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Chris Cuomo

Little things that you love about Lana

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How she sometimes treats the mic stand as a stripper pole or a guy she's trying to seduce. :hawt:


How she's able to be super sexy & show her dirtiest side without it ever turning into the usual cheap, 'sex sells' marketing ploy most pop stars end up going for sooner or later.


I like it when she smokes onstage because I'm predictable & clichéd like that.


Also, this:


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That cute smile :smile2: /laughter :omfg:  of hers and how she looks like a DOLL in real life, seriously, that face is pristine. 


Her taste in men usually, except that angsty tattooed boy from BTD. 



'that's a good question!' 


Her endearing awkwardness, especially at award shows and stuff, it's probably the most relateable Lana thing for me and she can make it so cute and normal. 


dat ass/her legs  :creepna:



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i love it when she slut drops too




makes me wonder how she would've performed a song like BCD live tbh 


:flutter: :flutter: :flutter:


OMG I KNOW! Or Push Me Down, or Catch and Release... I *love* her darker, dirtier songs sooo much!

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When she does this:




When she wears a shit load of extensions and 'does her hair up real big beauty queen style'


And when she licks her lips excessively


:flutter: :flutter: :flutter: :flutter:

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I like it when she waves lol, its the little smile she does and then you witness just how huge her hands are lmao


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The way her mouth and teeth sometimes look when she sings, I don't know how to explain it but some of you probably have noticed it by now, they're awkwardly cute.

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- her hand movements.. I first noticed them during her Ameoba performances. I remember reading that she does it to get out her nervous energy, I thought that was really relatable and of course I've grown to love them, esp the (vintage) Lizzy salute 




- DARK lip liner

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I love it when she tries to act serious and pull a moody face and then giggles because she finds it too awkward. And her giggle, it's so cute and flirty but then sometimes she does a full on, big cackle, I bet she's really funny to hang out with  :flutter:


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