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LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships

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Daniel Johnston as an artist and the documentary are real dope stuff. 

I'm so glad that now everything seems to clear up - maybe it's not as glamorous as picturing her doing meth lost somewhere in her car in nevada, but it's also so alive and interesting to know where it all comes from. Kinda creepy too, now I know more about her life than mine tbh

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I haven't really read this thread so don't clock me if this has been discussed before, but


Is there a possibility Ray is K?

I only had this idea bc in Wayamaya she says 'We changed our names to Lana and Ray'

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Lana is so beautiful in this picture :ohmy: and i'm guessing it's just a friend maybe? What if this is K (the long hair kinda fits) :bye3:

Tbh that's what I thinking, The picture looks a bit pre-Sirens, and he looks really similar to the model from Born to Die, Blue Jeans. And the greasy enough to constantly play World of Warcraft


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I haven't really read this thread so don't clock me if this has been discussed before, but


Is there a possibility Ray is K?

I only had this idea bc in Wayamaya she says 'We changed our names to Lana and Ray'


I'm glad I'm not the only one to have thought this exact same thing. It sounds very Lanaesque tbh. It sounds a lot like honouring love even when it's lost


And we know from K that he had long possibly blue hair at some point, tattoos, kinda reminds us of Bradley Soileau, was living a hectic life. And if we believe the screenshots posted on the August Leaks thread, Video Games is def about him. I can imagine him being the One especially if she wanted him back. I am so excited Lanalysis is back to life


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waitwaitwait these leaks are legit? :shock: okay.



Lana is so beautiful in this picture :ohmy: and i'm guessing it's just a friend maybe? What if this is K (the long hair kinda fits) :bye3:


yes omg


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Okay so can someone analyze the similarities between Ray and the other assumed ex boyfriends? Then it would be a lot easier to find out who Ray/K/etc is.

There are 3 songs that mention a Ray. Kill Kill, Raise Me Up, and Joshy and I. Not much to go on.


K might not be real or a boyfriend.


Plus, they don't fit into the timelines. Which is odd.

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Okay, okay, I don't know if this has been said before and I have no idea how far back I have to go to look so I'm just gonna say it: do you think Lana is finally over Jim? HBTB sounds like an I'm-over-you type of song imo. What do you guys think? 


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10th August is the birthday of her ex-boyfriend Mike and she released High By the Beach the same day. Is it possible that this song but also Little Girls is about him?

"Lights, Camera, Accion, you know I can't make it on my own" VS "Lights, Camera, Accion, I'll do it on my own"


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10th August is the birthday of her ex-boyfriend Mike and she released High By the Beach the same day. Is it possible that this song but also Little Girls is about him?

"Lights, Camera, Accion, you know I can't make it on my own" VS "Lights, Camera, Accion, I'll do it on my own"

Sounds like something Lana would do tbh, write a big "fuck you" song to someone who probably screwed her over & tried to control her in every way, then releasing it on their birthday just to make them feel even worse. This is why I love Lana. She has the best "don't give a fuck" attitude and I really admire it, she's such an independent woman  :flutter:

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Sounds like something Lana would do tbh, write a big "fuck you" song to someone who probably screwed her over & tried to control her in every way, then releasing it on their birthday just to make them feel even worse. This is why I love Lana. She has the best "don't give a fuck" attitude and I really admire it, she's such an independent woman  :flutter:



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10th August is the birthday of her ex-boyfriend Mike and she released High By the Beach the same day. Is it possible that this song but also Little Girls is about him?

"Lights, Camera, Accion, you know I can't make it on my own" VS "Lights, Camera, Accion, I'll do it on my own"


She wrote LG before she met Mike.


We need to update the OP because it doesn't have anything about Steve Mertens and it gives Jimmy Gnecco way more weight than Arthur Lynn. It's also off in some places - the BTD VG BJ trilogy is about one guy, at least according to one interview that mentions it. I don't want to knock it because it's a fantastic post, it's just a bit out of date and it results in fans still thinking that Lana was secretly engaged to a drug dealing Jimmy Gnecco when more recent information sort of changes that.

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I've gradually come around to this position, but this theory is interesting:


I've been meaning to watch this. It's been on my queue for awhile. I'll be curious to see how well it fits.




It could fit with this general theory of mine about her "autobiographical" songwriting:


On a coincidental note I'm probably going to visit the Badlands again this summer.


what song did Paul Simm work on?


Potential Arthur Lynn stuff.


I was looking for an Arthur Lynn blog post and ended up looking through his posts. I noticed he referred to Van Halen as "kings" and the "band that changed my life and kicked me in the balls." He specifically tags them as "david lee roth, diamond, edward van halen." And that reminded me of Mermaid Motel:


'maybe we could go to Suede Tokyo

See Van Halen at their reunion show

Heavy Metal hour on TV

Diamond Dave and Ray Lee'


I mean, there's nothing saying none of her other long-haired boyfriends/paramours/whatever couldn't have liked Van Halen, but:

  • Arthur Lynn is confirmed as a boyfriend
  • we have songs referencing his origins (Greenwich)
  • we have songs referencing his favorite drink (Diet Mountain Dew)

It doesn't seem odd that this could be a reference to him.


Lana Del Rey lived in New York City from like 2006 to 2009-ish. Van Halen's reunion tour with David Lee Roth 2007-2008 had a stop in NYC November 13, 2007 and May 23, 2008. Neither of these dates would conflict with her known shows. I don't know when she wrote Mermaid Motel, but she performed it at Arlene's Grocery February 3, 2009, so it's possible for it to refer to the reunion show as a past event (as opposed to a future event).



The weird "I always wanted to name my daughter Lana and my son Ray" post (posted in 'flying' and tagged 'true love') from Lynn's blog is from January 12, 2009, so they may still have been dating at this point. Interesting - Lana first meets Mike Mizrahi January 18, 2009... either Lynn was suffering from Barrie-denial-syndrome or some stuff went down in those 6 days. His Diet MTN Dew page (now password protected) from October 24, 2008 says this:

We all know Stefani u suck Lana was not fond of Gaga, and I wonder if that means she could have been the ex-girlfriend he was talking about... although that means they probably wouldn't have been dating in 2009. It could have been some weird on-again-off-again stuff, maybe he was talking to a different ex-girlfriend as a friend while still dating Lana, but for simplicity's sake I'm assuming that was not the case. It does add a wrinkle to the timeline either way.



Ray Lee is currently a drummer for Korn but "served as the drummer of the Van Halen frontman’s solo band from 1997 to 2005, performing on 1998′s ‘DLR Band’ and 2003′s ‘Diamond Dave’ albums."

I'm still not sure about Suede Tokyo. There is a band by the name of Suede and they have indeed performed in Tokyo, but I don't know why Lana would refer to that. More educated people, help?


So I'm speculating Mermaid Motel is about Arthur Lynn. Which brings me to something else...


One site listed Lynn's interests as such (trying to find the site since, like an idiot, I just saved the interests). Pay attention to the bolded ones.

music, girls, guitars, americadiet mountain dew, van halen, ice cream, photography, jersey, angiescreams, indian summer, woods, food, freckles, the sun, the moon, seasons, amplifiers, family, friends, karma, october, yo mama, yo mama's apple pie, and those little people we call doggies



Note his blog is subtitled "thoughts from a jersey boy." His flickr lists his hometown as Jersey but "currently" (not sure when screenshot was taken) Greenwich, CT. I was already pretty sure that Motel 6 was about Lynn due to DMD references, but "to Jersey with love" makes more sense now.



This is the most recent screenshot I’m showing – we’re going in reverse chronological order, from ‘last login date.’

In this screenshot from her Lizzy Grant MySpace, url therichwhores, she lists Diamond Dave as an influence (along with Britney Spears and motorcycles, two other lasting influences). Notice she lists her location as New Jersey. Also notice that she describes her music as metal - not a musical genre I would put any Lana Del Rey song in, ever. I wonder if Arthur Lynn, who could conceivably be the one into "heavy metal hour," influenced her calling her music "metal."



She's still therichwhores here, but her location is now Alabama. Her genre is glam, blues, experimental. No metal – not yet, anyway. David Lee Roth is one of 3 influences, along with Britney Spears and motorcycles.




The earliest Rich Whores screenshot I’m showing. In this one, she lists David Lee Roth and Coney Island as influences... along with "your mom." Yeah, just like Mr. Lynn listed "yo mama." Britney and motorcycles remain, but the other influences have shifted. Arthur Lynn is explicitly listed as a member here. She's living in New York now. (aside: pretty things is an influence here. we'll see that again later)






Lana said this about one of her ex-boyfriends:


Lynn loves rock and roll, that's perfectly clear. But what distinguishes him from Gnecco or Carney or other musical liaisons? Well, the 4th 'like' listed by Lynn was America. It's a weak connection, but I don't think we've ever tied that comment to any other boyfriend. Lana didn't always talk or sing about America. Her May Jailer era stuff, for example, seems more focused on the details of personal relationships than concepts like America or archetypes like the gangster boyfriend. I don't know when Lana started playing with Lynn, but it'd be curious to see if that date coincides with an increasing number of references to Americana. If we assume Mermaid Motel is about Lynn, then we also have a connection to Coney Island, another interest of hers that you don't see mentioned in the early days.


To see how big the change from her May Jailer stuff to her Lizzy/Lana stuff was, let's look at more MySpace pages...


Folk, acoustic, experimental! Only one of these genre descriptors survived into the post-May Jailer MySpace descriptors. Her influences are Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Nirvana, Leonard Cohen, Radiohead... only Nirvana is repeated as an influence in the later MySpace page, although Daniel Johnston seems to be in the vein of singer-songwritery stuff.


A year later (according to last-login date) and "Cony Island" (sic) and "pretty things" have been added as influences. She's now experimental, blues, folk - the acoustic part is gone. Another mid-2000s screenshot shows "Bread and Oranges" appearing alongside Money Hunny, Fordham Road, and A Star for Nick. It now has its final name, Pawn Shop Blues, and For K Part 2 has shown up - the LDR album appears to be forming (Jump, Kill Kill, and Put Me In A Movie show up in the Lizzy screenshots above).


The last login date for this one is 5/17/2007, whereas the last login date for the earliest Rich Whores page is 12/12/2007. It appears to be a transitional state, not just with regards to her layout, but also her name and influences. The music is less acoustic. Coney Island starts showing up, as well as motorcycles and Van Halen. Metal inexplicably becomes a descriptor.

Would fit in pretty well with Arthur Lynn showing up… just sayin’.  :creep:


(one last thing... under band members, she lists "TAGS & TIM." Who are these people?)




From 2007-ish to maybe 2009-ish, Lana dated Arthur Lynn. Arthur Lynn may be the boyfriend who loved rock-n-roll and America. Before his introduction into her band (and we don't know when they met, so they could have met before Lynn was part of the Rich Whores), Americana references were rare in her music, she made singer-songwritery stuff about people's lives, and she basically had a very different persona. Lynn becomes part of the Rich Whores, she now likes Van Halen, specifically David Lee Roth and the album Diamond Dave, Coney Island (all mentioned in Mermaid Motel), her music is described very differently (metal, really?; and glam), she somehow picks up on his jokes (yo mama)... I think he was an influential boyfriend.


Oh, and to tie this back to other boyfriends...


According to the Galore interview by Chuck, Lana broke up with Steve Mertens when she was 22. So 2007?

Lana mentioned a seven-year relationship with a record producer in the 2014 Fader interview and I think Mertens is the only one who could potentially fit that.



Which would make the timeline of that relationship 2000-2007. Which means she would have been 15 when she started dating Mertens... If Mertens is the 7 year relationship (and I don't think any of the other ones could be that relationship), then that means she would have had 4 major ex-boyfriends.

Mertens 2000-2007.

Lynn 2007 to 2008 or 2009

Mizrahi 2009 to 2011

Barrie 2012 (?) to 2014


Thoughts? It's like early in the morning and I've spent a couple hours doing this, so I'd like fresh eyes.


This is the best post in this thread! So interesting to read. Arthur Lynn basically crafted Lana Del Rey 

and I think any relationship with "Jim" is just fictional. 

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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