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The Horror Movie Thread

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i just watched these back to back in this order

https://letterboxd.com/childofthemoon/film/hellraiser/ - its okay 

https://letterboxd.com/childofthemoon/film/spiral-2019/ - i was so confused i didnt wanna finish the last 1/4 of the film

https://letterboxd.com/childofthemoon/film/scream-queen-my-nightmare-on-elm-street/ - YES PLEASE, more of these documentaries

https://letterboxd.com/childofthemoon/film/queer-for-fear-the-history-of-queer-horror/ - just like SQ! MNOES, i love these documentaries. makes me wanna watch all the films they talked about but i cant buy or rent them yet :crying5:

watched them cos they were on this list


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watched the killing of a sacred deer the other night and it was pretty great, v weird and spooky and feat. an absolutely chilling, incredible performance by berry keoghan.


finally saw x (mostly bc i'd heard such good things about pearl, which i'm now dying to see) and it was classic slasher done right– loved the quick back and forth parallel scene cuts.


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On 12/14/2022 at 9:54 AM, Lindsay Lohan said:

Scream 6 trailer was released


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Honestly it just looks like a worse copy of Scream 2 to me :toofunny:


I really wish they would have just waited a year or two before releasing it cause it's obvious it was rushed

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Are there any other horror movie lovers out there??? Let’s revive this thread:godlaugh:


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I recently got into the Wolf Creek series and I want to start the tv show but I CANNOT find season 2 to buy anywhere. I don't want to start season 1 without having season 2 so I'm stuck. Anyone know where I can buy Wolf Creek season 2?


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On 1/22/2023 at 1:06 PM, Inferno Euphoria said:

I really wish they would have just waited a year or two before releasing it cause it's obvious it was rushed

Oh yeah I watched it a week ago and the ladder scene and the intro were great but the rest was really bad (I'll put the rest of my toughts in the spoiler) but yeah it was laughable :toofloppy:


WHY ARE THE TWINS SURVIVING, I literally hate both of their characters and both always survive wtf. Also all the characters that die in this movie are so badly written that you expect them to die / want them to die so yeah... I don't recommend watching anything else than that ladder scene


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For me, the three ultimate horror movies, which I'm not saying 'are the best,' are 'Mulholland Drive' (2001),  'The Bay' (2012) and 'The Skin I Live In' (2011). The first two go too far for my taste, the first being psychological horror approaching perdition and the second being physical horror coming from nature. I wouldn't casually recommend any of the three to my friends or acquaintances. 


If you all haven't seen 'The Skin I Live In' but are interested in LGBTQ+ issues, it's a interesting but very painful film, very well made. At least I found it to be so. 


The idea of the 'horror film' has really changed from the 20th to the 21st century, which started with 'Rosemary's Baby,' 'Night of the Living Dead,' and 'The Exorcist.' The major difference was the good guys lose, there's a lot more excess, and the film leaves you depressed instead of exhilarated.  


I personally prefer horror films that come out of the Romantic/Gothic tradition, like 'I Walked with a Zombie' (1943), 'Curse of the Demon' (1958), 'Carnival of Souls' (1963), 'The Reptile' (1966), or those that, like 'The Bay',' are about physical horror coming arising nature, like 'The Creature From the Black Lagoon' (1954), Hitchcock's masterful 'The Birds' (1963) or 'Frogs' (1971).  

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Do any of you who are here in the United States have a Tubi account, which are free? All of the movies have commercial breaks, but they're not obnoxious. Picture quality is excellent. 


Tubi has a lot of garbage (But one man's garbage is....), but also a lot of great old hard-to-find British horror movies, like 'Asylum' from 1972 with Charlotte Rampling, Herbert Dom, and Peter Cushing, the original 'Tales from the Crypt,' also with Peter Cushing as well as Joan Collins,  the sci-fi horror 'Scream and Scream Again,' 1971, with Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, and Christopher Lee, 'The House That Dripped Blood' with Joanna Lumley, Ingrid Pitt, and Christopher Lee, 'Dr. Phibes Rises Again' from 1972, with Vincent Price and Robert Quarry, the 1971 version of 'Murders in the Rue Morgue,' with Jason Robards and Herbert Dom, the more obscure 'The Ghoul' from 1975, with Peter Cushing, the Hammer 'The Gorgon' from 1966, 'The Blood Beast Terror' from 1968, Mario Bava's stylish giallo of 1964, 'Blood & Black Lace,' and a host of other obscure Italian giallos from the 60s and early 1970s----and on and on and on. 


I love this era of gothic/horror/monster/science fiction film, though they're quite tame by today's standards, which is not say they're not clever, inventive, stylish, and great fun to watch. 


There's John Waters films from his classic raw era and Herschell Gordan Lewis gore films from the early 1960s, like '2,000 Maniacs' and 'The Gore Gore Girls.' There's also a lot of Mexican horror movies from the same era. The entire 'Dark Shadows' television series is there. 


Tubi is also available in Canada but the movies available are not the same, exactly, as those in the United States. 


Check it out. 

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On 6/5/2023 at 12:42 AM, cj1995 said:

I recently got into the Wolf Creek series and I want to start the tv show but I CANNOT find season 2 to buy anywhere. I don't want to start season 1 without having season 2 so I'm stuck. Anyone know where I can buy Wolf Creek season 2?

I loved the 1st season and it seems there‘s a 2nd one but I just could find this:




Quite possible it’s not available on DVD/BR or on streaming platforms which is super sad. People seem to love WC.

BTW: The 3rd WC movie will be in cinema on Jan 4, 2024. 🔪🔪🔪


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