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Explanation & Temporary Solution for those having problems liking posts, inserting images, following members, etc.

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So for the recent issues some of you may be experiencing with auto-embedding pictures & links, liking posts, using the @ feature, etc -

The reason why this might not be working is because your browser is blocking “insecure content” aka things encoded with http rather than https.

While LanaBoards as a site has a SSL script, these certain features are encoded with http rather than https, which marks the site as partially insecure.

There was a recent update with Chrome that automatically blocked “insecure content” aka http features, which has prevented many users from using the site features encoded with http.

To fix this, I recommend following the instructions in this post.



On 10/13/2023 at 1:10 PM, hotshot2am said:

Tutorial for Chrome to re-enable liking comments


1. Click on the lock symbol.



2. Click on Site settings



3. Scroll down to Insecure content, switch it to Allow.



4. Restart Chrome and open LanaBoards again






About a year ago, I actually tried to re-encode these features with https rather than http after users voiced concern about seeing the partially insecure warning, but it ended up breaking the features for everyone, so I reverted it. At the time I reached out to both Invision Power (forum software) and my host company (SSL script provider) but unfortunately this was fruitless in solving the problem. Invision Power was helpless (their support team is the worst rip) and while my host company put in a lot of effort to help me, it still didn’t solve the issue as it does seem the issue is more on IP’s side since they provide the forum features that are then encoded.
I reached out to Invision Power again recently after everyone voiced issues about liking posts, but they haven’t been very communicative with me. Hopefully I can provide a permanent solution for everyone soon, but for now the best fix is to make sure your browser isn’t blocking “insecure content” aka http encoded features for LanaBoards. That, or using another browser that does not block this sort of content such as Firefox or Safari x


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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1 hour ago, Elle said:

So for the recent issues some of you may be experiencing with auto-embedding pictures & links, liking posts, using the @ feature, etc -

The reason why this might not be working is because your browser is blocking “insecure content” aka things encoded with http rather than https.

While LanaBoards as a site has a SSL script, these certain features are encoded with http rather than https, which marks the site as partially insecure.

There was a recent update with Chrome that automatically blocked “insecure content” aka http features, which has prevented many users from using the site features encoded with http.

To fix this, I recommend following the instructions in this post.


About a year ago, I actually tried to re-encode these features with https rather than http after users voiced concern about seeing the partially insecure warning, but it ended up breaking the features for everyone, so I reverted it. At the time I reached out to both Invision Power (forum software) and my host company (SSL script provider) but unfortunately this was fruitless in solving the problem. Invision Power was helpless (their support team is the worst rip) and while my host company put in a lot of effort to help me, it still didn’t solve the issue as it does seem the issue is more on IP’s side since they provide the forum features that are then encoded.
I reached out to Invision Power again recently after everyone voiced issues about liking posts, but they haven’t been very communicative with me. Hopefully I can provide a permanent solution for everyone soon, but for now the best fix is to make sure your browser isn’t blocking “insecure content” aka http encoded features for LanaBoards. That, or using another browser that does not block this sort of content such as Firefox or Safari x

Is it possible for the service provider to redirect automatically from http to https? I didn't know that Lanaboards supported https, because entering the URL normally redirects to the more secure connection, but here I have to enter https manually.

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3 minutes ago, Wait For Life said:

Yea I stopped posting stuff in the gallery section cus of this

and none of the images I post have an unencrypted extension (http) that is so 2010  :toofunny:

To clear up confusion, it doesn’t matter the encryption extension of the link of the image file, it’s that the LanaBoards functionality to embed images is encoded in http meaning that if your browser is blocking http/insecure content, the function will not work. To be able to use this function, your browser must allow http/insecure content. Many users are experiencing issues after a recent Chrome update where this content is automatically blocked within the browser settings, and users must now manually set the browser to allow x


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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1 hour ago, Elle said:

To clear up confusion, it doesn’t matter the encryption extension of the link of the image file, it’s that the LanaBoards functionality to embed images is encoded in http meaning that if your browser is blocking http/insecure content, the function will not work. To be able to use this function, your browser must allow http/insecure content. Many users are experiencing issues after a recent Chrome update where this content is automatically blocked within the browser settings, and users must now manually set the browser to allow x


It worked! Thanks boo :lmaoney:


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Please help me,

When i reacting, message appears "Sorry, there was a problem reacting to this content."

When i paste link Youtube into my comment, it cannot embed videos to play

When i insert image from URL, it displays a board with a loading rotating circle


Only once did it work, and I don't understand why



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20 hours ago, Alunadelrey said:

Are you using Google Chrome? That usually give me that problem. I had to download Firefox browser and after that everything worked.


let my try another browser


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15 hours ago, Blue Ink said:

Same problem, changing browser does not work

I use another computer and it works, even though it's still Chrome, I don't really understand :))




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did all that and still can't use like button on the site while using PC :lange:

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I don't know if it has anything to do with this but I have been unable to log in to the forum for about a month. Every time I do it, I have to hit Forgot my password, put the same password and then it lets me in. But it only lets me in for a few minutes because it takes my account out again. Is there any solution for this? I almost don't enter the forum anymore because this is so annoying :( 

Little downtown babydoll

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idk wtf i did but all of a sudden i couldn't like any posts. after being logged out from clearing history and cookies, now i cant log in to LB anymore on my phone, safari and google chrome :toofunny: i couldn't even do it on firefox at first, but enabling https only has been the only thing that worked on here. im a little worried this will happen on firefox too and i just wont be able to log in anymore. i tried everything on safari and google chrome on desktop and my phone :toofunny:



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I can't like posts anymore. I always used the link in the bio from Lanaboards Instagram because using Chrome I never could like posts. Now I can't like posts here as well :crai:


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