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Lana songs with poor mastering/engineering?

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2 hours ago, Lindsay Lohan said:

Living Legend - Bad mixing and mastering, the leaked version sounds better


Cherry Blossom & Nectar - Bad mastering, leaked versions sound better.

I think, just think but not entirely sure (almost though), that these three were just YouTube rips she put in the album for some reason. The Spek for each shows lossy af files even from FLAC or WAV CD/Qobuz/Tidal rips.

Now, it's true we got lossless leaks for Cherry Blossom and Nectar of the Gods + 320 kbps for Living Legend, so that's why the leaks sound better. But I could swear the released versions are just some YouTube/SoundCloud rips. Essentially, rips from the leaks so that would be the same mix than the leaks, just in worse quality :deadbanana: 

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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1 hour ago, EstelsDream said:

Arcadia... it always bothers me when she sings the highest notes and her voice starts distorting

right omg i thought i was going crazy or just had fucked up earbuds 

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3 hours ago, Lindsay Lohan said:

Fully regarding the mastering / engineering and not the production style itself, these are what I have issues with:


American - Like @Dark Angel said, the high pass filter they used on her vocals drives me INSANEEEE it's ear-wrenching... I still like the song I just can't listen to it


Every single Dan track on Ultraviolence is filled with glitches, clicks, mic leak, bad take injection, distortion, quality distortion, etc. I adore the album but it could have sounded 100x better if they had someone else engineering those tracks... there's an endless amount of errors on every track.


The Next Best American Record - Strange overly processed vocal mixing, same issue with American


California - Bad vocal mixing 


Tulsa Jesus Freak - This song has always sounded off to me, bad mixing from every angle, bad vocal mixing, guitar too loud it becomes distorted, very messy altogether


Dark But Just A Game - If Jack were to come out and say this was a demo they didn't touch after the first mix I'd believe it


Arcadia - HORRIBLE VOCAL MIXING, distorted vocals when it gets too loud, cracks through the song


Black Bathing Suit - A Mess. Her worst produced song ever. The obvious cuts from studio to voice memo are so awful it makes the song unlistenable to me, terrible drums, bad vocal mixing, disharmonious chorus, cracks, clicks, distortion, why was this released seriously... 


If you Lie Down With Me - Horrible vocal mixing, distortion, I do like this song though


Beautiful - Bad vocal mixing / distortion 


Violets For Roses - Worst vocal mixing ever, piano distortion, there's a lot that makes this song a production nightmare


Thunder - Some of the worst engineering of her career, instrumental leak from the demo, vocal and production distortion, bad vocal mixing, bad drums, bad instrumental, it's just not well done at all


Living Legend - Bad mixing and mastering, the leaked version sounds better


Cherry Blossom & Nectar - Bad mastering, leaked versions sound better.


Sweet Carolina - Terrible mastering work here, vocal distortion, bad vocal mixing.


Kintsugi - Vocal muffled to death


Fingertips - Vocal distortion, bad instrumental engineering


Margaret - Terrible vocal mixing, messy work on engineering throughout, muffled to death




Peppers - MUFFLED TO DEATH and terrible mixing on chorus, bad vocal mixing, clicks, cracks, this is what you would expect an amateur soundcloud beat maker to create


Taco Truck - Vocals are so muffled its unlistenable, horrible vocal mixing, bad mastering almost ear piercing like American, sounds cheap honestly


Looking For America - Muffled, filled with clicks, bad mastering, obvious pitch correction in spots


I Can Fly - Messy engineering in the chorus, vocals slightly over processed 

In summary, Laura Sisk and Jack Antonoff + all the people that allowed for Blue Banisters to occur please exit 

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5 hours ago, Lanaparadiserey said:



i really want stems to leak for this song so i can mix it myself. that beginning chorus would be so much better if it was really quiet and turned up slowly a bit as it got closer to the first verse and then her vocals come in full volume at "skipping rope in the bayou, bayou" alongside a tiny piano


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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1 minute ago, American Whore said:


i really want stems to leak for this song so i can mix it myself. that beginning chorus would be so much better if it was really quiet and turned up slowly a bit as it got closer to the first verse and then her vocals come in full volume at "skipping rope in the bayou, bayou" alongside a tiny piano

I completely agree. Fishtail is honestly such a fun, classic Lana song and deserves a whole makeover. 

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3 minutes ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

I completely agree. Fishtail is honestly such a fun, classic Lana song and deserves a whole makeover. 


also, i just went back to listen to it and it's so good, but what also bothers me about this one isn't even the finished song (although that vocal change i would've made, i'd still make) it's mostly the instrumental. i love the instrumental, but I hate that it has a weird white noise flair behind the actual instrumental. You can hear what I mean right about 0:22 compared to the beginning when there's no instrumental and it's silent. that bugs the fuck out of me. it's almost like recording white noise on tape or something


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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3 hours ago, Lindsay Lohan said:

Tulsa Jesus Freak - This song has always sounded off to me, bad mixing from every angle, bad vocal mixing, guitar too loud it becomes distorted, very messy altogether


Dark But Just A Game - If Jack were to come out and say this was a demo they didn't touch after the first mix I'd believe it


This is what I came here to say. Two of my favourite songs ever from her but they make me feel like I’m going deaf because I can’t hear anything properly.

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6 hours ago, Lindsay Lohan said:

Every single Dan track on Ultraviolence is filled with glitches, clicks, mic leak, bad take injection, distortion, quality distortion, etc. I adore the album but it could have sounded 100x better if they had someone else engineering those tracks... there's an endless amount of errors on every track.

Im saying!!! 

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Honeymoon is her best mastered album.


I love Born To Die but I feel like some songs are overmastered, like too polished. Paradise had less overpolished mastering in my opinion except some songs like some pointed out.


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6 minutes ago, Embach said:

Honeymoon is her best mastered album.


I love Born To Die but I feel like some songs are overmastered, like too polished. Paradise had less overpolished mastering in my opinion except some songs like some pointed out.

And you're correct :hooker:

Taste's like 4th of julyy...

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Also I think that Ocean Blvd has better mastering than Blue Banisters because literally on the first listen of the some song's lyrics on Blue Banisters (If You Lie Down, Beautiful, Violets For Roses, Black Bathing Suit), they sounded incomprehensible without reading the lyrics on YouTube. Ocean Blvd felt more understandable on the first listen.


I think that Drew Erickson tracks has way worse mastering than Jack tracks. Jack tracks mastering is alright for me, it's not flawless though, same with Lust For Life.


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People are confusing mixing/mastering with production.


Blue Banisters album has the worst mastering. It’s so atrocious that it’s embarrassing for an artist like her. When it was first released it was unlistenable in streaming platforms especially on Spotify and YouTube because the difference between highs and lows were so out of standard that it broke their uploading algorithm and caused audio clipping issues across all songs. We had to email those streaming services for them to manually fix it. 


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it


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The entirety of NFR sounds weak if you don’t have a high quality sound system/headset. It just sounds flat.


California is most noticeable (to me), it has everything to make it a top 5 Lana song for me but the way it just sounds off bothers me. Like, you can hear the layers rather than one fluid track. 

When the NFR credits were posted I remember everyone talking about how they couldn’t hear half the instruments credited. 


LORN - ANVIL [Official Music Video] GIF | Gfycat 

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God save our young blood.


I relistened to that song and jesus the mixing hurt my earss idk if its the drums or the hihat but it makes my ears bleed

Taste's like 4th of julyy...

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