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Chris Cuomo

Little things that you love about Lana

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I picked one instead of all of the above because that's an easy way out of answering the question...  :bye3:


Hahaha but no--it's all of the above, but I wanted to actually pick one.


I picked her large collection of songs, because that's why I loved her first. It was her music for me, that's what drew me in. Her personality, obsessions, meanings, and artistry all show with just her songs. So I think that's why I like her most.

I agree! once i started to discover all of her songs I then became more connected with her and that's when i realised how amazing ever other aspect of Lana is!


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Her lyrics & voice are the only things I really like about her. She's hot, but if she weren't, I'd still like her music. 


This is just my opinion/rant so don't get butt hurt it it please. "Her unique obsessions (Elvis, Marilyn etc...)" I wouldn't consider those to be unique, they're people most people pretend to love because they're viewed as icons, even though 99% of the time none of the people 'obsessed' with them know more than the basic info about them. The same way people are like 'omg I love Kurt Cobain' but don't know shit about him besides the fact that he was in Nirvana, killed himself & know their greatest hits or the way most girls between the ages of 18 & 34 'love' pin up girls, but don't know anything about them (they can name Bette Page & Jayne Mansfield, but that's about it) & their love doesn't run deeper than just think they're cute. 


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I love how she's made us all get interested in so many things that she likes. How she's been so specific with her style and interests that we've copied it and other Lana fans have picked it up that we got it from her. 

Like for fucks sake, she made me try out wearing caps. 




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this is kind of embarrassing, but i think lana’s music and how it’s helped me romanticise the smallest of tasks has gotten me through so many things. i’ll enjoy doing things so much more if i do it pretending i’m in a lana song etc, and i just love the cinematic world i’ve built around her music in my head that i can go to when i’m feeling down

tumblr_inline_nojcj6qe1j1s5i2my_400.gif gmgif.gif morrissey-flowers.gif

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the snuff necklace is definitely up there for me


but i really love her visuals, in particular her homemade videos 

theres just something so much more personal about them since lana was the one picking and choosing the clips as to how she felt they fit with the song or were reminders of her own memories or just something she was fascinated with 

and her lip syncing along, dancing, the outfits, the accessories?? are just precious 

like seeing her in a blonde wig, with heart shaped sunglasses, and drinking diet mtn dew is so on the nose and in a way cheesy but in the best of ways possible

and then you have homemade videos for carmen where we have specific audio clips that are also played over the track that really enhance the meaning of the song




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She taught me to sense the world around me a lot more intensely. Like how she just describes being at home with your love, doing nothing special, just playing video games as something really romantic and meaningful. Or as somebody already said, little things like Diet Mountain Dew etc. So just appreciating the little everyday things.

This summer I was at home working and it was late afternoon, the sun rays came through my window and felt really warm and one of my neighbors was working on his car and listening to a mix of classical music and jazz. That was such a Lana-moment to me. 


So yeah, sensing the everyday world around me and how atmospheric it can be is definitely something her lyrics taught me. 


Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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ill start:

Im not sure what i like most about lana but what makes her lyrics so alluring to me is the multiple ways one can interpret her songs to fit their life struggles. the aesthetic of her songs along with the lyrics and instruments makes me yearn for the type of life style she describes in many of her songs. also, her voice is so majestic i can listen to it forever and never get bored 

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hii thought I could make this topic to appreciate the nuances that lana holds, highlighting what makes her so great. i thought about this as a  discussion about Lana/ Lizzy herself rather than a general discography appreciation. 


that being said, i’ll go first:

I truly love how she is the heroine of art, savior of poetry where she does her work because its truly so integral and fundamental about her. she will disturb the comforted, and comfort the disturbed all while doing it so authentically. 

i love how she started her career as this beautiful, flashy, perfect pop-star but blossomed her core self throughout her work the more time went by.


“awkward but sweet”. when she said this in WFWF, it just resonated so hard to me and i like how you can see she composes herself now for the public yet remaining authentic and not “performative” like she were in a magazine interview 24/7. 


i like how literate she is too. and educated.


i hope her journey continues to grow positively. i love lana(boards)!

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