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3 minutes ago, Dima said:

I gotta say, the last 30 seconds of Twice are EXCELLENT! What a perfect closing track

The PERFECT album closer. It reminds me of a song that would play during the end credits of a movie

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4 minutes ago, DeadSeaOfMercury said:

Has anyone received shipping notifications for the fan bundle?

x2 vinyl, cd & cassette?

i haven't received anything, i saw that one person who got the vinyl early got it from a record store rather than her store so idk. i just want my album :makeup: gonna bump it while working 


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Anything about the Deluxe gurlies?

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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3 minutes ago, godsmonster said:

@Fluorine sis won LB with the biggest, most viewed topic on the website

queen pls return

As much as a I love Charli, Pretty sure @Fluorine is gonna be beaten by @SoftwareUpgrade for they created The Walmart Thread, And it shall rise to be the biggest here yet, I’m scared…



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listening to number 1 angel forgot how much of a masterpiece it was


i'm a dreamer, step, step out the beemer
angel in the clouds, rain down, best believe it



resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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1 minute ago, evalionisameme said:

It is universally accepted that Yuck is Huck right, there’s no way it ain’t 


it's not universally accepted actually :lolliney:

in fact it's actually about a guy coming on too strong and that's the exact opposite of huck

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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So I have posted in here about how much I love the song she did with Lil Xan (Moonlight) but was Moonlight originally Charli's song she gave to him? Or vice versa?


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2 minutes ago, the ocean said:


it's not universally accepted actually :lolliney:

in fact it's actually about a guy coming on too strong and that's the exact opposite of huck

I mean she talked a lot about Japan circa 2014-15 when she was with him. 

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