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Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally

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I wish that I could still feel shock hearing about things like this. It seems the political world has become a blurred out black and white scene to me, and, like much of my generation, I know nothing but the most cancerous reality of our highest legislative officials. I do not feel anger, I do not feel great despair, I feel mostly nothing. That is what worries me the most. When the majority of a population is numb, and the rest of it is polarized into factions spoon-fed misinformation and violent rhetoric, that is what sets the stage for the collapse of functional democracy. 


Of course, true democracy does not and has never existed, and we are essentially left to choose between two addled, decaying men, one of whom is a convicted mass criminal, and both of whom likely don't even desire the position itself that they are running for. Yet, it is not just our choice in executive officials that matters, but their consciousness that we are still alive and relevant as a collective populace despite our individual insignificance.


As a side note: We desperately need age limits


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in a country where you could go to wal-mart and buy a gun like it's a new TV, and in a country where we've numerous instances where people have been able to enter schools and shoot children... i don't understand why people are spreading around conspiracy theories as if this could never possibly happen, i understand that it's probably shocking that it happened to somebody very well-known and highly notorious like donald trump, but i just i find it to be illogical and also quite insensitive to act like this most certainly had to be staged, considering that these things do happen, especially in the US, many people, including young children, have sadly lost their lives due to someone making the choice to go out and kill people with a gun, and that actually did happen yesterday, somebody who attended the rally got shot and killed, and another was critically injured


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13 minutes ago, Embach said:

Why guns aren't banned in the US? Why?


most certainly not, unfortunately, it's pretty damn easy to purchase a gun as long as you're 18-years-old, i don't know if you have to go through any screening to make sure you're mentally capable of owning one, or if you need to go through any sort of training to make sure you know how to properly use it, but considering how prevalent gun violence is, and the fact that some of the perpetrators are very young, i'm sure it's just way too easy to obtain one


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5 minutes ago, Strangelove said:


It’s called the Second Amendment, actually. 


and it's horribly outdated, obviously our constitution is very important, but we shouldn't be placing more importance on something written/proposed in the 1700s over the lives of innocent people


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It's wild because people like Harris and Biden keep saying "we have no room for this kind of violence in our country" but then continue to allow guns to be sold where you can buy a bottle of wine and a baby carrier in the same place. Maybe stop giving us crazy options for president?? Maybe don't allow a far right agenda and/or manifesto from happening? Maybe don't allow the head of the Heritage Foundation to say "We're on the brink of another American Revolution and there will be no bloodshed as long as the left keeps it that way."


I'm sorry, but this seems to be a catalyst for a number of things. Could've been a far right agenda to prove Trump's "strength" vs Biden's weakness. Could've been a scapegoat attack to try and spark more political division in the country and make things get violent on both sides. I don't think it's staged or faked, but I don't think it happened without a reason deeper than just some pissed off hillbilly running to a rooftop.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Yeah, I don’t even like guns, but I don’t think they should be fully banned.

At least ban high capacity automatic and possibly semi automatic weapons that are capable of killing mass numbers of people in a short period of time. Why should any everyday citizen be able to get their hands on weapons of war?

I think a rational case can be made for guns for hunting and self-defense. 


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the "it's my constitutional right to have a gun" argument is so funny because i don’t think the founding fathers envisioned assault rifles and ar-15's shooting up clubs and music crowds... it’s either a superiority complex, schizophrenia or compensation for a sad/boring life that makes conservatives so hellbent about having a pistol


"but it’s to protect me!!!" - FROM other peoples guns.... if they werent there you wouldnt need the protection ma


i say this as someone who grew up and has lived in a country with no guns and next to no gun violence

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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I was high and awake when the story broke out. When i saw the first image of him with his fist pumping in the air,  and the great patriotic American flag in the back, i knew this was another CIA Productions™.  Two bystanders dead to make the situation realistic. 


The shooter was part of a BlackRock stockfootage video for their pension program just this April. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9aDGoNtIvV/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

The $9 trillion company that owns shares in virtually all major worldwide corporations dealing with military weaponry, finance, agriculture, tech, and realty. Lol the jokes write themselves. 


Anyways, this man will do anything to gain sympathy votes and throw a wrench in this election. This is a great distraction from all the legal court mess he is in, and the Epstein logs that got released a week ago that no one cares about. 


Donald Trump just became a hero last night and he will NEVER leave the cultural ethos. He is forever engrained in the record keeping of our reality and evolution. Fuck me. 

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I don't think guns should be banned tbh. We might need them to resist dictators or something.


Also: Biden is going to be talking to the nation in a few minutes.


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5 minutes ago, baddisease said:

Also: Biden is going to be talking stuttering and mumbling to the nation in a few minutes.


⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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