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What's been officially released since her debut?? Any news on 2nd album ? :grinds:


Singles for album 2 (probably due early next year, they're trying to get her a hit):

- Kamikaze

- Final Song

- Drum


She also, um, smashed worldwide with Lean On by Major Lazer. Where were u when MØ was crowned queen of Spotify pop

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The concert was fucking amazing. We were first row with Limelight, she jumped in front of me and she did at fucking Pilgrim, not a random song. She did NYE again and also, Daydream is the song of the year, hands down. This song is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. She looked amazing, I tried waiting for her afterwards but they told me she didn't had time. But as she noticed me on Insta two days ago I'm fine :) And she made eye contact twice including on NYE and she smiled, pretty sure she recognized me. It was a shorter setlist than Copenhagen but the sound was much better. I'm really so happy, I think she's my second fav, I'm starting to love her more than Marina, I really look up to her on so many levels, it's the first time I stan someone with this kind of big sister relationship. She's amazing, I love her so much


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I don't think I can explain how much Riot Gal means to me, how deep I relate to it, I mean we don't even have a studio version but it's playing on a loop in my head, it feels like the soundtrack of a movie that would be my life, I love Karen because she nails my feelings in a way so much more beautiful than I would ever be able to express. I need this song.


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I have trouble watching the video, it's really pretty and classical but it doesn't really feels like her, idk why. She looks absolutely gorgeous but idk I was rewatching Nyt Blod again yesterday and I feel like smt changed... Then again I'm a bandwagon so


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I really hope M2 is coming Q1 next year. she has drawn out this promotional era so long already. I just want the record.

honestly, and since i feel it wont be better than nmtf she should just release it and move one cause i havent really felt none of this new songs in general 

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Are we listening to the same thing? This cover is amazing, doesn't tops Rih's version but nothing can, her voice is incredible as always, like it's raw and powerful. I don't disagree she's growing more and more commercial but I don't hear that here 


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