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Platinum Greenwich


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Which of these is the correct title? I've seen both floating around tumblr (plus Google and YouTube suggest the latter, despite the former being ~*official*~) and I'm just like... wasn't "Hey Lolita Hey" enough to begin with? :toofloppy:
I suspect this has to do with the demos though, so if anyone can enlighten me -- please do! :defeated:


EDIT: The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced a general thread with alternate titles for Lana's songs would probably make the world a better place to live. :lmao:



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Hey Lolita Hey and Lolita are the only official titles for the song but I think Lolyta was registered as a alternate title?


either way I don't ever tag any as Lolyta

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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the offical title is Lolita. It was origanaly called Hey Lolita Hey - shes called it that in old interviews. The 'Lolyta' misspelling is common, not just for lanas song but for the movie and book aswell. Its most likely because Lolita is also a name for child pr0n so obviously people dont wanna look that up. ( btw i only kno the pr0n thing because i looked up lolita on urban dictionary)

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  On 5/19/2013 at 6:22 PM, FAUX-REAL said:

the offical title is Lolita. It was origanaly called Hey Lolita Hey - shes called it that in old interviews. The 'Lolyta' misspelling is common, not just for lanas song but for the movie aswell. Its most likely because Lolita is also a name for child pr0n so obviously people dont wanna look that up. ( btw i only kno the pr0n thing because i looked up lolita on urban dictionary)


"Lolita" is listed as the 4th best work of fiction in history by Modern Library, so its popularity and importance clearly transcend the perv crowd.

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@@sjrq yes i know that. But what i meant was that people who were looking for the song/book/movie online wouldnt want to search for the word lolita because of what else it means.

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the lolyta name is probably common aswell because if you type lolita into youtube, nothing comes up in the suggestions while your typing. But when u type Lana del rey lol.... its suggests lolyta but not lolita

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  On 5/19/2013 at 6:51 PM, FAUX-REAL said:

the lolyta name is probably common aswell because if you type lolita into youtube, nothing comes up in the suggestions while your typing. But when u type Lana del rey lol.... its suggests lolyta but not lolita

isn't that because youtube doesn't suggest 'naughty words' and lolita is apparently one of them because of the porn corner of it?


Also, i heard 'lolyta' was a mistake made by whoever leaked it or something? idk it's just something I've heard.


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I've never ever seen it registered or called Lolyta by any official source. She originally uploaded the video as Hey Lolita Hey, which is why people still call it that.


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this has been confusing me for a long time now (and not me since this thread was created) and i need help - is lolyta an actual alt title for hey lolita hey? for this whole time ive seen so many disputes about this, and probably the title originates from that infamous fake tracker of AKA with kinda outta luck in tracklist, but later i was reading one interview of her and they mentioned the first version as lolyta, and also many users here usually uses that as alt name, but early lanaboards says it’s a wrong spelling, so idk with what should i settle down


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