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Now that the crash era is very much dead being that she has an entirely new look, how well do you think it performed it’s goal? 

Did Atlantic sabotage its release by not investing in further videos like was conceptualised? 

Do you think she’ll sign further releases with them?

Was the music living up its promise of being demonic and sexy?

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6 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

Did Atlantic sabotage its release by not investing in further videos like was conceptualised? 


I think the single/video choices were...a choice. Good Ones was honestly good for me, 8/10, and set the theme IMHO (see below re: Demonic/Sexy)  but then the rest didn't feel like it matched up to the energy. New Shapes was ok. Baby should have cooked a few more months in the womb if they were sure *that* needed to be a video. 


I won't dignify "Every Rule" or Flop4U other than this line.


Lightning and Yuck had SUCH potential. Sorry if I Hurt You as well.


Conclusion: Sabotage. Riggory. Other shit should have been pushed as singles/videos.


6 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

Do you think she’ll sign further releases with them?


Eh, she did tweet that "deal with the devil". The thing for me is that it's not just that she's a singer. She's also a powerful songwriter, as we've seen by all of the leaks and demos that have gone to other artists, as well as writing credits. That's a STRONG asset for any label, and if her contract is up and she's looking at renegotiating, any kind of a deal that includes better coin and spotlight on that front is a strong bargaining chip.

Conclusion: depends - do we want coin and kickbacks and a budget, at potential cost of artistry, or do we want music and creativity before dollars?


6 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

Was the music living up its promise of being demonic and sexy?


Good Ones? Yes. I wanted that whole black widow/vamp/dark vibe.


Everything else just kind of melted from there, for me. (Used to Know Me was cute though.) We got sexy in all of the videos, I'll say that, but it wasn't demonic and sexy.

Conclusion: It was....sexy-ish.


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remembering when i had a group gathered of 8 (eight) people (me included) trying to get 2 tickets for the how im feeling now nyc show for me n @ualreadyknowwwwwwwwwww and only one person got tickets but fully lost them in minutes due to not having a dice account or something?? actually insane and tragic

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1 hour ago, AtomicMess said:

I think the single/video choices were...a choice. Good Ones was honestly good for me, 8/10, and set the theme IMHO (see below re: Demonic/Sexy)  but then the rest didn't feel like it matched up to the energy. New Shapes was ok. Baby should have cooked a few more months in the womb if they were sure *that* needed to be a video.

I won't dignify "Every Rule" or Flop4U other than this line.

Lightning and Yuck had SUCH potential. Sorry if I Hurt You as well.

Conclusion: Sabotage. Riggory. Other shit should have been pushed as singles/videos.

here's how it should've gone imo

good ones (lead single - september 2021)
new shapes (promo single - november 2021)
baby (second single - january 2022 ; with a much better video)
every rule (promo single - march 2022)
used to know me (third single - april 2022)
hot in it
yuck (fourth single - august 2022)
constant repeat (fifth single - october 2022; promo-style release)

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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53 minutes ago, paris texas said:

here's how it should've gone imo

good ones (lead single - september 2021)
new shapes (promo single - november 2021)
baby (second single - january 2022 ; with a much better video)
every rule (promo single - march 2022)
used to know me (third single - april 2022)
hot in it
yuck (fourth single - august 2022)
constant repeat (fifth single - october 2022; promo-style release)

The way baby was given such a major lack of attention still angers me

Its an earworm, it’s so catchy and as seen on SNL - a clean version works just fine. it’s short and upbeat and would’ve done great on radio (even if they popped another artist on a remix or something) 

the video….. COME ON.. WHERE did the budget go. deserved so much better. bop of the century idgaf


Good Ones, Baby, & Yuck had huge potential to be big singles and it’s such a shame it was wasted 

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5 hours ago, AtomicMess said:

I think the single/video choices were...a choice.

Yup. Good Ones was the best lead single this album could've had. + that video... it was really giving that energy she was talking about.

I don't really know what order though, but imo Constant Repeat, Used to Know Me, Baby and Yuck should've been the only other singles from the era. Maybe Sorry If I Hurt You as a promo single (and included in the standard pls), New Shapes as promo too.

I like Every Rule but I still don't get how it was released as a promo single and, say, Constant Repeat didn't.

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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6 hours ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

Reminder that RuPaul made a carbon copy of Unlock It on his 2022 album MAMARU.. the song Fascination.. and then it kind of does the Visions rave breakdown :toofloppy:


we need something like a AG Cook remix of Fascination from Alphabeat tho :hottie:


(don’t know if non-europeans know this song)

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