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The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)

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5 hours ago, PipeDelRey said:


While waiting for the new album, I couldn’t contain my excitement, so I designed a cover inspired by the aesthetic I’d love the album to have! :ahh: (My edits IG acc)



I really love this, beautifully done! I also love how realistic Lana looks on the cover, was the photo of her made with AI or is it a body/face manip?


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39 minutes ago, Embach said:

I really love this, beautifully done! I also love how realistic Lana looks on the cover, was the photo of her made with AI or is it a body/face manip?

it’s AI, Photoshop and Faceswap a lot of work, I'm glad you liked it! 

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27 minutes ago, PipeDelRey said:

it’s AI, Photoshop and Faceswap a lot of work, I'm glad you liked it! 

It's terrific--there's a good chance I'll use it rather than the final album art, which usually disappoints me. 

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17 minutes ago, honeymoon is alive said:

she should cover the dolly’s version of “i will always love you” cause i know that would be beautiful and so iconic :trisha:

THIS and tammy wynette's "yesterday"

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45 minutes ago, sparklejumpropeweed said:

Gosh when are they giving us vinyl versions of the album. I’m too excited.

My bank account is scared cuz I'm a variants collector :trisha:

:icant:  Did You Know That The B***h Emptied My Bank Account? :icant:



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The right pussy will taste like pepsi cola:charli:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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3 hours ago, Pink Flamingo said:

Any insider info? 


tHeRe WaS oRiGiNalLy 30 tRaCkS bUt LaNa BeLiEvEs HeR lAsT sEvErAl ReCoRdS wErE tOo LoNg So ShE cUt Em

ShE hAs mAnY fIlMeD mUsIc ViDeOs FrOm PaSt eRaS jUsT sItTiNg tHeRe ShE iNteNdEd tO rElEaSe BuT nEvEr dId Bc "ThEy"rE sO SpOiLeD n ThEy LeAk EvEryThInG AnYwAy

LaNa Is An InFoRmAnT fOr ThE FbI eXpOsInG tHe InDuStRy......2025 wIlL bE iNtErEsTiNg........rEaD qFtC aGaIn ItS rEvElAtOrY

sHe Is ReLeAsInG hEr UnReLeAsEd AlBuM tO CeLebrAtE tHe JuBiLeE yEaR (aLl pRoCeEdS wIlL gO tO tHe CaThoLiC ReLiEf ChArItIeS 2 hElP tHe GlObAl PoOr

ShE wAnTs To tOuR aFrIcA aNd AsIa AnD tHe CaRrIbBeAn On HeR wOrLd ToUr bUt TeAm iS uNsUrE aBoUt ThE lOgIsTiCs

ShE iS iNtReStEd iN hEaVy MeTaL aNd BoTaNy fOr ThE nExT rEcOrD

SeE yOu L8eR aLlIgAtOr HaS bEeN sCrApPeD :( iT wAs PsYcHeDeLiC n ToTalLy RaD


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