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This season is kinda starting to bore me a little. Literally the only good parts were when the people died..

Oh and









I totally don't remember what happened to the twins.  :flop:


Me neither tbh..
I remember Bette got her hair dyed... and then that was it...

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The twins tried to escape again and now they seem to be having the surgery, I want to see who survives :/ and I have a feeling it'll end up with both of them dying or explaining a link to Vivian of season 1


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Okay so I'm finally caught up now! Just watched "Blood Bath". I really didn't like this season when it started but UGH I just get so attached to the characters :defeated: Like looking back now Coven might actually be my favorite idk, I like miss the characters from it and they were all just so bitchy & I loved it. Asylum I guess is still #1 maybe but I also love Murder House.


I think the only thing about Freak Show that's disappointing to me still is Lange. She's basically been my favorite every season, but she's not even close to being #1 this season. I really think Elsa is kind of a boring character.


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I'm about to watch Episode 8 but shit those last five minutes of 4X07 were :poordat: I already knew it but it was an adorable character


Tbh can someone from Coven revive her? :crying4:

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Okay so I'm finally caught up now! Just watched "Blood Bath". I really didn't like this season when it started but UGH I just get so attached to the characters :defeated: Like looking back now Coven might actually be my favorite idk, I like miss the characters from it and they were all just so bitchy & I loved it. Asylum I guess is still #1 maybe but I also love Murder House.


I think the only thing about Freak Show that's disappointing to me still is Lange. She's basically been my favorite every season, but she's not even close to being #1 this season. I really think Elsa is kind of a boring character.


Yeah, the thing is, Judy and Fiona slayed, Elsa is meh... Elsa is way more one dimensional and predictable than her other characters.


And yeah so Bette and Dot just disappeared which makes no sense because before they were still at the freak show getting their hair did... Where would they be now...

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Yeah, the thing is, Judy and Fiona slayed, Elsa is meh... Elsa is way more one dimensional and predictable than her other characters.


And yeah so Bette and Dot just disappeared which makes no sense because before they were still at the freak show getting their hair did... Where would they be now...

Didn't Ethel say she sent them away from Elsa or something like that?

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Yeah, the thing is, Judy and Fiona slayed, Elsa is meh... Elsa is way more one dimensional and predictable than her other characters.


Not you doubting Constance, her power

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bye far the best episode of the season like whoa


That Life cover certainly gave away part of the ending for a main character...

Jimmy hands!

Neil Patrick Harris as the new owner in January?!


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Pepper's reaction to Salty's death was so sad :sadcore6:


REALLY loved the way they incorporate Asylum into it, it was cool having Briarcliff + Sister Mary Eunice back. I thought they would explain a bit more about how the seasons linked together, guessing that's coming later on.


The Life cover was a nice "twist" at the end! So was the Jimmy hands stuff as well. 


I do have a question though - was that Zachary Quinto who played (minor spoiler)

the police officer who tried to arrest Maggie?



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 I do have a question though - was that Zachary Quinto who played (minor spoiler)

the police officer who tried to arrest Maggie?


No, I really don't think so.. I remember my twitter timeline blowing up with "OMG ZACHARY QUINTO IN FREAKSHOW WHAT" but when I watched the episode for myself, I highly doubted it was him. Just a creepy resemblance lol..

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No, I really don't think so.. I remember my twitter timeline blowing up with "OMG ZACHARY QUINTO IN FREAKSHOW WHAT" but when I watched the episode for myself, I highly doubted it was him. Just a creepy resemblance lol..

I have a feeling that the similarities were intentional though, the camera lingered a little bit too long on him imo.


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I've never cried from a movie, book, or television show in my entire life. And here I am, crying for 10 minutes straight because of this fucking show.  :sadcore6:  :oprah: The Life cover absolutely killed me... holy shit

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