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On 2/1/2021 at 3:24 PM, mezzanine said:

She needs to stay away from bad-aging, cheap EDM and these producers she's stuck with, they've completely ruined a good concept. Jessie Ware showed how you do a proper record inspired by 70s/80s/even 90s vibes, even if Gaga herself had in mind a more-90s concept. These producers are not house, they're kind of gay-circuit fast food producers, maybe tech-house, but not house. Free Woman demo had a house vibe, but not the rest. And guess what it is now: a song that everybody skips. She should have got the producers Dua got for her remix album (even though I don't like those remixes much either), to start from scratch with them. People like Moodymann, Gerd Janson, Avalon Emerson. Examples:

(just as examples of sound)

I mean... you're Lady Gaga. You can literally get anyone you want.

But she's fed up with the pop/stan world as you guys have mentioned, that's the first problem, and the second one is that, even if she kept the distance with the fan world, she'd need creative, new and fresher people surrounding her, not the alienating ones that [from the outside] looks like they're standing behind her just for the money, fame and clout, and they're totally disconnected from the vanguard/underground scenes around the world. I mean, imagine if she had done the album with the mentioned producers and then released chromatica: dystopian with a darker, techno sound with lady starlight (she started with her and now she's getting bigger and bigger collaborating with rodhad, surgeon, etc., which are super talented) etc., which would even make sense, as going back to her roots and days of performing in underwear setting fire to hair spray in festivals. Something like:

the way you should've been chromaticas creative director lmao. You're right tho, i don't understand why those huge acts limit themselves and mostly work with A listers. Especially ones like her. There are so many talented producers ready to work with her. :noparty:

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52 minutes ago, Kimi said:

the way you should've been chromaticas creative director lmao. You're right tho, i don't understand why those huge acts limit themselves and mostly work with A listers. Especially ones like her. There are so many talented producers ready to work with her. :noparty:


On 4/10/2021 at 9:30 AM, TrashMagiq said:

the incest admiring... country album’s coming i fear

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1 hour ago, rightofjupiter said:


nooo i am going to pick up my order of them from target later today :rollin:

I actually really like them, they kinda have a weird aftertaste and idk if was just mine but the cookies were super crispy? but they're still good 

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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On 2/1/2021 at 5:31 PM, new gods said:

chromatica oreos taste like shit im sorry 

they tasted like pillsbury birthday cake (gross) and obvious faux vanilly.. they were also hard af?


Idk if it had to do with the oreos but me and a good bunch of people have reported that


they made us gassy? and some of us got diarrhea???


god loves you

but not enough

to save you

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8 minutes ago, Robert Kennedy said:


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they made us gassy? and some of us got diarrhea???



me otw to get some chromatica oreos knowing everything else i eat does that anyway :hottie::hottie::hottie:

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18 minutes ago, LanaRayDelMar said:

I have like 5 versions in different lengths.. https://dbree.org/v/c467fe


Does anyone know the true length of the original leak? To my knowledge only a long snippet leaked?



No, the song is actually unfinished\a Long snippet only. But I have no fucking clue of what's the original since it's been remixed\edited to death by fans. I do believe it was the version that just slow-down and cuts off like a radio on low battery.


There's also a rumor that the song isn't actually "Earthquake", the song that's been registered (produced by Space Cowboy), but it's another RedOne demo. Who knows.

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1 hour ago, fvck said:


me otw to get some chromatica oreos knowing everything else i eat does that anyway :hottie::hottie::hottie:

literally, i was dissing them but everything else i eat is probably made out of melted plastic too :toofunny:

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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2 hours ago, DinahLee said:



No, the song is actually unfinished\a Long snippet only. But I have no fucking clue of what's the original since it's been remixed\edited to death by fans. I do believe it was the version that just slow-down and cuts off like a radio on low battery.


There's also a rumor that the song isn't actually "Earthquake", the song that's been registered (produced by Space Cowboy), but it's another RedOne demo. Who knows.

 Isn't that like 4:05 in length or something? I thought that was a fan edit since it has a bridge that sounds so fake and the vocals come back in abruptly :crossed: 


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idk if i'm just an insane sugar addict but i am v happy w my chromatica oreos (tho i will not be buying another pack). find them v aesthetically pleasing re: the color scheme & fyi put those suckers in the freezer and it's like a teeny tiny ice cream sandwich.


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2 hours ago, DinahLee said:



No, the song is actually unfinished\a Long snippet only. But I have no fucking clue of what's the original since it's been remixed\edited to death by fans. I do believe it was the version that just slow-down and cuts off like a radio on low battery.


There's also a rumor that the song isn't actually "Earthquake", the song that's been registered (produced by Space Cowboy), but it's another RedOne demo. Who knows.

Yeah I believe it's only that long snippet. The bridge and the weird vocal transition is unbelievably fake. 

It doesn't sound like a RedOne demo at all though, it's missing a lot of his production characteristics.


I'm almost positive it's produced by Garibay. Fashion of His Love was one of the first songs they recorded for Born This Way and it reuses some of the same lyrics. I don't think Space Cowboy is even credited in publishing, which would debunk the involvement of him or RedOne


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Genuinely curious since there’s so much of it, but what’s everyone’s unreleased trinity?


Over the years mine has become;

Rock Show

Vanity (not sure if it counts lol) Trigger if not

Fancy Pants / Shake Your Kitty (they’re tied for me)


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30 minutes ago, drewby said:

Yeah I believe it's only that long snippet. The bridge and the weird vocal transition is unbelievably fake. 

It doesn't sound like a RedOne demo at all though, it's missing a lot of his production characteristics.


I'm almost positive it's produced by Garibay. Fashion of His Love was one of the first songs they recorded for Born This Way and it reuses some of the same lyrics. I don't think Space Cowboy is even credited in publishing, which would debunk the involvement of him or RedOne


I think there's a song registered as "Earthquake" that actually does credit Space Cowboy, I tried to check BMI but it crashed lol. The "overproduced" beat could be something from Garibay now that you mentioned it as well, it's interesting to think about it. 


edit: I lurked around and it's someone pretty reliable from Popjustice that mentioned like "Then You'd Love Me" and "Earthquake" being different songs. Earthquake still unleaked and "awful demo" from 2008. Then You'd Love Me being produced possibly by RedOne.



Idk how to set up a trinity but I do love Earthquake (and the title "Then You'd Love Me"), Out Of Control and I had a moment with "Panty Party" when it leaked a few years ago. I think they're my favorites.

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