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I know! it's not THAT bad. Obviously it's not her best song on Honeymoon but it's a lovely closing track



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DLMBM and Guns and Roses are AWESOME. Don’t get the hate, especially for GAR!!

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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yeah um guns and roses is one of her best songs

the instrumentation is reminiscent of cat power’s jukebox record - loose, soulful, and retro

the vocal layering is heavenly, the bridge is orgasmic

it’s just so fucking solid, a real burning jam

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24 is one of her top 5 best songs ever. It's the greatest "fuck you" to every guy who screwed her over.

IMO one of the weakest on hm.

It’s a little hard to get through sometimes with her dragginnnggggg “ it’s oooooonnnnlllllyyyyyyy tweeeeenttyyyyyfoooooouuuuurrrr hoooooourrrrrssss”


But not a bad a song.

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24 is one of her top 5 best songs ever. It's the greatest "fuck you" to every guy who screwed her over.



IMO one of the weakest on hm.

It’s a little hard to get through sometimes with her dragginnnggggg “ it’s oooooonnnnlllllyyyyyyy tweeeeenttyyyyyfoooooouuuuurrrr hoooooourrrrrssss”


But not a bad a song.


24 Hours and songs like it are the reason why Honeymoon is Lana's worst album.

In my feefies feelings does the call out thing much better and at least it's fun. 

I pretend it does not exist (though Freak is ok and Religion has great lyrics).

i am nothing and should be everything

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Really curious what do you consider Lana's worst. Probably L4L? Am I right?

TBH I wish I could enjoy Honeymoon, but it's such an uninspired snoozefest. A sonical wasteland for my ears.  

i am nothing and should be everything

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24 Hours and songs like it are the reason why Honeymoon is Lana's worst album.

In my feefies feelings does the call out thing much better and at least it's fun.

I pretend it does not exist (though Freak is ok and Religion has great lyrics).

I like the album overall but there’s just a lot of monotony...same slow place and bare production through 3/4 out of the album. Freak really could’ve been THAT song if it was produced more effectively. I do think the point of the album was basic production but it left much to desired...there’s no repeat value. I know a song is good when as soon as it’s over I wanna hear it again. With almost all of Honeymoon I didn’t feel this way. Even in LFL, which I rank lower than HM, there’s plenty of songs I’ve put on repeat the past 10 months.

Nevertheless it’s still a beautiful album but it just didn’t have the *IT* factor BTD or UV had.

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Really curious what do you consider Lana's worst. Probably L4L? Am I right?

TBH I wish I could enjoy Honeymoon, but it's such an uninspired snoozefest. A sonical wasteland for my ears.  


No, srsly, LFL is one of my faves. I just think HM is great too, i don't really have a least favorite, but I feel ya


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