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Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine

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.... you guys are really annoying me and twisting words. no one here is like OMG IM DONE WITH LANA DEL REY IM LEAVING THE FORUM. 


we're allowed to have our opinions, just as you have yours. if you want to think everything she shits out is 100% gold, that's super cool but we're allowed to think otherwise, and that doesn't mean we aren't fans or that we don't support her. if we weren't fans, we wouldn't be on this forum. being a fan doesn't mean you're always LANA DEL REY IS MY QUEEEEEN etc. at the end of the day, I think it was a discussion ~ not any sort of uprising against Lana as some of you are making it out to be

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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As a newbie I would just like to say that it's fricking fantastic to find a place like this where so many people care so much about Lana that they wanna discuss her even if it means that the debate gets a little heated.


Lana is like a beautiful clock. Showing the time is the primary function that makes us appreciate it, nothing will change that, but every now and then you might get curious how it looks on the inside, what makes it tick. So you open up the clock and starts poking around inside. And I guess that's what we're all trying to do here, open up Lana and poke around and I'm right now realizing how my metaphore is backfiring grossly. As we can't open up Lanas mind and get all the answers we try our best dissecting what she says and does,  and sometimes we find something that's not as pretty as we expected, and I think it's ok to talk about it. Of course there's a line where curiosity becomes way too scrutinizing, but that line differs from person to person, and so we get this heated debate. 


At the end of the day we still don't know Lana, but we're having a good discussion and we all love what she does.


And Lana? She's probably laughing all the way down to the bank right now so there's that. 

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As a newbie I would just like to say that it's fricking fantastic to find a place like this where so many people care so much about Lana that they wanna discuss her even if it means that the debate gets a little heated.


Lana is like a beautiful clock. Showing the time is the primary function that makes us appreciate it, nothing will change that, but every now and then you might get curious how it looks on the inside, what makes it tick. So you open up the clock and starts poking around inside. And I guess that's what we're all trying to do here, open up Lana and poke around and I'm right now realizing how my metaphore is backfiring grossly. As we can't open up Lanas mind and get all the answers we try our best dissecting what she says and does,  and sometimes we find something that's not as pretty as we expected, and I think it's ok to talk about it. Of course there's a line where curiosity becomes way too scrutinizing, but that line differs from person to person, and so we get this heated debate. 


At the end of the day we still don't know Lana, but we're having a good discussion and we all love what she does.


And Lana? She's probably laughing all the way down to the bank right now so there's that. 


A really great sentiment. There have been some really articulate, interesting posts (made in defense of)/(attempting to understand) Lana (@, @@DUKE, among others) and I've enjoyed reading them all. My problem is with the people for whom this line doesn't seem to exist. they can't seem to tolerate any curiosity whatsoever because that's ~prying~, let alone any articulate, reasonable criticism. It's as though they cover their ears, close their eyes and say "I'M NOT LISTENING, I'M NOT LISTENING" and then attempt to thwart the thread with their self-righteousness (i can't believe what I'm reading, so called "fans", etc) and their insistance on viewing her through rose-coloured glasses and excusing any valid criticism. It's laughable that the biggest perpetrator of this "liked" this very post :P

you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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Yeah, this thread illustrates why i’m more interested in reading this forum than a Lana Del Rey interview  :D


I’m here for the artist Lana Del Rey, her music and artistry. I don’t think there’s anything she can say in an interview that is going to change my appreciation for her music. Not because i think she's perfect, but because i always separate the artist from their art. If i'm going to stop liking her music and her as an artist it's because either she starts making music that i don't find worthwhile, or my views on music change dramatically. To make a few extreme examples here, one of my favorite composers is Wagner, known widely for his anti-semitic views and remarks. Doesn’t change a single note of the absolutely amazing music he wrote. Over the last few weeks i’ve been watching some Roman Polanski movies, and you know, my opinion of those movies isn’t in any part formed by the disturbing fact that he drugged and raped a 13 year old. That one of my favorite producers, Phil Spector, was convicted for the murder of Lana Clarkson, never mind that he’s a pompous, delusional asshole (who, by the way, continually dismisses and belittles my greatest musical hero) doesn’t change my love for all those great songs, or the fact that he remains one of the most groundbreaking producers in the history of pop music. Yeah, these are extreme examples (meaning that i'm in no way relating Lana in this interview to any of the horrific views, acts, and behavior of the people cited in these examples), but my point is that i’d be in pretty bad shape if i discarded artists that i like simply based on one interview. Again, i don’t think anyone here is doing that. I think there’s actually more histrionics coming from people who, it seems, are taking the criticism a bit personally. 


I think it’s time for another classic LanaBoards criticism of the criticism of the criticism  :ohno:  :creep:


And to help, here is a little chart i’ve drawn up...



An artist’s harshest critic(s), in order from most critical to least critical:


1. Her/Himself

2. Her/His biggest fans/followers

3. Critics 

4. Her/His casual fans 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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It was a busy week full of work for me so I finally had some time now to read the interview.

First I've read some of the reactions here before reading the interview and I was already thinking like "omg what's all this and I still have to read the interview".

And I'm sorry but after reading the interview I wasn't shocked at all and I like Lana as much as before. But I was shocked by some reactions here tbh. Interesting on the other side also. Actually it's amazing how many and different reactions this interview causes here.

I don't know Lana/Lizzy good enough as a person so I don't have the right to judge her. She maybe has her strange side but we all have that in some kind of way. Every person is different but speculating about her mental situation is a bridge to far for me.

I think it was also a bad timing for doing such an interview. When I looked at the pictures of her latest arrivals at the airports during the last concerts, she looked tired. I can understand that she wasn't always interested in the questions. I would have same the problem.

Maybe she protects herself against the media when she feels the threat. Probably a normal reaction she kept after all the criticism she got in the beginning of her singing career. 


In the first place I'm interested in the songs that Lana makes. I admit that when there is an interview with her or an article about her, I will read it.

She's a beautiful young woman but I didn't know how she looked like when I heard her for the first time.

I have to say honestly that I never heard from her before Video Games was played for the first time on the radio here in Belgium.

But I still remember that Saturday afternoon when I was listening to the radio and suddenly Video Games began to play.

The song had immediately my attention and I was thinking "Omg, what a special song is that and I really want to know who that female singer is!"

I putted my ear on the radio at the end of the song to know who that was. Never done that before for any other female singer.

I really love her songs so much and I hope also that she releases a new album in the near future but I don't care if this new album will have the style of BTD or Paradise. I have a small preference for the Paradise-style but the most important thing is a new album and I will always admire her songs.

I hope also for the American people here that Lana makes a tour in America. But first she really needs some rest.


Maybe she had a bad day, was tired or heard some bad news that day. All this can influence an interview. Maybe the interviewer was unprofessional? Idk

And to Lana: when you have a winter day in your life or a war in your mind, I can tell you one thing: Just ride girl, just ride...

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An artist’s harshest critics, in order from most critical to least critical:


1. Her/Himself

2. Her/His biggest fans/followers

3. Her/His critics 

4. Her/His casual fans 


You left something out.

I'm a hardcore fan but I just worship everything she does :smile2:

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A really great sentiment. There have been some really articulate, interesting posts (made in defense of)/(attempting to understand) Lana (@, @@DUKE, among others) and I've enjoyed reading them all. My problem is with the people for whom this line doesn't seem to exist. they can't seem to tolerate any curiosity whatsoever because that's ~prying~, let alone any articulate, reasonable criticism. It's as though they cover their ears, close their eyes and say "I'M NOT LISTENING, I'M NOT LISTENING" and then attempt to thwart the thread with their self-righteousness (i can't believe what I'm reading, so called "fans", etc) and their insistance on viewing her through rose-coloured glasses and excusing any valid criticism. It's laughable that the biggest perpetrator of this "liked" this very post :P


ly2 bby xxxxxx


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No, Lana doesn't owe us anything, but I'm also not obligated to like her or refrain from valid criticism of her just because I like her music. Frankly, it amazes me the amount of excuses some of you make for her at times. (As a side note, I think a lot of projection is going on there.)

I started writing a long diatribe quoting the interview extensively and dissecting the info in it as well as what I found objectionable, but honestly, there's so much to criticize here that it became one big TL;DR that I had trouble even organizing coherently. (And that wasn't even getting around to responding to some of the replies in this thread!) I might still post that, but for those of you who still don't get what some of us took exception to, here's the CliffsNotes version:

  • Superficial America-bashing that seems rooted in pettiness over harsher media criticism and less commercial success in the US (and a ridiculously false perception of it at that), not in any sort of intelligent critique of the US
  • Bringing up the subject of being criticized as anti-feminist, bitching about it, then expressing complacent views on feminism and denying obvious inspiration by female icons
  • Denying she cares about her appearance when she certainly does
  • Stating she has a degree in metaphysics even though Fordham does not offer a degree in metaphysics (and as Maru pointed out there is some doubt whether she even graduated at all)
  • Hurling accusations of media slander against her and her family about things she continues to lie about in the same breath
  • Falsely claiming that she doesn't have money and that her family never had any money
  • Bitching about a lack of control of her image and how the media portrays her in the same interview she admits to "fucking around with" journalists in her answers in previous interviews
  • Judgmental and pretentious statements that other people don't care about music/poetry/art as much as her and Barrie in the same interview she says music isn't her primary focus
  • A pervasive attitude of defensiveness and victim-playing throughout



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Do we have to destroy another thread? This is starting to go a teeny bit too far now.  :judgingu2:


it's quite cute when people decide to bitch at people but not directly of course. but anyway, i thought the interview was fantastic, my view on her has not changed and people can think whatever they want about how i view lana.


lol this sounded like i was bitching at people too...oh god 


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A really great sentiment. There have been some really articulate, interesting posts (made in defense of)/(attempting to understand) Lana (@, @@DUKE, among others) and I've enjoyed reading them all. My problem is with the people for whom this line doesn't seem to exist. they can't seem to tolerate any curiosity whatsoever because that's ~prying~, let alone any articulate, reasonable criticism. It's as though they cover their ears, close their eyes and say "I'M NOT LISTENING, I'M NOT LISTENING" and then attempt to thwart the thread with their self-righteousness (i can't believe what I'm reading, so called "fans", etc) and their insistance on viewing her through rose-coloured glasses and excusing any valid criticism. It's laughable that the biggest perpetrator of this "liked" this very post :P


I agree with you on this one, I just felt like the thread had taken a harsh turn and needed some love.


I  guess Lana is one of those celebrities that one can feel very attached to. She has had struggles. her lyrics are very personal, she's quirky and a little awkward and most of all she adores her fans. I can't blame anyone for growing fond and even protective of her persona to th point of ignoring her flaws. I don't think you'll find anyone defending Phil Spector (to use Monickers example) on a forum because he doesn't have that sweetheart-persona. 


I understand that feeling, I really do, but it shouldn't be an excuse for stalling a critical discussion of Lana though.

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  • Judgmental and pretentious statements that other people don't care about music/poetry/art as much as her and Barrie in the same interview she says music isn't her primary focus

This, out of everything she said, was what made me gasp the most. This is indeed a very judgmental and pretentious statement. Like I said in my post one page earlier, I'd love to see a video recording of this interview... 

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This, out of everything she said, was what made me gasp the most. This is indeed a very judgmental and pretentious statement. Like I said in my post one page earlier, I'd love to see a video recording of this interview... 


careful man, you might get complained about for sticking up for lana(: 


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ly2 bby xxxxxx


it's quite cute when people decide to bitch at people but not directly of course. but anyway, i thought the interview was fantastic, my view on her has not changed and people can think whatever they want about how i view lana.


lol this sounded like i was bitching at people too...oh god 




careful man, you might get complained about for sticking up for lana(: 


LOL, I specifically referred to @@DUKE in my previous post as someone who's posts I enjoyed reading. Lf5yBqV.png

you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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careful man, you might get complained about for sticking up for lana(: 


I'm not sticking up for Lana, I'm just stating my opinion on the interview. Frankly, I really don't have a problem with anyone criticising her for what she said, because what said was pretty  :biblio: at times, see the poetry remark. Just don't take it personally, okay? I think we all can handle this without getting upset and mad at each other. :)

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