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What are your Lana listening habits?

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What are your Lana listening habits? Do you listen to her every day? Is there a particular album or song that you play religiously? Do you listen to her more or less compared to other artists?

I listen to music every day and Lana makes up a chunk of my music library, but I try to sprinkle it across, so that I’m not overplaying. I can think of a few artists in the past that I played too often and it kind of diminished the effect. I bet I have more of her songs in my library than I do for any other artist and my interest only continues to grow, but I do listen to other music too!


There are certain songs of hers that are my go-tos when I’m in my feels.

Sometimes I will sit down and listen to an individual LDR record from start to finish. I should do this more often…

Once in a while I’ll just put her entire library on shuffle and listen to it for hours until it’s been all or mostly covered. That’s what I’m doing today since it’s been a while. When I had a long road trip to the last show of hers I went to, I did the same thing. It really set the tone and mood of the event. 

Something that inevitably happens when I play her full library on shuffle is that I’ll rediscover a song of hers that I initially overlooked. It’s a nice change of pace. I know that she’s only had nine official releases, but it feels like so much more than that. Maybe it’s because she’s evolved so much as an artist and that her library is quite diverse. 

I don’t think there’s been a thread like this before? But someone let me know if there is one.


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I actually made a thread like this one before, but instead of following suit w a smart aleck comment, I do wanna say:

- Cherry in the bath is a surprise recharge. and is an overall mood of a listen
- Peppers whenever 
- Brooklyn Baby's perfect for the beach 
- Ocean Blvd when I wanna feel understood 

I like pacing the songs out and extending the moments with them regardless of what, and when I personally feel like the moment needs to progress or pass, I turn the music off soon after. I think that's why I like her interludes if anything 


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the vibe of listening to her while traveling - whatever the mode of transportation or distance - is incomparable. I fell in love with her songs listening to them at those moments and I still have this habit to this day. whether driving, on the bus and, especially, flying

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it depends, sometimes i can get really fixated on a certain artist or even just a certain album (right now it's loveless by my bloody valentine) recently i've also found myself fixated on opal, also mazzy star, and specifically the lizzy grant music of 2007, honestly i find myself gravitated more towards her 2005-2007 work most :bebe: but obviously i still love her most recent work and lately i've been obsessed with candy necklace :true: who knows, maybe i'll find myself fixated on ultraviolence or something like that in the future, but regardless, her pre-fame, lizzy grant work is always an easy listen for me

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I like to get tipsy on Baileys, play Wow or Gemcraft and listen all the moody unreleased tracks from my 10.4gb lana folder :w8ing:it's a rare relaxing treat

Happy as the moonshine

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I used to religiously listen to Lana. As in like, I didn’t hear any music that wasn’t Lana for 3 years straight from the age of 12 to the age of 15. Which is kind of embarrassing but a universal experience I believe.


I didn’t listen to her really at all in 2020, however still kept up with her because I was a massive fan (just took a break after QFTC lol don’t ask me why I was a 15 year old twitter loser who couldn’t think for himself despite literally being a huge fan of her for years already)


I then would listen to her discography heavily in rotation for months at a time. However, my music taste has EXPLODED in the last 6 months and I find myself not really going back to Lana’s entire discography all at once much anymore. 

Last week I was listening to Born To Die a lot, and Paradise. A couple weeks before it was Ultraviolence. This week I’ve had the slower tracks on LFL on repeat. I feel like Lana (and my other favourite artists such as Taylor, Gaga etc) have taken a bit of a backseat in my musical journey as I’ve grown up and expanded my tastes a lot :party: I still love their albums so much and they are in my rotation a lot, I just think I have a less ‘chronically online’ approach to music now - I happily wake up every day and listen to a new album I’ve never heard before. It’s been really refreshing.

Unrelated to the Lana aspect, but a few of my favourite albums that I’ve had in rotation as a result of my reduced focus on Lana are Trouble In Paradise by La Roux,  Technique by New Order, Exile in Guyville by Liz Phair, A Flock of Seagulls (self titled) and England Made Me by Black Box Recorder :bop: 

tumblr_inline_nojcj6qe1j1s5i2my_400.gif gmgif.gif morrissey-flowers.gif

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One thing I've recently realised I do is that if I'm not listening to the whole albums anyway I'm often listening to Lana in "chunks" by which I mean specific track runs I really like and think of as distinct units. It's comparatively rare for me to jump around from song to song but of course I do it with unreleased and with my favourites sometimes.

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Oh and even though Ride is my number one favourite Lana song of all time and so special to me I listen to it a lot less than some other songs. It still feels so potent and magical every time I hear it and a) I don't want to somehow lose that feeling although at this point I really don't think I will and b) at the risk of sounding woo woo I need to be in a specific headspace to commune with the song or something I don't know lmaoo

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the only album of lana's i actually listen to through entirely is ultraviolence and aka. the others i listen to track runs that i like or skip around. if i'm not hyperfixated on lana then i don't listen to her much lol. I do this with basically all music. it's how i managed to rack up 5k minutes of ethel cain this year, but haven't listened to her frequently these last three months. but if we're talking about specifics then: 


songs i ALWAYS listen to:

- A&W
- unidentified flying bill
- brooklyn baby
- west coast
- sad girl
- thunder (bb version aka superior version)
- dealer 
- jump
- for k, pt 2

* i ALWAYS listen to peace when the sun is rising and I'm driving.
* ultraviolence is the ultimate album for me because it fits every type of weather. cloudy? ultra. sunny? ultra. raining? ultra.
* Yosemite is perfect for listening to with the windows down and some light rain.

* i have all of her unreleased material saved on my computer and phone (including album demos) but only listen to like, 3%, of them lmao. there's a few that i could not tell you what they sound like either


leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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This year I've been mostly listening to local playlists on my phone of the Paradise, Ultraviolence, Honeymoon and Lust for Life eras, with all their added outtakes. Or I listen to tracklists I've put together of entirely unreleased songs and demos.

I've been doing this with other artists too, mostly Sky Ferreira this year because masochism is never coming. But Lana is definitely the artist i have the most playlists for and usually my go-to. I guess it's because my predominant mood is chill and dreamy, and that's what most of Lana's music is to me.


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3 hours ago, Surf Noir said:

it depends, sometimes i can get really fixated on a certain artist or even just a certain album (right now it's loveless by my bloody valentine) recently i've also found myself fixated on opal, also mazzy star, and specifically the lizzy grant music of 2007, honestly i find myself gravitated more towards her 2005-2007 work most :bebe: but obviously i still love her most recent work and lately i've been obsessed with candy necklace :true: who knows, maybe i'll find myself fixated on ultraviolence or something like that in the future, but regardless, her pre-fame, lizzy grant work is always an easy listen for me


also, on my playlists on youtube (i'm a cheapskate who won't pay for a streaming service) i will rarely ever shuffle it, i'll usually pick out a song, and consciously choose which one i want to listen to next, i don't even shuffle that often anymore on my itunes where my unrelease lana music is, i just like going out of my way to chose which songs i'll be listening to, i know that's probably pretty unconvential, but it works for me and i like how intentional it is, instead of just waiting to see what random song will pop up that you may not be in the mood for

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I like to listen to her vinyl records the most, randomly or according to my mood, while doing chores or just relaxing.

I also have a playlist that I rearrange all the time to play in the car and sometimes in the shower. It's a mix of her most recent songs, with my favorite unreleased, and some of my favorite released.

Venice Bitch is perfect in the car, and Pink Champagne in the shower.

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