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Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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The mixing on her recent work is my biggest gripe, bc the music and production is great but bitch the mixing makes me wanna turn off half the songs on OB (Fishtail is the number 1 offender) Lasso best not have the same fate or I’ll cry.

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Just now, Let the Light In said:

Omg did you see her story, the new album is called  Holly Macve and it’s coming out on Sept 27th

When Lasso name is changed and the album title actually is "Omg did you see her story, the new album is called  Holly Macve and it’s coming out on Sept 27th" :oprah:


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Sometimes i think lana cancelled lasso after she asked us to watch a judah smith conference-thing and we bullied him on the live chat :awkney2:

3 hours ago, Let the Light In said:

Omg did you see her story, the new album is called  Holly Macve and it’s coming out on Sept 27th

Btw holly's music is really good and ya'll should be streaming :hooker:

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9 hours ago, clementines said:

The mixing on her recent work is my biggest gripe, bc the music and production is great but bitch the mixing makes me wanna turn off half the songs on OB (Fishtail is the number 1 offender) Lasso best not have the same fate or I’ll cry.


it can get pretty offputting. lust for life is also awful in that department, as well as many of her boppier tracks. 

country needs rich soundscapes, and bad mixing can truly fuck that up.

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What happened to that person here on lb who won a meet and greet or idk dinner idk with Lana? Maybe they can ask her some question I mean she can’t keep quite or just go away through a planned dinner lol.

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Just now, Ice Cream Ice Queen said:

Lana has a new highlight on her IG titled “Southern gothic”… are we thinking this is going to be the vibe for lasso?? :ahhney:

We fucking need this so bad :defeated:


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14 minutes ago, Ice Cream Ice Queen said:

Lana has a new highlight on her IG titled “Southern gothic”… are we thinking this is going to be the vibe for lasso?? :ahhney:

She saw that the situation on LB has calmed down after the 30th July :defeated: and she just wants to bother us out with these highlights so that she can have fun on us again :smokes:



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35 minutes ago, Ice Cream Ice Queen said:

Lana has a new highlight on her IG titled “Southern gothic”… are we thinking this is going to be the vibe for lasso?? :ahhney:

Omg she actually gets it… :creepna3:

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Southern Gothic :trisha3:

August gonna be the month to finally give us something Lasso /LDR10 related :trisha: My hope for August 9th is restored :true:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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