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Lindsay Lohan

LanaBoards Next Top Model (SEASON 2 CASTING on pg. 33)

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Right. Right that's IT. 

I will be removing a total of four EARS but I need someone to draw a diagram to indicate where @stupidapartmentcomplex's ears are, cos-

I also prefer when @bunoner's mouth is firmly SHUT so there's that

SURELY is skating on THIN ICE 


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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7 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

eh it's okay i was getting bored of this anyway lol

now that is NOT the attitude of lanaboards next top model

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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I need a cigarette after tonight's panel... it was anyone's game this week, as all the girls really transformed in their photos. I'm crushed to see Lizzy go. I thought her look was ingenious and creative, both qualities I love in young artists... I think I'll record a ballad arrangement of Betty Boop Boop with a haunting Russian church choir to show the judges how wrong they were!




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I really wasn't expecting this turnout. Lizzy will most definitely be missed. Congrats to Tinashe, also why is Kate Moss dominating?? It feels like she's slaying every week, good for her. I'm happy to now be inside the top 10, although I haven't had an *amazing* week yet. The categories Lindsay has been choosing really haven't spoken to my skillset. Maybe this week is my week though, it better be!

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14 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:
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Right. Right that's IT. 

I will be removing a total of four EARS but I need someone to draw a diagram to indicate where @stupidapartmentcomplex's ears are, cos-

I also prefer when @bunoner's mouth is firmly SHUT so there's that

SURELY is skating on THIN ICE 


debc051bedb582b2fa03363b3b09dcbc.png hiii diva

patrick being a little slutty and fun


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Congrats Tinashe! :kiss2: Honestly I thought this round was the most fun, everyone got creative and looked great. Really loved Britney's take with the elvis costume. And I'm thankful to be a runner-up again! :stage:



Kind of gagged at Lizzy going home... but on a side note have any of you actually looked into her past? On her myspace it says she's been married 4 times in 5 countries, and even worked as a trapeze artist before coming on this show :um2: Maybe this was for the best, though I do wonder what she'll be off to do next. Perhaps she'll mysteriously change her name and then move to London for a few years.. 



Anyway, me and my good sis Naomi are off to the met gala! :kali:


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 me after seeing lizzy grants elimination 




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I am beyond shocked, saddened, and horrified by the elimination of my soul twin Lizzy Grant. If it was anyone that served Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent it was absolutely her. I will miss her and her campiness, kitsch, trailer trash aesthetic, homemade music videos, and her low-budget ways. I'll also miss her music, I'm a huge fan of her song "Yayo" and I even covered it on my own EP. Rest in peace, Lizzy Grant. I hope you're enjoying the big, golden trailer park in the sky :xcry:



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