Cloudbusting 5,382 Posted November 3, 2017 1. Your Girl is good, but grossly overrated Maybe 2. Her pop outtakes from Born To Die and pre-Born To Die are TRASH Yes 3. AKA is good, but slightly overrated 4. Blue Jeans and Off To The Races NEED to retire from her setlist YES (i love them but sorry i have to agree) 5. Her 2011-2013ish BTD persona/image is overrated and fans lusting for that again are delusional and unappreciative of her personal and artistic growth Yes 6. Art Deco is a sexy underrated bop we don't appreciate enough as a fan base Yesss 7. White Mustang gets too much hate Yes 8. BPBP is the weakest track on Lust For Life. Though Coachella is kind of weak, too, its intention makes up for it. Is this even an unpopular opinion? <3 Love you all even if you believe in some of this stuff <3 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildMustang 14,778 Posted November 3, 2017 1. Your Girl is good, but grossly overrated 2. Her pop outtakes from Born To Die and pre-Born To Die are TRASH 3. AKA is good, but slightly overrated 4. Blue Jeans and Off To The Races NEED to retire from her setlist 5. Her 2011-2013ish BTD persona/image is overrated and fans lusting for that again are delusional and unappreciative of her personal and artistic growth 6. Art Deco is a sexy underrated bop we don't appreciate enough as a fan base 7. White Mustang gets too much hate 8. BPBP is the weakest track on Lust For Life. Is this even an unpopular opinion? <3 Love you all even if you believe in some of this stuff <3 1.YES 2.I'd call them trashy not trash love some of them but it's good that they stayed unreleased 3.yep kinda 4.yes yes 5.maybe I'm one of those fans cause I wasn't a fan during this era so... 6.true classic bop 7.totally,I like the song 8.well, it's kinda weak but for me groupie love is 2 Quote ...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SarcasticBeauty 1,575 Posted November 4, 2017 im suing you for emotional distress and alternative facts ! see you in court sweaty! You'll lose lol Ill Say it once and I'll say it again bel air and American are some of her worst songs to me so dull American is a great song. But Bel Air is bad. 1. Your Girl is good, but grossly overrated 2. Her pop outtakes from Born To Die and pre-Born To Die are TRASH 3. AKA is good, but slightly overrated 4. Blue Jeans and Off To The Races NEED to retire from her setlist 5. Her 2011-2013ish BTD persona/image is overrated and fans lusting for that again are delusional and unappreciative of her personal and artistic growth 6. Art Deco is a sexy underrated bop we don't appreciate enough as a fan base 7. White Mustang gets too much hate 8. BPBP is the weakest track on Lust For Life. Is this even an unpopular opinion? <3 Love you all even if you believe in some of this stuff <3 This is one of the worst set of opinions I've heard. Meet me in the ring. It's time to fight lol. Except for the White Mustang one. That's true. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wynwood 19,968 Posted November 4, 2017 get free is eh 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cloudbusting 5,382 Posted November 4, 2017 You'll lose lol American is a great song. But Bel Air is bad. This is one of the worst set of opinions I've heard. Meet me in the ring. It's time to fight lol. Except for the White Mustang one. That's true. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultra Violet 19,278 Posted November 4, 2017 White Mustang gets better with each listen. When i heard her instagram snippet i thought it would be the most beautiful on the album, then when it came out in full I was 'meh'. When the video came out i almost hated it. But now with each day I love it more and I dont skip it anymore! 13 Beaches and Heroin still make the most beautiful on lfl tho 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
missdelreyxo 3,786 Posted November 4, 2017 You'll lose lol American is a great song. But Bel Air is bad. This is one of the worst set of opinions I've heard. Meet me in the ring. It's time to fight lol. Except for the White Mustang one. That's true. i want to fight u 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JizzyLizzy 437 Posted November 5, 2017 LFL video >>>>>> MTWBT video Actually MTWBT is her worst video ever. Worse than White Mustang and Freak ahhh 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HollywoodNostalgia 217 Posted November 5, 2017 Idk why so much hate on Bel Air. It is seriously beautiful and peaceful song. I love her voice there, it goes so high. AND THE SONG IS SO CALM 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted November 5, 2017 tbh lana should take a break from music, she's clearly talented at other artistic things (visuals, writing, etc). she has the name and brand and she can milk the hell out of it! she could drop a book of poetry. she could direct videos for other artists, do another short film. she could write songs for other artists (which shouldn't be hard considering so much of LFL is unpersonal and rather..unrelated to her life?) i think if she put herself into a business in another way, she could really gain even more respect and leave a solid, positive mark, other than BTD and UV's effect on music. then, lana could make a comeback in 3-4 years with legendary visuals and lyrics and vocals CURATED over time like fine wine...without completely disappearing from the industry. and maybe fix some of the surgery in that time out of the limelight. omg how could anyone want something like that? you realize it would be a few sh*tty Weeknd writing collabs. one of the most pretentious and kitschy petry books and that her vocals definitly would not improve if she took a break from singing, do you? 3 Quote Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
salvatore 21,771 Posted November 6, 2017 LFL video >>>>>> MTWBT video Actually MTWBT is her worst video ever. Worse than White Mustang and Freak ahhh oop ! tea ! id honestly like it a lot better if her little palm set wasn't in b&w, as the neon and the actual set colored are so goddamn pretty plus im sorry but her hair n makeup in the video is tragic and are the worst parts of HM era, the older beat and the weird curvy side bangs are so unattractive, they only really looked good when she was on that one red carpet, but the video is awk also most of her unreleased work is fair game for hate but if any y'all come for BBM Baby, Every Man Gets His Wish, Back To The Basics, On Our Way, Angels Forever, Summer of Sam, Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight, or Resistance i WILL fight your ass. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OT: 1) I still find 13B to be underwhelming, I don't hate it but i wish there was an actual climax, a much better bridge (when coachella has a better bridge then u den..girl), plus i just dont see the appeal and divinity people have for it- it hasn't 'clicked' with me yet so it's all just bleh until i can really relate to it 2) Also Freak still stands as one of the weakest songs off HM and resides within the bottom 25% of her released catalogue for me. HOWEVER the transition to Art Deco is in-fucking-credible 3) Brooklyn Baby is cute, i like it, but i wish it had the Reed feature- and i def don't think it's top 5 off U 4) ITH is criminally underrated, the entire lower portion is so, so good but it doesn't have the dirty feeling the first section has (Cruel World, West Coast, UV) and people's love for Black Beauty makes them all dimmed out to the majority of the fanbase. I LOVE black beauty but ITH, TOO, FK, and OM feel so unappreciated because they're with BB 5) Dark Paradise is annoying, along with Without You and Lucky Ones I find them to be the most forgettable songs off of BtD (sorry), BUT Lucky Ones & Dark Paradise Demo's are better than released. The little 'i got the ice, you got the fire etc.' with the almost clappy and campy drum beat sounds and fits so much better, same with Lucky Ones. the lil boom bats make them so much more fun, even if it makes the songs themselves feel like they're demos entirely. 6) Idk what she or producers saw in Lolita or TIWMUG to constitute for so many damn versions 7) Some of the best songs off of BtD are the deep cuts, DMD, MDM, and Radio don't deserve the hate and neglect they currently have 8 ) Even with just the snippet i already know the electric guitar sounding version of Summertime Sadness is miles better than the remix and reg version 9) While i do love Paradise, I never really pick singular songs off the album to put them on playlists n what not. Every album I can place different songs on different mood playlists (SS for my nighttime drive, Freak/Art Deco for the smoky/druggy playlist for funtimes, Cherry 4 fuckin etc. ) but the only song i can really think to add to is Burning Desire, G&M-BV-BA-Ride- etc. n American i jus can't add to any other playlist y'all feel ? 10) LfL i still love but it don't got that fire her previous albums do, i truly adore the shift in sounds but i also love how i can carry a tone for an entire album 11) Lust For Life didn't deserve the hate it got, the lyrics are a lil bland and lifeless and vague- but it's truly a shame it took until the instrumental to leak for people to really appreciate it. I noticed the shimmery piano and twinkling effects and even noticed the howls but seeing people still say it has no quirks was dissapointing 12) CWIMM deserves the beating it gets. still wish they would've changed SOMETHING before the album dropped, I appreciate and understand it's neccesity within the meaning and direction of the album (however the genius custom lyrics people faked are a lil better than the released ) feel free to respond to each, i wanna hear y'alls opinions 2 Quote Thoughts on Yosemite. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
salvatore 21,771 Posted November 6, 2017 bolded because i love facts! those songs are absolute gems. 1) i always forget about 13b when i think of LFL as a whole. and i actually remember GBA over 13b. tragic. 2) honestly true, even though i was on the hype train for it when HM dropped, now i always skip it. art deco deserves more love. 3) Brooklyn Baby, sweetie, I'm so sorry that a ugly ass bitch like this would even say that, oh my god. i do agree that reed would've elevated the song sooo much 4) TEA!!!!!! BB is overrated. Flipside and ITH should have made the actual record, not just special releases. MPG and PWYC have the best climaxes out of ANY UV track, and Cruel World is still trash. 5) DP Demo snatches half of what was released on BTD. Without You is a catchy bop tho. 6) who knows, but all we know is that all of the unreleased versions are infinitely better than what was ACTUALLY released. now i wanna know what constituted THAT buffoonery 7) the tea is PIPING HOT!!! 8) could this even be considered unpopular? 9) Paradise is the only record Lana has released that I have 0 desire to own a physical copy of. it's nice to listen to as a whole sometimes. the songs are blatantly made for that project tho, so even i have a hard time trying to place them on a playlist. except for American. what a gentle, easy-listening bop. 10) factual. a nice album, clearly the mainstream public is eating it up, but i think a lot of stans can tell this lacks lana's passion. should be noted that a lot of non-stans gloss over UV and HM 11) the tea kettle just keeps boiling.. LFL is a beautiful song. i don't think lana meant for the lyrics to be spectacular, more or less she wanted it to be all about the sound. the sound says a lot more about the intended feeling than the lyrics do. 12) banned, this isnt even unpopular YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE AND STAN USER LOVE FOREVER ! GREAT TASTE 2 Quote Thoughts on Yosemite. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
salvatore 21,771 Posted November 6, 2017 Idk if anyone else would agree or disagree, but I think Lana should do psychedelic rock on her next record. Could you imagine a Lana x Stevie Nicks collab? Or a Lana x Flaming Lips album? Holy shit...... predictive queen nvm says banned must be for a reason gutted 2 Quote Thoughts on Yosemite. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peachycream 3,648 Posted November 6, 2017 Idk why so much hate on Bel Air. It is seriously beautiful and peaceful song. I love her voice there, it goes so high. AND THE SONG IS SO CALM Bel air is THE song. I could listen to it on repeat for days if i had to❤️ 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doll Harlow 12,374 Posted November 6, 2017 Thb all she needs to do is sing louder and clearer at her live shows and I'm good 10 Quote You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WaitForLife 5,255 Posted November 6, 2017 I love the way Lana dances 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanasPhilosophy 21 Posted November 6, 2017 this song manifested lana del rey... if you follow my posts itll make sense 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanasPhilosophy 21 Posted November 6, 2017 this song manifested lana del rey... if you follow my posts itll make sense 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doll Harlow 12,374 Posted November 10, 2017 i'm ready for the dancers to be retired from the live shows. nothing against them but they don't add much for me. also not a fan of the off to the races choreography. it doesn't seem to fit the original spirit of the song. i hope lana isn't just adding this stuff to make it more like a "show". her original vibe on stage until 2015 was good enough and i hope she realizes that. 6 Quote You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cloudbusting 5,382 Posted November 10, 2017 i'm ready for the dancers to be retired from the live shows. nothing against them but they don't add much for me. also not a fan of the off to the races choreography. it doesn't seem to fit the original spirit of the song. i hope lana isn't just adding this stuff to make it more like a "show". her original vibe on stage until 2015 was good enough and i hope she realizes that. I agree. It looks good on Cherry in my opinion but that's it. But it seems that we'll be seeing them in the Cherry video (if it really gets one) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites