooncd said:


someone saying that lana is trans and apart of the illuminati 😭😭

I'm not surprised. There's a whole side of Twitter that believes everyone in Hollywood is secretly trans and satanic. I worry about people sometimes :biblio:

Edit: Just listened to a few seconds and that dude is saying some pretty disturbing stuff, especially about womens' bodies

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From Letterboxd, it's so random and I don't even know what was even their point, what were they trying to say with this. Also it's the most popular review with 62 likes 😭 The review was under a (fan-made? Lana wasn't part of the production, so I assume it's fan-made) Lana documentary "Lana Del Rey: The Greatest Story Never Told".




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On 3/7/2024 at 1:12 AM, pin up galore said:

ok but imagine how puss it would be if everyone WAS secretly trans and satanic in Hollywood 

imagine if megan fox is actually trans and how madd the incels would be


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I don't think that this needs context, you all know which photo they were talking about. Anyways, the argument though :eartha:



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11 hours ago, Aeryx said:


This guy sang National Anthem to Joe Biden?  :toofunny:

Biden's reaction 😭


Also, this video is on this guy's Instagram as well and Charli XCX likes it lol:



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Comment under a video about Musicians on Musicians Rolling Stone Magazine 2019 issue 💀



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2 minutes ago, lake placid said:

they even deleted my comment calling them out :horror:


That line (in fingertips) is confronting and not immediately clear as to what she means, but you'd think someone calling themselves 'Lizzy.grant' would listen to the song more than once and understand actually what's being described.


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