Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted May 26, 2015 I know Lana hasn't said anything like this herself, but I really wouldn't be surprised if this album was full of her exploring that "hawaiian" sound she likes so much. I would look to the intro of the tour for a cue about maybe what this album would sound like. Perhaps thats what she means by a return to BTD/Paradise-- that it will be her exploring the beach/surf rock sound more. She once described Cola as a surf rock song (??). But yeah, I heard the intro of the tour and immediately thought "This must be what Honeymoon sounds like." And obviously the title lends itself gloriously to this kind of music. Yeah, I really really really hope the intro will be an indicator for the sound of the new record 1 Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
technicolor 243 Posted May 26, 2015 If she doesnt promote the music will speak only to her fans again. And she seems to be perfectly fine with that. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted May 26, 2015 Well, if you are all fine with the situation we had with Ultraviolence because it makes you feel indy or like you would listen to "more serious music", you can have your way. I'd prefer HQ performances on the radio and TV and some musicvideos with high quality (and I'm not talking about big budget, but about videos which aren't superlazy wannabe-deep videos like the Ultraviolence one) 10 Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AKA Lizzy Grant 2,238 Posted May 26, 2015 I don't know how long it will take some of the people on here to realize that lana doesn't give 2 shits about sales or success...She's made it pretty evident through the ultraviolence era that she doesn't want fame. It's not like she has to rely on her singing career to thrive anymore, including that she has a rich family. Also Lana even said that she doesn't make music for anyone else but herself and thats how it should be, you shouldn't make music cause you want to be rich&famous you should do it because you love it... "I'm very selfish. I make everything for me, kind of. I mean, every little thing, down to the guitar and the drums. It's just for me… -Rolling Stone Magazine I think that the whole "honeymoon is being pushed out quickly so lana can get out of 3 album contract w/ interscope" may be true to an extent, but I think its unlikely. Maybe though because she is friends with Azealia Banks and admires the fact that she went indie. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luminom 3,287 Posted May 26, 2015 Maybe she made a LDRAKALG 2.0 PLEASE 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
technicolor 243 Posted May 26, 2015 Well, if you are all fine with the situation we had with Ultraviolence because it makes you feel indy or like you would listen to "more serious music", you can have your way. I'd prefer HQ performances on the radio and TV and some musicvideos with high quality (and I'm not talking about big budget, but about videos which aren't superlazy wannabe-deep videos like the Ultraviolence one) Yea I'm so edgy and hardcore with my serious indy muzik. No. She has repeatedly said chart success doesn't mean anything to her. I'm just saying that if you expect her to suddenly go out of her way to promote and be a media darling you'll very likely be disappointed, it's just not likely. I'm not exactly happy with how Ultraviolence panned out but it had nothing to do with big budget videos, it was more disappointing that Intercope fucked everything up when she didn't churn out radio friendly music and she lost interest. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted May 26, 2015 Yea I'm so edgy and hardcore with my serious indy muzik. No. She has repeatedly said chart success doesn't mean anything to her. I'm just saying that if you expect her to suddenly go out of her way to promote and be a media darling you'll very likely be disappointed, it's just not likely. I'm not exactly happy with how Ultraviolence panned out but it had nothing to do with big budget videos, it was more disappointing that Intercope fucked everything up when she didn't churn out radio friendly music and she lost interest. I don't care on how she does in the charts and of course I don't expect ANYTHING from her after the let-down of UV, but I don't understand why some people here act as if they appreaciate her lazyness and as if this would show how she's a more serious artist. 1 Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ilovetati 15,301 Posted May 26, 2015 There needs to be a happy medium. I don't want her being like some of the pop stars we have today who are desperate for attention and sales, but I also don't want her to just drop an album and forget about it. You can focus on the music over sales and still make nice videos, give interviews, and perform on TV a couple of times. Her sold-out tour is also a nice step in the right direction. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theeternalstars 4,578 Posted May 26, 2015 pasted from the Unpopular Lana Opinions thread: A lot of people seem to believe that Lana is as famous/iconic as people like Sinatra and Bob Dylan and that she doesn't need to do promo because "she doesn't need hits and only writes for herself". I've seen lots of people say that they were happy Lana didn't do any TV appearances because she isn't a "commercial artist". Whilst it is important that Lana stays true to herself, good promo is so important in this day and age. I don't understand why some fans seemingly don't want her to gain wider recognition and greater success - which can only be done if you actually try to do promo. Sales, whether you like it or not, are important and Lana needs to do proper promo and proper music videos in order to maintain interest. Lots of people I know didn't even know she released Ultraviolence, and just remember her as that weird anti-feminist woman who sang like shit on SNL and had a remix. In order to stay relevant, she needs to promote her music. Promoting her music properly isn't "selling out" or being 'commercialised". I think UV promo was lazy and simply not good enough. Many say that she only needs her fans, but if you release an album without live TV performances, do interviews where you make quasi-suicidal and controversial comments and seem distant and passive-aggressive, fail to promote the critically acclaimed lead single and release a few average music videos - you begin to lose fans. Honeymoon is such an important album for Lana's career. If she fails to promote this album, she may begin to lose her relevance and appeal. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a11111 528 Posted May 26, 2015 I read somewhere that she gained A LOT more fan from the release of UV, which is similar to how indie music industry works - good music, more fans. You raised some interesting points. I think that is awkward to put next to each other terms like Indie and industry which should be antonyms. Indie is all about DIY culture when industry (in music) is about Beyonce, Katy Perry etc. When Lana wrote Sirens she was indie, a girl with a guitar, as she said in an interview: she was a lyricist and a bad composer. After signing with her first label she was helped by others to shape her sound and she became part of a small business. By signing with Interscope she become a medium sized business: a lot of people (producers, musicians, managers) work and depend on her success. In my view Lana today has nothing to do with the indie business model I read somewhere that she gained A LOT more fan from the release of UV, which is similar to how indie music industry works - good music, more fans. I love UV more than BTD. But we have to be real about the fact that she built up her fan base during the BTD era. Her presence then, albeit sometimes awkward, was relatable like her music and many people like it. UV undoubtedly gained her some new fans but UV main impact was with her critical reception which improved markedly comparatively with the BTD era. Regarding fans, in my view, UV had a negative impact because many casual (SS remix) and pop oriented fans lost interest in her because they couldn't stomach UV's rockish sound and abrasive lyrics. She gained some quality music "fans" but these are fickle and are treating her as a "guilty pleasure" and if HM will not deliver they will ditch her in a dime. But the popularity that we are talking about here is the 'viral' one - which Video Games/BTD helped. Hence more promotion needed to help maintain that fame - similar to what Beyonce and Taylor Swift did. Hence all those sorts of big-budget videos and singles during BTD. But the question here is: can one repeat that? or does Lana/Interscope even want that to happen again? That goes in line with what Interscope did because if they thought Lana can they would have forced more promotion for Paradise or UV - but guess what, they didn't. The level of 'famous-ness' Lana is now is still able to maintain her popularity / have fans for at least the next few years. She is still way more popular than many indie artists with equally good music. And Interscope still give her more promotion - prime example here: Endless Summer tour with bigger venue than the last tours. But to be honest, all I care about is her good music. And if she keeps making more good music, that's all I'm here for. And many people are probably have the same view to me. And if by losing fans means losing 12yo teenage girls who hate UV cos it's a snoozefest then no one needs that kind of fans. I don't think that it's all about fame. It's more about the capability of maintaining a medium sized business. 1. Does she needs to be of a certain size (commercially) to be viable as an artist? Well, she cannot go full indie because she needs producers and musicians to build her sound and she needs money to pay them. Or, we could have more videos like the UV video but compare it with the BTD, Ride, NA, SOC videos: I'm not here for that. So I think that she needs to maintain some commercial viability to make quality music and videos. 2. Does she needs promo to maintain some viability commercially? You said that good music sells and is true to a certain extent. But look at UV, it was arguably a better album than BTD and today is practically out of the market when BTD is still on the charts. Many are saying that UV rode on BTD fame and promotion and will sell about 1/5 of what BTD sold. If she stumbles further with HM commercially she will have to improve a lot in the critical department to compensate (which I doubt given the HM lyrics) because otherwise she'll lose support and maybe her contract. And believe me Lana's one artist that needs all the support she can get in this business where many are despising her despite UV: 3. Certainly, she can base herself on hardcore fans (like me), who are to infatuated with her voice and looks, to not lose interest even if HM flops commercially and critically but there will be few and far between stans standing 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mind Melt 10,118 Posted May 26, 2015 I have to ask: For months I've been seeing "Lana's rushing out her 3rd album so she can go out of contract" etc etc.., but where are the receipts that her contract is for 3 albums? And who's to say she wouldn't re-sign? Sure it's not like she needs the money or wants the fame, but she loves doing music. Interscope may not like the way she goes about things they still let her release what she wants anyway. I mean they hated Paradse & Ultraviolence, they still got released and were pretty successful. So why would she quit? She has what she wants. A company backing her music career and she gets to release what she makes, not label created crap. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theeternalstars 4,578 Posted May 26, 2015 I have to ask: For months I've been seeing "Lana's rushing out her 3rd album so she can go out of contract" etc etc.., but where are the receipts that her contract is for 3 albums? And who's to say she wouldn't re-sign? Sure it's not like she needs the money or wants the fame, but she loves doing music. Interscope may not like the way she goes about things they still let her release what she wants anyway. I mean they hated Paradse & Ultraviolence, they still got released and were pretty successful. So why would she quit? She has what she wants. A company backing her music career and she gets to release what she makes, not label created crap. Interscope won't put up with her antics indefinitely unfortunately. They won't back her career forever if she doesn't put effort into promo. Paradise and UV were nowhere as successful as Born To Die. If her label ditches her, that's very bad news. Lana has true talent for songwriting but does need a team of producers and some co-writers. Without the continued support of her label, she can't continue releasing good music. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sweetie 6,629 Posted May 26, 2015 Why do people keep implying that Ultraviolence would have been more of a commercial success had Lana done more promotion? Lana went viral due to her sweet 'teenage nostalgia' vibe, something UV completely lacks. No amount of whoring out on TV could have saved that album. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theeternalstars 4,578 Posted May 26, 2015 Why do people keep implying that Ultraviolence would have been more of a commercial success had Lana done more promotion? Lana went viral due to her sweet 'teenage nostalgia' vibe, something UV completely lacks. No amount of whoring out on TV could have saved that album. I've played West Coast and Shades of Cool to friends and family and many loved it. I don't think she needed a viral hit, she just needed to actually let people know that she had new music. I don't agree that doing a few television performances is "whoring out". 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ilovetati 15,301 Posted May 26, 2015 UV was a big opportunity to appeal to a more mature, music-knowledgeable fan base had she promoted more. She won the critics over with it, but didn't expose it to enough new people. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mind Melt 10,118 Posted May 26, 2015 Interscope won't put up with her antics indefinitely unfortunately. They won't back her career forever if she doesn't put effort into promo. Paradise and UV were nowhere as successful as Born To Die. If her label ditches her, that's very bad news. Lana has true talent for songwriting but does need a team of producers and some co-writers. Without the continued support of her label, she can't continue releasing good music. Well yeah, they weren't nearly as successful as BTD, but that doesn't mean they were commercial failures. They may not like her antics, but at least they lead to some success (and in UV's case, critical acclaim). And with Mark Ronson, I have no doubt this album will be huge, regardless of promo or not 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted May 26, 2015 Why do people keep implying that Ultraviolence would have been more of a commercial success had Lana done more promotion? Lana went viral due to her sweet 'teenage nostalgia' vibe, something UV completely lacks. No amount of whoring out on TV could have saved that album. How is performing in front of a few cameras "whoting out"? 5 Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ilovetati 15,301 Posted May 26, 2015 Well yeah, they weren't nearly as successful as BTD, but that doesn't mean they were commercial failures. They may not like her antics, but at least they lead to some success (and in UV's case, critical acclaim). And with Mark Ronson, I have no doubt this album will be huge, regardless of promo or not Agreed, but we don't know Ronson's role. He could have only produced a couple of songs, and there's the possibility that it may not be accessible to the GP...he produces a lot of indie rock as well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wynwood 19,968 Posted May 26, 2015 in my eyes lana can do no wrong so im not really worried about HM 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naachoboy 7,995 Posted May 26, 2015 Well, if you are all fine with the situation we had with Ultraviolence because it makes you feel indy or like you would listen to "more serious music", you can have your way. I'd prefer HQ performances on the radio and TV and some musicvideos with high quality (and I'm not talking about big budget, but about videos which aren't superlazy wannabe-deep videos like the Ultraviolence one) I know right, sick and tired of those kind of fans lol She's mainstream. It seems like they keep forgetting about that. And she seems to be perfectly fine with that. mm we will see about that. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites