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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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1 minute ago, evalionisameme said:

It would be odd for her to have the backing dancers on tour again, it’s not even choreo really it’s just hand gestures and swaying so I’m not sure why it affects her singing so much with the backing tracks etc. 

If they can sing backup, they should sing backup. 


i didn’t realize this is an unpopular opinion :awkney:

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3 hours ago, revadece said:

wait for life is one of her best songs, the production is immaculate :trisha: i also really love i don’t wanna go, i don’t get why people never talk about this song


ughh the intro is out of this world and I wish we had some of that on NFR

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I honestly don't mind that Lana didn't do anything for Born To Die's anniversary. 


Also, Lucky Ones is my favorite deluxe track on Born To Die. Most people just don't have the taste to appreciate it :true:


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7 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

quality/class , don't know how to translate


i get what you're talking about i'd describe it as like tastefulness i guess? like how some people call others "white trash" as like an insult or something even if they're not necessarily bad people


edit: i respectfully disagree but i got the general idea of what you were saying and i'm just trying to explain it

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4 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

quality/class , don't know how to translate


well, we all have our opinions on things of that matter, personally, i really don't care to see lana's boobs every other day, however, it's 100% her choice to share photos of her body as much as she'd like to, some people like to be modest, some people like to show off more of their bodies, everybody has their own preference, she's still worthy of respect regardless of what she decides to post, & it isn't like she's never been nude or revealing for photoshoots before, so this isn't 100% something different for her

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39 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

Whenever she posts something raunchy on Instagram, I feel like her level drops. :(


i get what you're saying but she should be free to post whatever she wants without fearing that people will think is dirty or sexual in a bad way, i mean isn't that one of the key parts of feminism?

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43 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

Whenever she posts something raunchy on Instagram, I feel like her level drops. :(

How is her posting an underboob picture on Instagram and making an OnlyFans joke any different than literally any part of Tropico or when she moves her skirt up a bit on stage while dancing? That's not to say one is worse than the other because that's straight up not true, but it's nothing new for her, and I don't know what would be making it different now. Lana being confident in her body doesn't take away from her value as an artist or a person.


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i guess this is an unpopular opinion within itself but i could honestly care less if lana posed completely nude because that's her body and she has the right to feel comfortable in it regardless of other people's opinions


the only downside is that elle wouldn't be able to post it here cause of adsense :agree:

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1 minute ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

bby we need to unlearn the association between women owning their sexuality/expressing desire and a lack of virtue or "quality"


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1 minute ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

bby we need to unlearn the association between women owning their sexuality/expressing desire and a lack of virtue or "quality"


adding onto this: not owning sexuality/not expressing desire also doesn't make women less valuable either


both are equally valid :true:

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