Wild One 3,306 Posted January 20, 2015 Wow, I'm still in shocked that 7 months passed since UV release and we get another album (possibly) this august, time passes fast. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ilovetati 15,301 Posted January 20, 2015 Wow, I'm still in shocked that 7 months passed since UV release and we get another album (possibly) this august, time passes fast.It is amazing how quickly time passes! Part of me was afraid she might go the Rihanna route and just bang out a bunch of albums to fulfill contract requirements, but I honestly just think she's very inspired. She was always making music in her early 20s and only went two years between albums because she had to. And legendary artists in the late 60s commonly released albums each year...sometimes two per year. The Beatles, Mamas and the Papas, Bob Dylan, Dusty Springfield, Lou Reed. etc, etc. I'm sure many of the reviews will say she's rushing albums, though. Oh, well. The most important thing is that she's happy, inspired, and creating her art in the way that she wants. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
COLACNT 5,182 Posted January 20, 2015 I lived the day when someone pointed out to me that I'm mentally lazy in understanding Lana's deep, abstract lyrics! But I must admit that is much more easy for me to swallow the hard truth because it's coming from a true, enlightened Lana fan! You know, maybe I misinterpreted what she said about her process that she is a visual lyricist and there's no need for any deep abstract thinking regarding her lyrics. But I'm ready to learn. Maybe you'll explain to me the meaning of: “Yo we used to go break in To the hotel, glimmer and we’d swim Runnin' from the cops in our black bikini tops Screaming, "Get us while we're hot. Get us while we're hot.” “Swimming pool Glimmering darling White bikini off with my red nail polish Watch me in the swimming pool Bright blue ripples, you Sitting sipping on your black Cristal, yeah” “I'm in his favorite sun dress Watchin' me get undressed Take that body downtown I say you're the bestest Lean in for a big kiss Put his favorite perfume on Go play a video game” Or a more abstract one: “Elvis is my daddy, Marilyn’s my mother, Jesus is my bestest friend. We don’t need nobody, ‘cause we got each other, Or at least I pretend.” Maybe I took them at face value, but I’m eager to learn from your interpretation here's the thing with lana -- you can't expect there to always be meaning behind what she writes. not meaning that you can connect with personally, at least. everything she writes is personal and internal and so a lot of it might come off as useless or opaque at best. if you're a ~*~ true ~*~ fan though (whatever that means) you should be able to disregard the shitty recycled trope here and there or you can just connect it to a larger piece of the puzzle (the puzzle being her as an artist, as a character, as an actual human being). maybe the above lyrics don't say much in terms of broad all encompassing meta / psychosocial philosophy or whatever it is you're looking for, but they still communicate aspects of her true self (and her internal world), whether intentional or not. the lyrics you quoted still fall in line with the rest of her work and retain a certain consistency you'd expect from a true artist. you should appreciate that at the very least i.e "get us while we're hot" --> while she's still "young and beautiful" and "shine(s) from words but not from beauty" she's known to have an affinity for diamonds and the color blue and beaches and she writes about how she 'shines like lightning', etc. 'glimmering', 'bright blue ripples' all conjure up images of shiny, pretty, bluish things. she's obviously an extremely visual person so why not re-use some words that not only roll off the tongue but draw out images that she appreciates? its kind of tired at times but its still very lana also, "watching me" in the swimming pool and "watching me" get undressed says a lot about her personality and her histrionic tendencies. you can go off on some tangent here about the male gaze and the paradoxical superficiality of those lines (which juxtapose the depth that's present in her other songs, etc). whatever "elvis" and "marilyn" are obviously figures of classic americana. the line suggests that they've raised her and that they've also nurtured her aesthetic / artistic appreciations like surrogates while jesus (who may or may not actually exist) remains her 'bestest' friend (and maybe even her only one, during certain periods in her life). then she goes on to say "we don't need nobody, cause we got eachother" ... "or at least i pretend". that's kind of fucking sad. it's like she's perpetually lonesome and doesn't have anyone else but herself and her own imagination. which suggests (on a larger scale) that she loves to create (or at the very least, finds solace in) worlds of her own; worlds inside her head. recently we've started to wonder if any of the men or any of the experiences she's written about are even real, or if its all just pure fiction. and i didn't even connect those thoughts with that particular line until now. and it 100% justifies the james franco quote: lana lives in her art... because she isn't made for this earth. she is made to live in the world she creates. she is one who has been so disappointed by life, she had to create her own world. just let her live in it. do you see what i mean? despite seeming innocuous and possibly even superficial, everything is still connected back to her internal self, somehow. and new music will always give you another look into her mind and might even forge a newfound connection with something she's already written in the past. there's always consistency and there's always truth (internal, though not always external). that's all that matters when it comes to art; staying true to your intuitions. so toss your haughty expectations in the trash and just appreciate her for being her (and relentlessly so) the fact that we're even having this discussion and dissecting these ~meaningless~ lyrics actually attaches meaning to them, i think. so i hope you feel fulfilled lmao 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted January 20, 2015 I wonder if the lead single will premiere at the Governor's Ball a la WC at Coachella. Might be too far ahead, depending on the finalized release date. If so, I would get to see her perform it a couple of days later. Well, maybe it won't be a lead single, but .. one song from the record, which may not even get much single attention but will be one of her favs. The same way she performed Body Electric a lot before the Paradise release 1 Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iwasborntodie 306 Posted January 20, 2015 @@User14 needs to kill himself Disgusting Little Monster-esque talk right there. What a vile thing to say about someone. 14 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted January 20, 2015 lock the thread now 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eight 88 Posted January 20, 2015 Disgusting Little Monster-esque talk right there. What a vile thing to say about someone. You finally speak some sorta truth !!! 0 I'M NOT SORRY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LiamViljoen 908 Posted January 20, 2015 @@User14 Mediocre vocalist? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrgk60YRtxo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NGDfp-1alKA https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-ckKRXNmJho Mediocre lyricist? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WIvYpa2St8g https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BqjWFFrHMBQ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rJABBmAMXnY https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=esBJY00xQz0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hHS5C0RKa8A https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XC6g_wHjGss https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GyCIlIBj9A0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Py_-3di1yx0 Good riddance 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brooklynbaby91 1,386 Posted January 20, 2015 Everything I've heard about the album so far has me so excited about it. Mark Ronson, jazz, sounds more like BTD. As much as I loved West Coast and a few other tracks from Ultraviolence, I prefer her BTD sound much more. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenwich 1,054 Posted January 20, 2015 ohhh refresh my memory plz it was literally a year ago from like tomorrow, but this kid was PRACTICALLY claiming to be better than everyone here, and spent his life tracking people down and got his hands on the QN/FTE tracks, and it was just bizarre, lol 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longtimeman 9,195 Posted January 20, 2015 it was literally a year ago from like tomorrow, but this kid was PRACTICALLY claiming to be better than everyone here, and spent his life tracking people down and got his hands on the GN/FTE tracks, and it was just bizarre, lol If anyone's keen to relive the madness http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/4008-from-the-end-young-like-merock-me-stable-ep-tracklists-snippets-surface/ 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iwasborntodie 306 Posted January 20, 2015 If anyone's keen to relive the madness http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/4008-from-the-end-young-like-merock-me-stable-ep-tracklists-snippets-surface/ I always worry about the safety of the horse in that avi. Hope it's ok. 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longtimeman 9,195 Posted January 20, 2015 I always worry about the safety of the horse in that avi. Hope it's ok. She's cool. Hooves dug deep into the sand. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenwich 1,054 Posted January 20, 2015 If anyone's keen to relive the madness http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/4008-from-the-end-young-like-merock-me-stable-ep-tracklists-snippets-surface/ hahaha i just spent the past 20 minutes reading that. The part with the death threats and the Italian mafia. too much 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dsvelca 837 Posted January 21, 2015 Who was the guy that had a puritanical breakdown after Lana gave the interviews about sleeping with guys in the music industry/FMUTTT? I remember him. 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
longtimeman 9,195 Posted January 21, 2015 Who was the guy that had a puritanical breakdown after Lana gave the interviews about sleeping with guys in the music industry/FMUTTT? I remember him. Bloodredjam/formerlanafan. I wouldn't be surprised if he's friends with User14. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trinity 1,228 Posted January 21, 2015 here's the thing with lana -- you can't expect there to always be meaning behind what she writes. not meaning that you can connect with personally, at least. everything she writes is personal and internal and so a lot of it might come off as useless or opaque at best. if you're a ~*~ true ~*~ fan though (whatever that means) you should be able to disregard the shitty recycled trope here and there or you can just connect it to a larger piece of the puzzle (the puzzle being her as an artist, as a character, as an actual human being). maybe the above lyrics don't say much in terms of broad all encompassing meta / psychosocial philosophy or whatever it is you're looking for, but they still communicate aspects of her true self (and her internal world), whether intentional or not. the lyrics you quoted still fall in line with the rest of her work and retain a certain consistency you'd expect from a true artist. you should appreciate that at the very least WHAT KIND OF FLAWLESS POST 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spac3gypsy 72 Posted January 21, 2015 I can't believe so many people dislike ultraviolence! I love all of her stuff but this album is by far her best work in my opinion. I am supremely shocked she is abandoning the project. I wonder if the highly budgeted ultraviolence music video will ever leak. I'd be really interested in seeing that. You can get glimpses of what it would look like from her album preview video. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tammy 2,292 Posted January 21, 2015 i think she said she wanted to release it after the Endless Summer Tour (around August time), but this isn't definite. after all, UV was supposed to be released in May, then she met Auerbach and got it delayed to June So, Europe and Australia will get an 'Endless Winter Tour' then? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites