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Lipsters Awards 2015 (1/23)

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Are all hoarders promising to leak stuff if they win? I'm in too. :oprah3:


So far, I'm the only one who made that kind of promise as far as I know. I guess all the other so-called hoarders don't really have anything to offer. :smokes:

Edit: Oh I see Headbitch joined too. Where are the others? :teehee:

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Rumor has it that the one and only Christina Lucci is performing at the Lipsters Awards 2015. That's why she said "please, buy Burnt Norton".


To be confirmed.



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Watching everyone be excited about their noms and you have 0


Given the number of negative categories, and the fact that most of the most nominated members' nominations come from negative categories, don't feel too bad about that.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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